Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 246 Youyou sleeps with you

"Thank you for coming over and chatting with me so much." Jiang Xue looked at the cute girl next to her and couldn't help but smile.

"It's okay, it's okay. After all, if you are not in good condition, I think Aye will also be worried about you."

An Shiyu smiled sweetly and continued:

"Let me tell you, Aye is not honest. Don't look at him as a sinister person. In fact, he likes to care about his friends."

Hearing the girl talking about the person she liked, Jiang Xue smiled and said softly:

"Shiyu, you really like Ye Chuan."

An Shiyu's pretty face suddenly became powdery, and then she scratched her head in embarrassment:

" there any?"

"Don't like it?" Jiang Xue asked with a smile.

"H-I like it, my favorite!" As soon as An Shiyu finished speaking, she immediately reacted and lowered her head shyly, as if water vapor was rising from her head. After seeing this, Jiang Xue couldn't help laughing.

She leaned back, lying on the soft bed, and continued to laugh:

" are so cute."

"Hey, Jiang Xue, why are you laughing?"

"I praised you for being cute. Come on, lie down together." Following the girl's cute exclamation, Jiang Xue pulled An Shiyu to lie on the bed. Then she looked at the girl and said with a smile:

"Thank you for chatting with me so much. Now let's talk about you too, what happened between you and Ye Chuan."

"Is it mine?"

"The story is naturally told in turns. After I finish telling it, it will be your turn." Jiang Xue smiled, and then whispered:

"Girls need some secrets that can be exchanged."

"Okay." After An Shiyu heard this, although she was shy, she still talked about Ye Chuan. Maybe it was because An Shiyu couldn't do anything without Ye Chuan all day long. When she mentioned A Ye, she was like He has become a different person, and his originally shy temperament has gradually revealed his true nature:

"Let me tell you, Ah Ye, back then..."

This conversation lasted for a full three hours. If it were anyone else, they would have been tired of it, whether it was the speaker or the listener. But neither An Shiyu nor Jiang Xue did, and Jiang Xue couldn't help but smile from time to time.

And then tonight—

"Hey, aren't you coming back to sleep tonight?" Hearing the voice on the phone, Ye Chuan's mouth twitched slightly:

"No way."

"Aye is lonely?" An Shiyu's playful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, tomorrow is the finals. Without Shiyu holding me softly, my combat effectiveness may be reduced by 50% tomorrow." Ye Chuan pretended to sigh. People who didn't know better thought this was true. .

After Ye Chuan finished speaking, An Shiyu on the other end of the phone suddenly became nervous: "Then, then I will come back and hug you now."

"Idiot." Ye Chuan couldn't help laughing at the girl's silly appearance:

"Okay, in that case, you can sleep with Jiang Xue tonight."

"Okay..." After An Shiyu finished speaking, he added in a low voice:

"It's okay to go home and hold you for a few nights."

Listening to the girl's whisper, Ye Chuan also whispered, with countless tenderness in his tone:


Because there was no An Shiyu to hold him, Ye Chuan found that the fire dinosaur he usually hugged was still sleeping.

You mean hugging a flying mantis?

Ye Chuan was also afraid that the flying mantis would cut him in the middle of the night.

As for the blue jay, this guy has ADHD, so he probably won’t have to sleep with him tonight. As for Youyou—

"Youyou sleeps with you!" Youyou smiled and got into Ye Chuan's bed. Within a few seconds, Ye Chuan pinched her neck and threw her out of the bed like garbage:

"It's so cold, go sleep on the wall."

"Hey Ye Chuan is a scumbag." Youyou cried and got under the bed as if he was possessed by a drama queen.

The next day.

Ye Chuan woke up from the bed, only to find that a Poké Ball on the bedside table started to glow and heat up. When he saw this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he realized:

"This is the Fire Dinosaur's Poké Ball!"

With a flash of white light, Ye Chuan directly summoned the fire dinosaur. In the room, he saw flames swirling around the fire dinosaur's body, and a violent aura was released from its whole body.

"Wow, it's on fire, it's on fire!"

Youyou touched the flame curiously, and it suddenly turned into a fireball rolling around on the ground: "嘤嘤嘤嘤."

"Idiot." Ye Chuan said helplessly after seeing Youyou doing something stupid again, and then suddenly noticed that the power of the wave guide on the fire dinosaur began to become stronger.

"Aye, it's time for breakfast." At this time, An Shiyu came in and asked Ye Chuan to have breakfast on the first floor of the hotel, but as soon as she opened the door, she felt the hot breath coming towards her.

"Bu!" Mumu Xiao couldn't stand the heat wave. When he saw his little master coming back, he immediately flew to her head and nestled in it.

"The fire dinosaur seems to be waking up." Ye Chuan said.

"That's great, really?" An Shiyu looked at the fire dinosaur happily, and saw the latter bathing in flames.

"Well, fortunately there are no flammable objects around here." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, An Shiyu suddenly asked:

"Then I'll bring breakfast to Aye, and we'll eat it together in the room."


After An Shiyu went downstairs and brought the prepared breakfast, the two of them started eating breakfast.

At this time, the fire dinosaur was still wrapped in flames, but fortunately the temperature did not continue to rise, otherwise the fire device above would have been triggered.

But as time passed, Ye Chuan discovered that the flames on the fire dinosaur became more and more intense.

And continue to burn for a while?

But the time has come to half past nine, and it is finally the day of the finals. If the fire dinosaur is like this, Ye Chuan, as a trainer, cannot leave here at all.

At this time, Teacher Jiang and the others came up. After seeing the appearance of the fire dinosaur, even Teacher Jiang was shocked:

"What's this?!"

"The fire dinosaur has been sleeping for a while to digest the power of blood in the body, and it seems to be waking up soon." After Ye Chuan finished explaining, he continued:

"You guys go to the competition first. When the fire dinosaur wakes up later, I will be there in time."

"Hmm... that's okay, but there's some bad news."

Teacher Jiang said.


"That Douyi Middle School has something hidden. The substitute in their team is actually a third grader." Teacher Jiang said.

"Third graders?" Ye Chuan was slightly stunned, and then asked: "Didn't you say that third graders don't participate?"

"Well, that is a repeater. Although he is a third-year student, he is still eligible to participate as a second-year student." After Teacher Jiang finished speaking, he patted Ye Chuan on the shoulder:

"By then, Douyi Middle School will definitely use that guy to catch us off guard."

"You've cleaned everything up. How could I be caught off guard?" Ye Chuan was speechless.

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