Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 263 Nuclear Explosion Flame Fist

If the fusion cannot be successful no matter what, then it will simply not be fused.

Ye Chuan thought this way, after all, this is a fusion between skills and attribute power. Is it much more difficult to fuse two attributes than before? So after seeing this scene, Ye Chuan had a new attention.

Since the explosion is so powerful...


Ye Chuan said: "Fire dinosaur, try to fuse two kinds of flames in your flame fist."

As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the fire dinosaur instantly understood his intention. The fire dinosaur released a flame fist of ordinary flames, and then directly added the fused purple flame into it.

The purple flame, which originally maintained a balance between the dragon and fire elements, joined the flames after a period of silence, instantly breaking the fusion between them, and the power of the flames began to boil.

Then the fire dinosaur struggled to control the terrifying power in its claws, and it punched the air directly.

There was a loud bang. The flames burst out, and finally produced a fire shock wave with extremely terrifying power——

"Boom boom boom!"

The air was burning, and the temperature in the entire room began to rise.

"This power..." Ye Chuan looked at this scene in disbelief. This flame fist was no longer a flame fist. The power of this explosion could be called a nuclear explosion fist.

"I don't know if this new move that combines attribute power with skill power has any side effects."

Ye Chuan walked to the side of the fire dinosaur and released the power of the waveguide to check its physical condition, but soon, Ye Chuan still didn't feel anything strange in the body of the fire dinosaur.

This flame may be due to the fire dinosaur's body, so it did not harm the fire dinosaur itself.

"I always feel like I've made some weird moves."

Ye Chuan recalled his own faint nuclear shadow ball, the flying mantis' slicing, and now coupled with the fire dinosaur's nuclear flame fist, he always felt that his elves were developing in various strange directions.

"Let's try the power of the skills again."

This time, Ye Chuan came to the nearby instrument, and then made a few settings to summon an elite water elf, Gyarados.

It's not that Ye Chuan doesn't want to summon stronger elves for training, but the top level in this device is the elite level. As for the master level, it depends on whether the school wants to create it in the future?

As long as you have money, these probably won't be big problems.

"Roar!" At this time, the water type Gyarados has been summoned. Although it is a virtual elf, its appearance and attributes are perfect. It is completely impossible to tell that this is an elf simulated by a machine. .

At this time, he was outside the training room.

Bai Qianlan walked into the virtual training room with a piece of information. Then, when the teacher at the front desk saw the girl with twin tails, she seemed to recognize her and said:

"Classmate Bai Qianlan, why are you here?"

After all, Bai Qianlan is not the kind of trainer who likes to fight, so although she has the qualifications to come to the virtual training room, she has never been here except for training.

"Is Ye Chuan here?" Bai Qianlan seemed to have come to look for Ye Chuan, and she guessed that he would probably be here. After hearing this, the teachers smiled bitterly:

"of course."

After seeing the strange expressions of the teachers, Bai Qianlan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly discovered that there was an extremely terrifying explosion sound coming from the training room: "Boom!"

Bai Qianlan was startled. She looked around in surprise, and then said:

"What's going on? Why did it start to explode inside?"

For those who didn’t know, they thought some gas tank had exploded inside, but at this time the teachers all shook their heads and shrugged:

"The main reason is that Ye Chuan didn't know what he was doing inside, and the whole training room was about to explode."

After hearing the distressed expressions of the teachers, Bai Qianlan twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, and then walked into the training room.

At this time, she pushed open the room where Ye Chuan was training, and suddenly saw the fire dinosaur directly releasing an extremely terrifying flame shock wave, which directly smashed a huge Gyarados.

What the hell is this...

After seeing the exaggerated explosion damage, Bai Qianlan looked at this scene somewhat coldly. At this time, Ye Chuan seemed to have noticed the figure of his cousin, and he smiled and said:

"Sister Qianlan, why are you here?"

"Can't I come over to see you?" Bai Qianlan said angrily after hearing this, and pointed to the document in her hand:

"Xiaochuan, do you have time?"

Hearing that Bai Qianlan seemed to have something to ask of him, Ye Chuan rubbed the fire dinosaur's head, then took out the elf ball and put it back:

"You should go back to the elf ball and rest first."


After the fire dinosaur was put back into the elf ball, Ye Chuan looked around, and then asked Bai Qianlan:

"Tell me, Sister Qianlan, what do you want from me?"

"Although you will soon participate in the provincial college league, I still need to trouble you about this matter because the student union cannot find the manpower to do it for the time being." Bai Qianlan said, pointing to her hand. document:

"Recently, there have been several incidents of elves viciously hurting people on campus, and each of them happened outside the surveillance camera. In other words, we still don't know who the guy who hurt people is."

"Wouldn't it be better to ask the victim?" Seeing Bai Qianlan's entangled look, Ye Chuan said directly. After all, in this kind of thing, wouldn't it be possible to identify the target by asking the victim based on his appearance?

"I thought so at the time, but there was no way. Every victim said that they did not see the guy's face clearly, let alone the face, even the male and female could not distinguish." Bai Qianlan shook her head:

"I'm afraid that guy last time made a mess again in Yinshan. By then, the PR team won't know how to save the situation."

"Really?" Ye Chuan thought for a moment: "Sister Qianlan, do you want me to patrol?"

"Or do you want me to catch the prisoner?"

"The latter, Liu Xuan, who was on patrol, has passed by, but it has no effect. The guy on the other side is very smart. You can't catch that guy during patrol."

"There are really a lot of people who like to cause trouble in Yinshan recently." Ye Chuan thought for a while and suddenly said with a smile.

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Bai Qianlan asked beside him.

"Beat him, beat him to death. I want to see if these guys treat Yinshan like a soft persimmon."

"What if it's from our school?"

"This school?" Ye Chuan's dark eyes moved:

"Is there anyone from our school?"

Seeing Ye Chuan's familiar sinister appearance, Bai Qianlan showed a helpless expression.

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