Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 252 Final Victory

What did everyone see?

A fire dinosaur actually punched an armored tyrannosaurus away? !

The audience was completely silent, and their eyes were about to pop out. How could this fire dinosaur be more terrifying than the flying mantis?

Isn't the armored tyrannosaurus an existence that completely crushes the fire dinosaurs in terms of tonnage and attributes?

"Gah!" The fire dinosaur held its claws and roared.

"Bububu!" Under the stage, Mumuxiao was vigorously refueling the fire dinosaur.

I guess? !

At this time, there were only these two words in everyone's mind, even the trainer of the armored tyrannosaurus, because the impact of this scene was so strong, it felt like a lizard knocking down a rhinoceros. Same.

"Tell me, you have no chance of winning if you let me play." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"This guy, the armored tyrannosaurus!" Li Hao suddenly said loudly:

"Use Rock Blast on the Fire Dinosaur!"

Giant rocks one after another were condensed by the armored tyrannosaurus, and then exploded towards the fire dinosaur. After seeing this, a blue light appeared in Ye Chuan's eyes——

The fire dinosaur's eyes were covered with a waveguide, and its two claws were extended, emitting a dazzling purple light, and then rushed away.

Dragon Claw!

Several smashing sounds were heard, and the rock was instantly shattered by the fire dinosaur, and it came to the front of the armored tyrannosaurus again.

"Stop it!"

Beside him, two flying elves rushed towards the fire dinosaur, each releasing their own skills!

Wing attack!

Steel wings!

"Roar!" The muscles on the fire dinosaur's body swelled, and the two flying elves were blown away in an instant. It had already arrived in front of the armored tyrannosaurus, and punched out again:


Purple flames exploded, and the power of fire and dragon elements intertwined. A huge burst of energy instantly caused the armored tyrannosaurus to fly backwards again, and rubbed against the ground all the way to the protective fence behind it.

"Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus?!"

The armored tyrannosaurus had fallen to the ground at this time and could no longer get up. A rock-type elf was actually killed by a fire-type fire dinosaur in two moves. No one could accept it.

"How's it going, Fire Dinosaur, have you recovered a little?" Ye Chuan said with a smile at this time:

"These opponents are here to warm you up."

The fire dinosaur smiled, with endless fighting intent in his eyes.

But unlike the frantic consciousness before, the fire dinosaur was in an extremely clear state at this time, and could even clearly feel the flow of power in his body.

This is the result of not waking up for so many days. It has mastered most of the blood power in its body and can truly use the power hidden in its body to fight!

"Warm up..." The remaining two people on the opposite side were dumbfounded. After all, the tactic of the team competition was for the armored tyrannosaurus to quake continuously, and their elves, who were not affected by ground-based skills, supplemented the damage in the air.

As a result, Ye Chuan's instant kill directly broke the opponent's tactical system.

"do not give up!"

At this time, the team members of Douyi Middle School shouted, they have come to this point, how can they give up so easily.

"Come on, you two big brothers playing with birds!" There were also people in the audience cheering them on.

"come on!!!"

The two people instantly became excited. They looked at each other and clenched their fists:

"Yes, although Li Hao lost, it does not mean that we have no chance. There is only a glimmer of hope, so we must try our best to fight for it."

"Ye Chuan, we are going to defeat you!" The two men pointed at Ye Chuan, their eyes full of fighting spirit.

"This is our soul as trainers!"


Before they could finish speaking, the fire dinosaur slapped the two birds directly off the stage.

The air fell into silence again.

"Dawangyan and Bibiniao lost their ability to fight, and Yinshan Middle School won." At this time, the referee raised the flag and said.

"Wait, wait a minute." The two people stretched out their hands and said, "We haven't finished brewing yet."

Is this not going according to the script?

"No need to brew, because I..." Ye Chuan pointed at himself and smiled:

"He is the protagonist."

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!" cheers came from the audience, because Ye Chuan's strength was so strong that even some passers-by started cheering for Ye Chuan.

Who wouldn’t like a capable and potential trainer?

"Well done." After seeing Ye Chuan's victory, Teacher Jiang smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and then said:

"Now, we have tickets to the provincial competition."

"Fortunately, you were in time, or maybe the other side fell into your trap."

Gu Qi also said from the side. In fact, he was frightened to death when he heard that Ye Chuan could not participate in the competition. Fortunately, even the people from Douyi Middle School agreed in the end.

"Good luck." After Ye Chuan finished speaking with a smile, he then looked at the fire dinosaur next to him:

"Actually, the fire dinosaur woke up relatively early, which gave me time to rush over."

"Gah." The fire dinosaur stretched out its claws.

"What is your fire dinosaur's strength now?" Teacher Jiang asked.

"It's not clear yet, but it has broken through the power of the bloodline, and it is estimated that its current combat effectiveness can reach the master level." Just as Ye Chuan finished speaking, Gu Qi and others suddenly took a breath of light.

It turns out that Ye Chuan's strength has reached the master level. Is it any wonder that those guys are no match for him?

It's like there is an extra tiger in the sheep flock, how can it be an opponent? At this moment, those sheep are all allowed to be slaughtered by the tiger.

"Very good, then we have to achieve this level in the provincial competition." Teacher Jiang finished, then looked at Gu Qi and the others:

"You also need to get some special training, otherwise you won't be able to stand alone when Ye Chuan is away."

Hearing this, Gu Youling and the others nodded. Gu Qi showed a helpless expression after hearing this, but he was also a salty fish, the kind of salty fish who was willing to turn over if someone slapped him.

"Okay, enjoy your victory." Teacher Jiang patted Ye Chuan and the others on their shoulders.

At this time, the host’s voice also sounded:

"Unexpectedly, after the much-anticipated Douyi Middle School used the earthquake-killing armored tyrannosaurus, it was still no match for Yinshan Middle School. This team, led by Ye Chuan, used the Demon King's talents. Invincible."

"Let us congratulate Yinshan Middle School for being able to represent our city and achieve an excellent result after entering the provincial competition!"

Everyone in the audience began to applaud.

The local TV station even showed up, seemingly planning to interview Ye Chuan.

"Do you want to be interviewed?" Gu Qi asked from the side.

"I'm not going, Gu Qi, please help me accept the award." Ye Chuan felt that he was not suitable for interviews and other tasks, so he threw it directly to Gu Qi:

"Come on, I'll leave it to you."


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