However, if the opponent has a pseudo-third grader, Ye Chuan will not be very worried, he is just afraid that his teammates will have problems. However, with the current appearance of the fire dinosaur, Ye Chuan will not go away.

Teacher Jiang knew that Ye Chuan’s character was elf-oriented. Seeing that he was looking at his fire dinosaur intently, he patted him on the shoulder and said, “The fire dinosaur is fine. He will come over as soon as he wakes up.” Center, we will try our best to buy you time."


Soon, Teacher Jiang left——

Looking at the fire dinosaur in the flames, Ye Chuan sat aside and waited patiently.

Time gradually passed, and soon the finals of the municipal college league began. And because of the finals, there were a lot of spectators today. The number of people watching the game in the city exceeded tens of thousands, and most of them were naturally students. and parents.

"There are a lot of people." Gu Qi suddenly started to panic after seeing so many people. At this time, a call rang on her phone.


As soon as Gu Qi got through, her parents' voices came from the other end of the phone: "Come on, win the championship and enter the provincial league to bring honor to your parents. Don't stay at home calling those paper wives all day."

Gu Qi immediately prepared to refute the paper man's wife's statement, but when he saw that the medicine was already beside him, he fell silent again and could only say "oh oh oh oh".

"?" Yaozao beside him tilted his head.

"But speaking of which, where is Ye Chuan?" At this time, Gu Qi suddenly asked.

"Well, Shiyu can't see it either." After seeing the inseparable pair of figures gone, even Jiang Xue looked around curiously, as if trying to find that person.

"Ye Chuan can't leave the hotel for the time being because of the fire dinosaur incident, so today's finals need to be delayed."

Teacher Jiang told what happened.

"I see, Ye Chuan can't leave because the fire dinosaur is about to wake up." Jiang Xue said, and then continued with a smile:

"It's really Ye Chuan's style. He puts the elves first."

"He's always been like this." Yaozao was not surprised, because Ye Chuan was quite stubborn in this regard. If he left the elf to wake up alone, it would be impossible for him to come to participate in the finals. On Ye Chuan's body.

"Okay, during the game later, we not only have to find a way to win at least one singles match, but also try our best to help Ye Chuan delay until the fire dinosaur wakes up."


Everyone nodded and started to get ready.

Because everyone is a first-year student, participating in this kind of competition is already a leapfrog challenge. Being able to reach this point is basically due to Ye Chuan's strength. If Ye Chuan is not the backbone, then the school team's combat effectiveness will be very low.

Although Gu Youling is very strong, her strength is based on the fact that she is a first-year student. When facing a top second-year trainer, her advantage will be greatly reduced.

"Welcome to the finals of our city's College Elf League!" At this time, the host's voice had already come to mind, and he said happily:

"I don't know if I haven't seen you for a day. Do you, the gentlemen in the audience, miss me?"

"Shh-" After hearing what the host said, the audience immediately began to boo, but the atmosphere quickly became heated. Then, the host continued to explain:

"So, the two teams in the finals are Yinshan Middle School in Yinshan District and Douyi Middle School in Dooshan District."

"Both are very strong schools. They are almost the same as City No. 1 Middle School. They come here all day long to compete for the first place. Of course... this year's lottery accidentally caused City No. 1 Middle School and Yinshan to run into each other prematurely, but the two The two schools also brought a very exciting battle to everyone.”

"Okay, without further ado, let's welcome the team from Yinshan Middle School!"

Then, the audience cheered one after another. In the distant team, all the people from Yinshan Middle School walked out, and the audience also started to shout a person's name in cooperation:

"Ye Chuan, Ye Chuan. Ye Chuan!"

"Chuan Bao can fly with peace of mind!"

"Ye Chuan, yyds!"

"It seems that everyone likes player Ye Chuan. After all, boys who are handsome and strong are indeed very popular, um..." The host smiled and was about to introduce Ye Chuan to more people. Suddenly, he noticed There was no Ye Chuan in the team that went to Yinshan Middle School!

Where are people?

The audience obviously noticed this, and then began to discuss why Ye Chuan disappeared from the Yinshan Middle School team?

At this time, a staff member came on stage and then came to the host's ear and said something. The latter immediately understood and said: "It turns out that player Ye Chuan has something to do temporarily, so he will come back after a while, but no Impact the game."

"Maybe I overslept and rush in with my hair messy." The host Tao Kan said, and the audience in the auditorium suddenly laughed.

"Ye Chuan isn't here?"

At this time, the people in Douyi Middle School suddenly became excited after hearing this. If Ye Chuan is not here, then this is definitely good news.

Even people from Douyi Middle School began to think about starting the game soon——

"Then, the finals begin!"

When the host saw that the time was almost up, he directly announced the start of the game.

The first three rounds were still singles matches. Since there was no longer Ye Chuan's command, everyone followed Teacher Jiang.

"For the first scene, Gu Qi, come on."

Teacher Jiang said suddenly.

Gu Qi was stunned for a moment, then pointed at herself: "No way, should I take the lead in the final?"

Ah this...

So many people are watching.

How embarrassing.

"Well, the opponent has a trump card. If you can just meet him in the first round, you can increase your chances of winning." After finishing speaking, Teacher Jiang added:

"To the team."

"The modern version of Tian Ji's horse racing." Gu Qi sighed helplessly and chose to die generously.

"Gu Qi, come on."

At this time, Yaozao suddenly whispered.

Gu Qi's eyes suddenly lit up. He coughed dryly to calm down, and then waved his coat:

"When I return victoriously, we will..."

After saying that, Gu Qi thought she was handsome and nodded, turned around and went up.

"That idiot..." Jiang Xue couldn't help but complain, and then resumed her smiling expression.

"That's right, he is indeed an idiot." Yaozao couldn't help but laugh.

Gu Youling watched this scene quietly and stroked his elf ball: "..."

"Yinshan Middle School, Gu Qi!"

"Douyi Middle School, Gu Qi!"

"Eh?" Gu Qi was stunned when she heard the name was similar. Then she looked at the other person and found that it was actually a girl.

The other party was also sizing him up.

"What a fate." Gu Qi took out the elf ball and said happily.

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