Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 254 Training

"Fire dinosaur, use the flame punch!" With one punch, the rocks in the yard were directly smashed. After seeing this, Ye Chuan looked at the fire dinosaur in front of him and said with a smile:

"How's your recovery going?"

The fire dinosaur nodded and shook his claws. If it faced the armored tyrannosaurus again, the opponent would probably not be able to withstand his punch.

During the competition, the fire dinosaur had just woken up and had not yet regained its strength. It only needed two punches when fighting the armored tyrannosaurus.

If Li Hao from Douyi Middle School knew about this, his face would probably change color. The armored tyrannosaurus that he was so proud of could not withstand a fire dinosaur that had not yet recovered its strength.

"Release the Dance of the Dragon." Ye Chuan said.

After the fire dinosaur heard what Ye Chuan said, light emerged from its body. The blue and purple rays of light gathered together, and the aura of the fire dinosaur began to rise.

During the whole process, the fire dinosaur remained extremely awake and was not affected by the violent aura associated with Dragon Dance. This was completely different from before. After seeing this, Ye Chuan showed a satisfied expression. expression.

It can be seen that the fire dinosaur has mastered the blood power in his body.

"Gah." The fire dinosaur looked at Ye Chuan, and the aura of Dragon Dance slowly dissipated.

"Aye, come over for breakfast."

An Shiyu's voice came from the living room, and after hearing it, Ye Chuan nodded: "Okay."

During breakfast time, Ye Chuan and the elves were enjoying the delicious food cooked by An Shiyu in the restaurant.

"Is it delicious?" An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan eating breakfast and asked with a smile:

"Today's food has been cooked in a special way."

"Yeah, it's delicious." Ye Chuan nodded, then glanced at her:

"Shiyu will definitely be an outstanding wife in the future."

After hearing what Ye Chuan said, An Shiyu's face turned pink and she stuck out her tongue cutely:

"Idiot, you say that again."

"Want to try it too?" Ye Chuan picked up a piece of fried egg, then handed it to the girl's mouth and said.

An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan's chopsticks, then opened her mouth to eat, chewing in small mouths. Maybe it was because Ye Chuan fed her, but she swallowed it with a happy expression, looking very cute.

After seeing this, Ye Chuan held his face with one hand and looked at the girl with a smile.

"What's wrong?" An Shiyu muttered when she saw Ye Chuan's gaze.

"No, I just thought that my Shiyu is cute."

"Idiot..." An Shiyu glanced at Ye Chuan with her beautiful eyes, and then a smile emerged from the corner of her mouth. It seemed that she was still in a good mood.

On the other side, maybe because the fire dinosaur had just woken up a few days ago, everyone was taking special care of it.


"Pica." Mumuqiu and Pipiqiu, two foodies, rarely shared some of their food with the fire dinosaur.

Especially Mumu Xiao, although his face was very reluctant, he still gave the fire dinosaur a lot of food.

When the fire dinosaur saw that everyone was doting on him so much, he accepted it directly. After all, this was everyone's kindness.

"Bu..." After Mumu Xiao divided his food, he looked at the fire dinosaur eagerly, his eyes as bright as grapes.

Seeing Mu Mu Xiao's appearance, the fire dinosaur had no choice but to return the food to it.

"Bu!" Mumuxiao shook his head quickly, showing that I couldn't accept it.


The fire dinosaur pushed again, and Mu Mu Xiao reluctantly took it back. The greedy look on his face made An Shiyu on the side couldn't help but bend down and poke Mu Mu Xiao's head with his finger.

"Are there any arrangements for Aye and others?" An Shiyu asked.

"There will be the provincial competition in a month, and Lao Jiang asked me to come over for training." Just after Ye Chuan finished speaking, An Shiyu continued to ask;

"Can I come along?"

"go together?"

"I'm just watching you train." An Shiyu smiled sweetly.

Seeing An Shiyu's appearance, Ye Chuan nodded: "That's no problem."

Two hours later——

At the foot of Phoenix Mountain.

Seeing that Ye Chuan actually brought An Shiyu over, Teacher Jiang folded his arms and asked:

"Why, you have to drag your family and bring your wife to the training?"

"Well, I agreed if Shiyu wanted to come over and have a look." Hearing Teacher Jiang's joke, An Shiyu shyly hid behind Ye Chuan, while Ye Chuan spread his hands and said.

"But your little wife can't train with you later. She can only watch and can't disturb you." Teacher Jiang said.

"Teacher, I won't participate. I can just watch Aye train from a distance." An Shiyu whispered.

"It's so clingy." After hearing this, Teacher Jiang couldn't help but complain, and then glanced at Ye Chuan:

"Such a sticky couple will get bored easily after the passion wears off."

"I probably won't get tired of it in the next seventy or eighty years."

Ye Chuan smiled.

"That's an excellent answer. Okay, I won't ask any more questions. After all, you were the first ones here." Teacher Jiang glanced at his watch and continued:

"But that guy Gu Qi said he's already at the station, and he'll probably be there soon."

"Why do you come to Phoenix Mountain to train?" Ye Chuan looked at the trees next to him and asked.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to come to nature once in a while and breathe some fresh air?”

"Is it."

With that said, Gu Qi and the others also arrived. Gu Qi and Yao had already walked over, and Gu Qi was smiling at this time. It looked like she was in a good mood.

"You actually came here with Senior Yazao, did you make an appointment?" Ye Chuan asked with a smile when he saw this rare scene.

"Hey, hey, I'm lucky, we met on the tram." Gu Qi scratched his head, Yao Zao beside him pushed up his thick glasses, as if he didn't intend to refute.

She looked around and suddenly said to Ye Chuan: "Ye Chuan, it's a rare trip to Phoenix Mountain. Can you accompany me to collect medicinal herbs for a while?"

"That's no problem. After training?"


Not long after, Gu Youling and Jiang Xue appeared together, and they seemed to have met by chance on the tram.

"Okay, let each little guy stand in a row." Teacher Jiang crossed his arms and walked around a few people:

"In one month, it will be the provincial league. By then, the opponents you will encounter will be on a higher level. At that time, if you rely on Ye Chuan alone to support you and you do not perform well, one mistake will be a big mistake. It would be easy to lose.”

After Teacher Jiang finished speaking, he pointed at Gu Qi:

"Especially you, Gu Qi."

Gu Qi pointed at herself: "Hey..."

But to be honest, he just came here to lie down and hug Ye Chuan's thigh. He was already very happy to win the municipal championship.

Although I don’t like training, but——

The medicine has been here for a long time, and now the days of training are already the happiest things for Gu Qi. As for things like online dating and track and field goddesses, he has completely forgotten them.

There is no medicine that is so cute.

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