Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 267 What a coincidence

Arriving at the largest shopping mall nearby, Ye Chuan took An Shiyu around and walked around. When it came to shopping, it seemed that girls all over the world were the same. Many times after going in and shopping for a long time, they became more and more dissatisfied. Finally, Still don’t buy it.

Although he said there was no need to worry about money, after Ye Chuan followed An Shiyu for a round, although the girl still looked at the clothes diligently, she didn't buy anything.

"Aye, are you cute?" An Shiyu changed into a set of cute clothes. She wore a brown plaid skirt under the woolen long sleeves. She got a beret from somewhere and put it on her head. It's rare for a mature person to do so. There is still a playful atmosphere under the clothes.

"Well, it suits you very well." Ye Chuan nodded, then reached out and pinched the girl's face:

"She's so cute, can you let me kiss you?"

An Shiyu immediately let out a cry, then she glanced around secretly, and finally stood on tiptoes and closed her eyes on her own initiative.

Seeing her rare initiative, Ye Chuan smiled slightly.

After visiting the clothing store on the first floor.

An Shiyu held Ye Chuan's arm and suddenly asked softly:

"Aye, are you bored shopping for clothes?"

Appeared, a common proposition on the Internet.

After hearing this question, Ye Chuan smiled and said, "Boring."

"Eh..." An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan and suddenly began to feel disappointed. Doesn't it turn out that Ye Chuan doesn't like shopping?

Seeing the girl's suddenly depressed mood, Ye Chuan continued with a smile:

"But if I go shopping with you, I think it would be quite interesting."

When An Shiyu heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately stretched out his pink fist and knocked on his shoulder:

"Aye idiot!"

Ye Chuan enjoyed the massage from his fists and continued walking forward with a smile. After all, there was nothing more interesting than teasing An Shiyu.

"Aye, look!" Suddenly, An Shiyu seemed to have discovered something. She stretched out her slender finger and pointed. Ye Chuan looked in the direction she pointed and found two familiar figures in the distance!

It was a couple of men and women, neither tall. The man had long hair and a feminine appearance, while the girl had mushroom hair and glasses. At first glance, she thought they were two best friends shopping, but because they knew each other, Ye Chuan knew that it was a group of men and women.

Gu Qi and Yaozao.

"It's them." After seeing that it was Gu Qi and Yao Zao, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu looked at each other. Obviously, they rarely see such a combination. You must know that Yao Zao has always been interested in Gu Qi. The attitudes are all disgusting.

How come we can go shopping together now?

"It's really magical." Ye Chuan couldn't help but touched his chin, then he took out his mobile phone and called Gu Qi directly.

Later, Gu Qi, who was still chatting with Yaozao in the distance, suddenly found her cell phone ringing in her pocket, and answered it directly:

"Hey, Ye Chuan, why did you call me?"

"What are you doing?" Ye Chuan heard the impatient tone in the other person's tone and asked with a smile.

"No...just shopping with friends." After Gu Qi finished speaking, she seemed to glance at Yaozao:

"I'm a little busy right now. I'll call you back later."

"Is this friend you are talking about a boy or girl?" Ye Chuan continued to ask with a smile.

"Wow, you are such a gossip. Of course you are a big beauty." After Gu Qi finished speaking, Yao Yao on the side had already pushed up his glasses and looked away.

"Is she a great beauty? Is she an idol named Yaoyao?" Ye Chuan continued:

"And when you take off your glasses, you will turn into an extremely cute girl?"

"Eh?!" Gu Qi obviously didn't react. How did Ye Chuan know? He was stunned for a moment. He didn't know if he was aware of it. Gu Qi turned around and found that Ye Chuan and An Shiyu were actually standing there. Not far behind him.

"Why are you here?" After seeing that it was these two people, Gu Qi scratched his head in embarrassment. However, there was medicine beside him. In fact, he felt that if he was discovered, he would still be in trouble. Something to be happy about.

"No, we just arrived." Ye Chuan walked over with An Shiyu. Then he glanced at the mushroom-headed girl and asked:

"Senior Yazao, why are you so free to go out to dinner with Gu Qi?"

After hearing what Ye Chuan said, Yaozao suddenly whispered, then pushed up his glasses:

"No, this guy did me a favor, so I just treated him to a meal."

"Really, in that case, I won't disturb you two, we also have to eat." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he walked into the restaurant nearby.

"That restaurant..."

After Ye Chuan entered, he found a place to sit down. This restaurant sells steaks, and the brand is also a chain store. The name is Kentero Roast Beef Restaurant. Of course, the ingredients used are ordinary beef cattle, and there are not many The shop can open a restaurant using Kentero's meat.

What's more, because the scallion duck elf was almost extinct, eating the elf has been banned for a long time. After Ye Chuan ordered a steak that cost less than 100 yuan and looked pretty good, he handed the menu to the girl beside him. :

"Shiyu, what do you want to eat?"

"Hmm... Just like Aye." After An Shiyu finished speaking, he ordered two more drinks and returned the menu to the waiter.

The food had not yet been served. Suddenly, a waiter came over and said to Ye Chuan:

"I'm sorry, guest, there are more customers in the store now, can you accept sharing a table?"

Sharing a table?

Ye Chuan was not surprised to encounter such a thing. After all, this was not a high-end restaurant, and there was no such service as a private room for each guest.

"How is it?" After all, if you refuse, the restaurant will not force you to share the order, so Ye Chuan asked the girl next to him. An Shiyu didn't mind this kind of thing, so he nodded gently and said:

"Well, let's share a table. It'll be fine."

An Shiyu was more considerate. After hearing this, the waiter said happily:

"Okay, we will prepare some extra snacks for you later, thank you."

The restaurant was pretty good at cooking, and soon, the person who wanted to share a table with Ye Chuan and the others showed up——

"Eh?" Ye Chuan was stunned.

Because it was still Gu Qi and Yao Zao who were standing in front of them.

"What's going on, you guys came to this restaurant to eat too?" Ye Chuan looked at him with a strange expression. Originally, he left after saying hello to make room for Gu Qi, but now it was better and he bumped into her directly.

At this time, Gu Qi was also coughing: "Ah, Ye Chuan, you guys are here too."

Gu Qi still saw Ye Chuan entering this restaurant, but because he and Yao had discussed it early, he still came in.

I didn't expect that the table sharing could be done together.

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