Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 264 The mysterious group of elves in the library

After accepting Sister Qianlan's commission, Ye Chuan ended the training in the virtual training room, then took out the elf ball, and a white light flashed - a girl with short, shoulder-length hair with big round eyes appeared.

"Ye Chuan, I'm hungry." Youyou muttered as soon as she appeared, and then she hung her whole body directly on Ye Chuan's body and said.

Hearing this, Ye Chuan smiled slightly: "Of course there will be a lot of delicious food for you when you go back, but now we have other things to do."

After Youyou heard what Ye Chuan said, she immediately tilted her head: "What are the other things...?"

"Someone has caused trouble in Yinshan recently, so we need to investigate." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, Youyou muttered again:

"Are you coming again? Did Yinshan offend someone? Why are so many people coming here to cause damage?"

"Although you are right to complain, these things are not for us to think about." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and kneaded Youyou's little face that was as easy to knead as dough, and said:

"Okay, let's go back and ask Shiyu to get you some delicious food, but before that, let's take a walk around the school."

After hearing that An Shiyu had prepared delicious food, Youyou seemed to have forgotten what had just happened, and raised her little hand:


Afterwards, Ye Chuan and Youyou began to investigate in the school. Because Sister Qianlan had already collected a lot of information about this matter, Ye Chuan and the others planned to go to the location of the attack to check the situation first.

One of the places is behind the library. This is a place where few people come. Not only that, it is also a relatively remote and desolate place. The reason is because there is an abandoned library here.

"I don't know what the guy who was attacked was doing here." Ye Chuan stood by the wall at the back of the library. After carefully comparing the relevant information, he fell into deep thought.

"Ye Chuan." At this time, a familiar voice slowly sounded from the side. Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, turned his head, and found that it was Liu Xuan and Jiang Xue.

"What are you two doing here?" Ye Chuan seemed a little surprised when he saw these two people and asked.

"We also came to investigate this matter together. It seems that the president has brought you here to be a strong man again." After Jiang Xue saw Ye Chuan here, she said with a smile:

"Ah, I always feel like our student union doesn't have enough manpower."

Ye Chuan also shrugged. At this time, Liu Xuan on the side asked:

"How's it going? Did you get anything?"

Ye Chuan shook his head.

"That's true. In fact, we have just been to this place and found no trace of the attackers or the traces left by the elves after the battle."

"You can't stay and watch."

"Yeah, but it's not impossible." Ye Chuan suddenly smiled mysteriously.


After Liu Xuan and Jiang Xue looked at each other, they saw Ye Chuan suddenly walking to the door of the deserted library. He looked at the seal on it and suddenly stretched out his hand to tear it off.

"Ye Chuan?" After seeing this, Liu Xuan and Jiang Xue were obviously stunned. Isn't this a seal put by the school? Why did Ye Chuan just tear it off?

"Speaking of which, why is this library abandoned?" At this time, Jiang Xue suddenly asked.

"I heard that it was blocked because it was far away from the teaching building and there were a lot of supernatural news." Liu Xuan thought for a while and then said.

"Supernatural?" Jiang Xue tilted her head slightly.

"Absolutely. It's normal for supernatural events to happen in this library." After Ye Chuan entered, he was hit by a burst of coldness. It was an eerie coldness that made people feel very weird.

"It's a bit cold..." After Jiang Xuegang finished speaking, he suddenly discovered that there was no dust in the library? !

It is obviously a library that has been abandoned for decades. Not only is there not much dust here, but the bookshelves are full of books, and they have not been moved out!

"Here..." Liu Xuan also realized something was wrong and watched curiously.

However, in his sight, he suddenly noticed a pair of eyes suddenly appearing in the dark corner of the bookshelf next to him!

"What?!" Seeing the eyes that suddenly appeared on the bookshelf, Liu Xuan immediately took a step back and turned pale.

Then, in his shocked gaze, more pairs of eyes opened in more dark corners, so densely packed that people felt chills running down their backs, and Jiang Xue, who saw this scene, even took out a The elf ball kept retreating.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..." A cold cry came from the air.

However, Ye Chuan's expression did not change much at this time. On the contrary, Youyou on the side suddenly had a well-behaved, sensible and cute expression, and stayed aside, as if he had seen some senior.

"Don't be afraid, they won't hurt you." Ye Chuan saw Liu Xuan and Jiang Xue trembling and comforted them.

Seeing Ye Chuan's expected expression, Liu Xuan and Jiang Xue's nervous mood suddenly eased a lot. However, they still did not dare to look into those eyes and asked instead:

"Ye Chuan, what is that?"

"Elf." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he clapped his hands:

"Everyone, come out..."

Suddenly, a thick purple mist appeared in the air. Finally, in this purple mist, countless pairs of bloody eyes appeared, making one's scalp numb just by looking at it.

However, these eyes became kinder after seeing Ye Chuan, as if they had met their friends.

"These are ghost elves, which were raised by my mother when she was in Yinshan Middle School." Ye Chuan explained to Liu Xuan and Jiang Xue on the side:

"Don't be afraid. Although they are ghost elves, they are good children and will not harm others."

"Ye Chuan, why did your mother raise so many ghost elves..." Liu Xuan swallowed, how many ghost elves were there in the poisonous mist?

And what kind of existence can raise so many ghost-type elves?

"I don't know why my mother raised so many ghost elves at that time..." Ye Chuan spread his hands, but she was just feeding them, not subduing these elves, so strictly speaking, these ghost elves were Just wild elves that live here.

"Could it be that you want to..." Jiang Xue looked at these frightened ghost elves and suddenly seemed to understand something.

"Well, since the attack happened at the back of the library, you can ask what happened to these elves." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the purple mist composed of those ghost elves began to float.

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