Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 255 Tree Hole


Teacher Jiang said, and then took out stickers one after another:

"Take out all your pokeballs."

After hearing what he said, everyone was stunned, and then took out their own pokeballs. Ye Chuan had four, one for the Fire Dinosaur, the Youyou, the Flying Mantis, and the Blue Crow.

Gu Qi only brought one, while Gu Youling and Jiang Xue both had two.

It’s also a pill.

"Okay." Teacher Jiang said after putting stickers on the edges of Ye Chuan's and others' pokeballs:

"In this training, each person is only allowed to bring one elf with him. When you come back, the other elves need to keep their stickers intact."

"That's no problem..." Ye Chuan and the others nodded. In fact, Teacher Jiang's refusal to accept the elf balls was probably due to safety considerations. After all, there are still some relatively powerful elves in the Phoenix Mountains occasionally.

"Also, this is your signal device." After saying that, Teacher Jiang gave everyone another bracelet: "This is the same as the one in the last trial. Press it when you encounter something. Call button, I'll be there soon."

After putting on the bracelet, Ye Chuan looked at it and then checked his elf ball.

"This is your training mission today." Teacher Jiang took out two maps:

"In this Phoenix Mountain, there are two flags that I have arranged in advance. You need to divide into two teams to get them. The team that gets the flags and comes back the fastest will be considered the winner."

"And for our training mission this time, the school gave us a lot of funds." Teacher Jiang said:

"The team that comes back first can enjoy a top-notch barbecue feast when they go back in the evening."

"Barbecue feast." After hearing this, many foodies became energetic, while Ye Chuan smiled slightly.

Gu Qi asked: "How do we divide into teams and draw lots? There are only five of us."

"It's similar to drawing lots. Ye Chuan's strength is outstanding, so he can only match one teammate." After Teacher Jiang finished speaking, he took out four lots:

"Okay, let's get started."

Gu Qi and the others looked at each other, then stretched out their hands to get the lottery, and finally it was Jiang Xue and Ye Chuan.

"Yeah!" Gu Qi clenched her fists excitedly after seeing herself and Yao Zao teaming up.

"Idiot." Yaozao looked at Gu Qi speechlessly, and then cursed in a low voice.

"Then let's set off now. Be careful, there may be a lot of trouble on the way." Teacher Jiang said with a smile, his tone full of malice.

"I always feel like the teacher has arranged a lot of strange things on the road." Gu Qi suddenly had a bad feeling. After all, the training was funded by the school, so there was no telling what Teacher Jiang would do.

"I want to go with Aye..." After An Shiyu found out that the two teams were punished separately during the training, An Shiyu muttered in a low voice, seeming a little regretful. After all, she thought it was the kind of training with several people together. She can watch from the sidelines.

"If you want, you can come together, but elves are not allowed." Teacher Jiang said with a smile.

"Really?" An Shiyu's eyes lit up.

"You can ask Ye Chuan, as long as he agrees." After saying that, An Shiyu immediately looked at Ye Chuan with stars in his eyes:

"Aye, can I go find the flag with you?"

"Huh?" Ye Chuan glanced at Teacher Jiang, then nodded slightly:

"There's nothing wrong with that...but for safety reasons, it's actually better for you to stay next to the teacher."

"It's okay, as long as you stay with Aye, you'll be safe." An Shiyu's eyes curved into crescent moons.

"Then let's go." Ye Chuan smiled slightly, and An Shiyu immediately stood beside Ye Chuan with small steps.

After the two teams were ready, they both set off.

Gu Youling and Ye Chuan each got a map, which contained the route to the destination. Maybe it was because the route was very clear and easy to understand, and there were no winding roads, so Ye Chuan probably saw that he had no Wrong go.

"Could there be some elves ambushing you on the road?" Beside her, Jiang Xue looked at the map in Ye Chuan's hand and asked.

"I feel like the teacher will do it this way." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, there was a rustling sound next to him. He took a look and realized that the shape of the tree was a bit abnormal and a bit fat.

And it looks like a tropical plant.

"Is this a tree?" Ye Chuan observed it for a few seconds. At this time, An Shiyu was a little curious and planned to go over and have a look, but was stopped by Ye Chuan:

"Shiyu, there's something wrong with that tree, don't go there."

An Shiyu's footsteps paused, and she responded. Just when she was about to come back, the tree suddenly swayed, and then she turned around:


It looks like a fat dwarf coconut tree, with yellow faces with different expressions on the tree, like coconuts.

Grass Elf - Coconut Egg Tree.

"It turns out to be a coconut egg tree. I didn't notice it for a while." After seeing that it was a coconut egg tree, Ye Chuan opened the elf ball in his hand, a white light flashed, and the blue jay appeared:

"Use the peck!"

The blue jay flapped its wings and flew over, and then took a hard peck on the leaf of the coconut palm tree.

Flying skills have a restraining effect on grass elves, but the blue jay's combat power is not very high, so it does not cause a very high output to the coconut egg tree.

The coconut tree's eyes glowed with purple light, and it released its telekinesis skills, directly locking the blue jay, and then controlled the blue jay to throw it directly.

"Crow!" The blue crow hit a big tree nearby, then it climbed up again and fluffed its feathers.

"Ye Chuan, aren't you going to send out a fire dinosaur and a flying mantis?" Jiang Xue, who was beside him, summoned a hunting swallowtail butterfly and then asked.

"Other elves also need training, especially the blue jay." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, the blue jay continued to attack.

But Coconut Egg Tree is different from other grass-type elves. With its super-power-type telekinesis, it doesn't give the opponent any advantage in the face of flying-type elves like Blue Crow.

At this time, the hunting swallowtail butterfly also took action, and a hand of paralysis powder directly paralyzed the coconut egg tree, slowing down.

"Aye, is there something behind the coconut egg tree?" At this time, An Shiyu seemed to have discovered something. She stretched out her finger, and then Ye Chuan looked over and found that there seemed to be something behind the coconut egg tree. A tree hole.

The tree hole was dark, but something seemed to be shining slightly inside.

Ye Chuan's eyes were covered with the power of the waveguide, and then he went to detect the things in the tree hole, and found that under the influence of the waveguide, he could not identify what the luminous object in the tree hole was.

"Would you like to take a look?" Jiang Xue asked beside her.

"Well, but before that, let's defeat this coconut egg tree."

Ye Chuan smiled slightly and stretched out his hand:

"Blue Jay, use your wings to attack!"

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