Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 253 Daily Morning

The municipal high school league has come to an end, and the next battle will have to wait until next month.

Ye Chuan and the others also received rewards from the competition.

They were some bonuses and some skill discs. The amount of the bonus was not much, only less than 50,000, but Ye Chuan still accepted his share.

After Gu Qi got 10,000 of them, she suddenly smiled and started mumbling something Ye Chuan couldn't understand:

"648, 648, how many 648."

Soon, the rare weekend arrived, giving Ye Chuan a rare breath of relief.

When I wake up——

Ye Chuan felt the sunshine coming from his face, opened his eyes, looked at the sunlight coming through the window sill, stretched lazily, and then found that his body was pressed by something.

Taking a closer look, An Shiyu was lying in his arms, with her cute and pink face resting on his arm. Seeing this, Ye Chuan smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand to gently pinch the girl's face. :

"Little lazy pig."

"Hmm." An Shiyu slowly opened her jewel-like eyes. After seeing Ye Chuan, she continued to squeeze into his arms and muttered: "Aye, I'm sleepy..."

"You didn't let me sleep last night."

After hearing what she said, Ye Chuan could only smile. Indeed, the two of them did something last night.

So I go to bed later.

But unfortunately, I still lost several times.

Ye Chuan had no choice but to hold the girl's waist, and then pinched her belly with his fingers. An Shiyu's face suddenly turned red, and then he opened his eyes: "Aye, you are doing something bad."

"I remember your belly is very ticklish." Ye Chuan finished with a smile and continued to caress her belly with his fingers.

"Okay, I'm getting up!" An Shiyu sat up immediately, and then stuck out her tongue towards Ye Chuan: "Bad guy A Ye."

After saying that, she stretched out her hands to tie her waist-length black hair into a ponytail, and then climbed out of bed.

Because she promised Ye Chuan last time, she has been sitting on Ye Chuan's pillow these days and sleeping with him obediently. It's just that this guy Aye is particularly dishonest at night and always makes her feel weak.

"Hum hum……"

Humming a little tune, An Shiyu went to the bathroom to wash up, not forgetting to prepare toiletries for Ye Chuan. She filled the mouthwash cup with water, put toothpaste on the toothbrush, and put it on the other side, waiting for Ye Chuan to come in later. .

"What are your plans for today?" Ye Chuan appeared behind An Shiyu at some point and asked while holding her soft body.

"Aye, your hands." An Shiyu struggled for a moment, then angrily turned her head and stared at Ye Chuan:

"It's all bubbles, I won't do it anymore."

"Huh?" Ye Chuan pointed with a smile, and An Shiyu's pretty face instantly turned pink. She muttered, then pretended to be angry and ignored Ye Chuan:

"Hmph, I have to go back and change my underwear. They're all dirty."

"Okay." Ye Chuan shrugged, and then asked, "Can I go to your room for a while?"

"No." After An Shiyu washed up, she stuck out her tongue cutely and went directly over the balcony to her room.

But when she returned to the room, she didn't close the curtains, and quickly changed into a dress.

"You are changing so fast, are you afraid that I will see you?" Ye Chuan, who had washed up, looked at An Shiyu on the balcony and asked with a smile.

"You've seen it all anyway, idiot." An Shiyu muttered, then stepped on her slippers and went downstairs, returning to Ye Chuan's house from the first floor.

Afterwards, An Shiyu began to prepare breakfast for Ye Chuan and the elves. Perhaps because of the good weather today, the elves woke up early and were all active in the yard.

The most obvious thing is that after the fire dinosaur woke up, the other elves stayed beside it and seemed to be chatting happily. They have been like this for the past few days.

"The relationship is really good." After seeing this, Ye Chuan nodded with satisfaction.

"That's because everyone likes fire dinosaurs." An Shiyu said softly after putting on an apron.

"When did you buy this apron?" Ye Chuan asked curiously when he saw the pattern he had never seen before.

After An Shiyu heard what Ye Chuan said, he smiled and tugged on his apron:

"Isn't it cute? Ibrahimovic is a limited edition. I grabbed it."

"Are there limited editions of aprons these days?" Ye Chuan touched his chin, and then looked at the apron. As a tool used in the kitchen to prevent stains, there is no point in having these limited editions.

"Aye, you can't talk to girls like that." An Shiyu suddenly stretched out her finger and said like an old woman:

"At this time, you should say that you are cute, instead of focusing on why this apron of mine is a limited edition."

"Is that so?" Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"Although this apron is quite cute, it's always a little too good."


"If you only wear an apron, I think it's the cutest." Ye Chuan stretched out his thumb.

"I knew you would say that, idiot Ye!" An Shiyu seemed to have guessed that Ye Chuan would say that, and she shouted loudly.

"I'm just stating the facts." Ye Chuan looked pityful:

"Because that look is really cute."

After An Shiyu heard what Ye Chuan said, her pretty face turned red. She tugged on her apron and asked in a low voice:


"Yeah!" Ye Chuan gave a thumbs up.

"Then, if you behave well from now on..." An Shiyu said, her voice getting smaller and smaller:

"so I……"

"That's you?"

Ye Chuan's dark eyes were full of smiles.

"I won't tell you!" An Shiyu immediately drove Ye Chuan out of the kitchen with a blushing face:

"It's true, Aye bullied people again."

"All right."

"Uh-huh-huh-huh..." Ye Chuan sat in the living room for a while. At this time, a little head suddenly appeared on the wall next to him.

After seeing Youyou, Ye Chuan patted her little head: "Good morning, Youyou."

"Ye Chuan, Youyou is tired." Youyou floated softly in front of Ye Chuan, and then her whole body shrank into his arms, like a large purple ball.

"Why are you here?" Ye Chuan patted Youyou's head and asked with a smile:

"Is there something wrong with the comics?"

"Well, Youyou doesn't know how to write about the relationship between men and women." Youyou stuck out her tongue, with a look of despair on her face:

"Youyou has never been in love before, and she doesn't know how to write emotional scenes at all."

"Then you don't have to write it." Ye Chuan said.

"No, the male and female protagonists love each other, but..." Youyou couldn't help but recall the original work, which was a plot where green paint would be sprinkled on the audience at critical moments.

In order to prevent the work from being stigmatized, Youyou had to think of some original emotional dramas.

"If that's the case, you can refer to me and Shiyu." Ye Chuan smiled.

"You and Shiyu." Youyou's eyes lit up:


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