Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 245 Jiang Xue’s Secret

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Xue looked at the cute girl next to her and said with a smile:

"It seems that he still cares about you. It's great to have such a fiancé."

After An Shiyu heard what Jiang Xue said, her face turned red, then she knitted her fingers together and stared at her calf with her jewel-like eyes:

"That's because... Aye and I are rarely separated. We basically stay together all the time."

This sentence is indeed true. The two have been inseparable since childhood, and because the balcony is very close, except for the occasional visit by An Shiyu to his hometown and classes, the two of them have never been farther than two hundred meters apart.

"That's great." After Jiang Xue finished speaking, she stretched.

"Jiang Xue, the one before you..." An Shiyu asked in a low voice:

"What happened in that battle this afternoon?"

After the battle with Luo Wusheng, Jiang Xue's mood was extremely abnormal for a period of time, which caused her to be unable to advance to the next team competition.

"I've made everyone worried, but actually I'm fine..." Jiang Xue said with a flash of fluctuation in her eyes, and her original smiling expression gradually disappeared.

"Then, if you tell me, I can help you share the burden." An Shiyu said, but seeing Jiang Xue's appearance, she added:

"But if you don't want to say it, don't force it, because everyone has their own little secret."

"If you want to hear it..." Jiang Xue suddenly whispered.

An Shiyu suddenly showed a sweet smile, sat down next to Jiang Xue obediently and said, "Just tell me."

"I don't know why, but I feel like I don't want to keep any secrets when I see your innocent and harmless look." Jiang Xue looked at An Shiyu's cute little face and couldn't help but stretched out her hand to squeeze it. .

The hand is soft, no wonder Ye Chuan likes to pinch An Shiyu's face so much, it turns out to be such fun.

An Shiyu whined: "Jiang Xue..."

"Sorry, it's a bit addictive." After Jiang Xue let go, she said softly:

"This matter may take a long time to come."



"When I was twelve years old, when my parents and I went to play in a forest in the north, I accidentally got separated from my parents because of my greed for fun."

"At that time, I was really scared, and because it was snowing heavily, I was still thinking, would I die like this?"


Jiang Xue's voice paused: "When I gradually lost consciousness in the snow, my mother's Roentgen cat found me."

"Then, it used its own body to shield me from the blizzard when I was unconscious. Its fur was very warm..."

"Could it be?" An Shiyu suddenly thought of a terrible thing and looked at Jiang Xue blankly.

"Well, when I woke up, the Roentgen cat was gone." Jiang Xue whispered. Although her tone was calm, she could still hear the trembling sound in it:

"If I hadn't been playful, this wouldn't have happened."

An Shiyu stroked Jiang Xue's back with her little hand and comforted her gently: "It's okay, it's okay."

"But why did you see that Luo Wusheng..."

"Because Luo Wusheng said on the communication number I used before that I like cats." Jiang Xue said softly:

"When I said I like cats, I actually meant the Roentgen cat. It was the Roentgen cat with whom I had the best relationship at home at that time."

"I see, no wonder..." An Shiyu finally understood why Jiang Xue was so shaken after hearing what Luo Wusheng said. After all, her life was bought by Roentgen Cat with its own life.

Maybe the mention of cats reminded her of Roentgen cats.

"But, dad told me that the Roentgen cat likes the most when he sees me smiling..." Jiang Xue suddenly laughed:

"So, no matter what happens, I like to face it with a smile."

"Because in this case, Roentgen Cat might not be so worried about me, right?"

"Now, you think so?"

Blizzard, a vast expanse of white.

A huge black cat-shaped elf was walking hard in the snow.

It was cold, almost freezing, and its limbs were stiff and weak, and its smell had long since disappeared in the blizzard, making its good sense of smell completely useless.

This is the electric elf Roentgen cat, whose eyes have the ability to penetrate objects.

The reason why Roentgen Cat senses something is that it keeps walking along this road. This is an intuition. It feels that the lost little master is right ahead.

Suddenly, a girl wearing purple clothes appeared in the golden pupils of the Roentgen cat. It was slightly stunned at first, and then burst out with its little remaining strength and rushed over.

"Mom, mom... Cat Cat..." The girl who fell to the ground murmured indistinctly. After seeing this, the Roentgen cat breathed a sigh of relief. It opened its mouth and wanted to pick the girl up.

But there is no place to hide in this vast snowfield, not to mention that its limbs are stiff at this time. It is very difficult for it to leave even if it wants to leave, let alone carrying someone in its mouth.

"Cat, cat..." At this time, the voice of the little master who fell on the ground became softer and quieter. Because of the cold attack, ice crystals appeared on her little face, and even her breath was a little cold.

After seeing this, the Roentgen cat had no choice but to lie down and use his body to block the wind and snow for its little master——

"It's so warm." After the girl felt the warmth coming from her side, she rubbed it subconsciously, and then her face and half of her body were directly buried in the Roentgen cat's hair.

The cold wind whistled, carrying an air of despair.

The Roentgen Cat's golden eyes looked around quietly, and from time to time he licked the frost off the little master's cheek with his tongue. Gradually, as time passed, the Roentgen Cat discovered that his body had begun to lose consciousness.

As if she was numb and completely disobedient, this feeling as if her blood was frozen, made the Roentgen cat growl softly, and then used its last bit of strength to surround the girl's body tighter, and then Fall into a deep sleep——

As night fell, the violent snow was still blowing, but the girl in Roentgen Cat's arms had slowed down. She was no longer cold all over, and there was even a trace of rosy color on her little face.

But at this time, half of the Roentgen cat's body was already covered in ice and snow, but it remained motionless and maintained its last posture.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sun rose and the snow gradually began to lighten, then stopped.

The girl's eyelashes trembled slightly. Under the warmth of the sun, she slowly opened her eyes, but what she faced was a frozen face. She was stunned for a moment, and then asked in a trembling voice:


She quickly stood up, only to find that Roentgen Cat's body had already frozen -

It uses its body as a barrier to protect the girl.

Until dawn.

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