Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 265 Prisoner

However, the ghost elves started making noises one after another, and then circled around Ye Chuan, as if they were saying something.

After Ye Chuan saw this, he could figure out what they meant without opening the waveguide.

That's right, I'm just hungry.

Although ghost elves will not be affected by not eating for decades, it does not mean that they do not need to eat. Whether it is the consumption after the battle or the hunger coming from the body, they need a certain amount of food.

Of course, although there is a seal left in the library, it does not mean that these ghost elves will not run out to find something to eat. After all, walking through a wall is standard for ghost elves.

"I knew you would be like this." Ye Chuan opened his backpack, and then took out a few soul incense, which can be regarded as Youyou's reserve food, but Youyou usually eats the special food prepared by An Shiyu, so it is not very Need these things.

After lighting these soul incense, the ghost elves in the library instantly began to riot, and then quickly began to divide the soul incense.

After feeding these guys, Ye Chuan held several plates of soul incense in his hand:

"Then, whoever can tell me what happened behind the library will be rewarded handsomely."

The ghost elves suddenly became excited and slowly rotated around Ye Chuan's body. Upon seeing this, Ye Chuan's eyes emitted a faint blue light and directly released the power of the waveguide.

When Liu Xuan and Jiang Xue on the side saw Ye Chuan standing among the ghost elves, they looked at each other. After all, not everyone has the courage to do this.

Compared to Liu Xuan, Jiang Xue knew Ye Chuan's identity, and also knew that his mother Bai Yuyou was the ghost king in this area. However, despite this, Jiang Xue herself still couldn't help but let her stand among so many ghost elves. It can't be done.

Soon, the waveguide power in Ye Chuan's eyes slowly disappeared. He stood up, and then said to Liu Xuan and the others beside him:

"Okay, we understand things clearly."

"Understood?" Liu Xuan was stunned for a moment. Those ghost elves have been yelling at each other. How did you understand them clearly?

Seemingly seeing the curious expressions of Liu Xuan and others, Ye Chuan smiled and said:

"Because I have a special way to communicate with ghost elves, not to mention Youyou can also talk. Being a little translator is not a problem."

Hearing this, Liu Xuan and the others nodded. Indeed, after all, Youyou can still talk. It seems to be a common thing for Ye Chuan to interact with ghost-type elves... a ghost.

But Ye Chuan was Ye Chuan after all, and Liu Xuan and Jiang Xue no longer wanted to complain. Then they saw Ye Chuan coming to the back of the library and back to the wall.

"There is nothing here." Liu Xuan said.

"No, actually there is." Ye Chuan squatted down, then stretched out his hand to push aside a bush in the corner, and found that there were burnt marks inside.

"This is?!" After seeing this trace, Liu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then reacted suddenly:

"Did this bush come up from behind?!"

"More or less, it's to hide the evidence, but you didn't look carefully after you saw something covering it up here. Moreover, the mark is similar to the color of the soil, so it's easy to miss it."

Ye Chuan said slowly, then stretched out his hand to uproot the small bush:

"This small bush is a masterpiece of grass-type moves - growth. You see, the roots are still very fresh, and there are no traces of growing for a long time." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, Liu Xuan and the others took a closer look, and it was indeed the case.

"Furthermore, in the report given to me by the president, it was said that the injured person's injuries were caused by fire-based skills. But given the current situation, the guy who attacked others may not only have an elf with fire-based moves."

"Ye Chuan, which one do you think is more likely?" At this time, Liu Xuan touched his chin and said:

"Can we identify the guy who attacked someone through the signs of the battle?"

"Maybe we can give it a try. We can rule out that the murderer's elf has dual attribute moves of fire and grass, because the elf with growth skills should not be able to learn fire skills." Ye Chuan said , pointed to the ground:

"This move looks more like traces of sparks."

"If this is the case, then the investigation will be much easier." After seeing this scene, Liu Xuan nodded. After all, there are not many people in the Elf Department. If we start the investigation from the Grass Elf, then the difficulty will be It would be much simpler.

"The rest is up to you. Investigate the elves with growth skills in our school's elf department, who are their trainers, and..." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, his tone sank slightly:

"Let's also investigate who has been in and out of the school recently to see if anyone from outside the school has come in to cause trouble."

"Okay!" Liu Xuan nodded immediately. After the investigation made progress, Liu Xuan was obviously very happy at this time. Then he took Jiang Xue to investigate the matter.

Moreover, there are not many elves with growth skills. If you check directly, you can quickly find the target. If you can't take a photo, you can start checking from people outside the school. After all, if you want to enter Yinshan Middle School, then the registration information is at the school gate. They are all well preserved.

"That's good."

After seeing Liu Xuan and Jiang Xue leaving, Ye Chuan stretched and then suddenly froze.

The next second, a flame suddenly flew towards him.

"Youyou." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, Youyou stood in front of him. With a finger, a shadow ball directly melted the flame.

After Ye Chuan activated the power of the waveguide, he discovered that there was a person hiding behind a big tree in the distance!

"Come out, you hide behind that tree, right?" Ye Chuan said slowly, but he didn't expect that the prisoner was actually nearby. This was something he didn't expect at all.

It seemed that Ye Chuan had just told him where he was hiding. A figure hiding behind a big tree was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to turn around and run away.

"Flying Mantis." Ye Chuan took out a Poké Ball, and the white light flashed. After the Flying Mantis appeared, it dragged the dark stream of light and chased after the figure.

Following the flash of several sword lights, three or four big trees were soon chopped off by the flying mantis.

"Those trees seem to have been raised by Yinshan for decades..." After seeing this, Ye Chuan moved his eyes slightly and said slowly:

"Well, it's to capture the criminal anyway. My flying mantis didn't do it on purpose."

Soon afterwards, the Flying Mantis captured the guy alive. After all, with the terrifying speed of the Flying Mantis, it was really impossible for the guy to escape.

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