Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 216 Gu Youling


The days of the college league are gradually approaching.

A big thing happened at Yinshan Middle School——

Xian Yu, Zhou Yan, and Lin Muyan suddenly quit the school team, which shocked the whole school.

At this time in the student union office, Bai Qianlan frowned:

"Things are really not good."

"Why?" Ye Chuan asked slowly. His expression didn't change, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Classmate Xianyu heard that his parents were in a car accident, so he has to stay in front of the ward every day during this period and has no time to participate in the competition."

"Due to a job change, classmate Zhou Yan's father had no choice but to take his family to other provinces and leave the city."

"As for Lin Muyan, she fell down the stairs some time ago and broke both legs. She had to be hospitalized for more than three months. Although she can use a wheelchair, her parents do not agree with the child running around after being injured."

"What happened... is strange, but during the investigation, no doubts were found." Bai Qianlan sighed:

"Brother, this matter may be a bit troublesome."

"There is no doubt but more like a doubt." Ye Chuan said:

"Three people had an accident at the same time before the start of the college league, and they happened to be members of the school team."

"Of course I understand what you mean." After Bai Qianlan finished speaking, she fell into deep thought:

"The school is currently investigating the matter thoroughly, but one thing is - what should the college league do now? There is not much time left."

"Now you are the only main player left in the school team." Bai Qianlan looked distressed. Why did so many things happen in the school this year?

This is probably the grayest year for Yinshan.

"Now it seems that the probability of letting those three guys return to the school team is not high, so let's reorganize a school team." Ye Chuan smiled.

"Reorganization?" Bai Qianlan was a little surprised, but she quickly recovered and nodded in agreement:

"Then, the task of reorganizing the school team will be left to you."

"Come on, brother." Bai Qianlan winked cutely.

"Of course I won't count on you either." Ye Chuan said.

"That's too much."

After leaving the activity room of the student union, Ye Chuan stopped and thought for a moment;

"I don't seem to know a few people, and most of them are first-year students. However, there are undoubtedly more second-year students who are stronger on average."

I have a headache. Ask Gu Qi for help...

Gu Qi was relatively well-informed about the school's news, and Ye Chuan finally planned to go over and ask Gu Qi.

In Class 1, Gu Qi was stunned for a moment when she heard what Ye Chuan said, and then said, "Ye Chuan, are you really planning to find a second grader?"

"Given the current strength, wouldn't a second-year student be more suitable?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Well, the last one was the toughest one in Yinshan. There were basically no good trainers in the school team." Gu Qi complained: "That's just a dish."

"Do you have any food?" Ye Chuan asked with a smile.

"Well, he's a little better than me." Gu Qi made a small gesture, and then said:

"Except for a few people, just think of it as my transition to second grade."

That's quite delicious.

Ye Chuan knew that due to enrollment problems in the previous class, many people came to fish in troubled waters, but he did not expect that his hips would stretch like this.

Is it possible that there is a team in the first grade?

"Are there any good first-year students?" After Ye Chuandang finished speaking, Gu Qi on the side said helplessly:

"As far as you are concerned, there are not many powerful people in the whole school."

"But I still have some collection here." Gu Qi made a hook sign on her chin and said proudly.

"You actually have such a thing?" Ye Chuan showed a surprised expression. When did Gu Qi start doing this kind of information collection?

"If there's demand, there's a market." Gu Qi stretched out a finger:

"After all, every time there are various exams, there are many people who want to collect information about their opponents."

"Is it."

Gu Qi opened her backpack, rummaged around for a few times, and finally took out a notebook. The cover actually had a pattern of Gengar. The chubby Gengar stuck out his tongue, looking a little cute and cute.

"I'm really impressed by you." Ye Chuan opened his notebook and found -

"Qiao Xinran, Sanwei:... Hobbies: desserts, playing games..."

"Li Mumu, Sanwei:...Hobbies: Chasing love and showing off..."

The more Ye Chuan read, the more he felt something was wrong. These materials were all about the appearance, age, and hobbies of female classmates...

Where are the elves? !

"Oh!!!!" At this time, Gu Qi beside him exclaimed and snatched the notebook back from Ye Chuan's hand:

"Take it, take it wrong!"

"That's it!" He said, throwing the black notebook into his hand.

"Then those just now..." Ye Chuan reacted suddenly, and then looked at Gu Qi with a strange look:

"Gu Qi, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

"Ah ah ah, don't look at me like that!!!!" Gu Qi squatted and rolled on the ground holding her head.

"..." Ye Chuan thought for a while, and then asked:

"You won't even collect Shiyu's, right?"

"Of course it's impossible. All I collect are single girls. Only if you like them can you pick them up." Gu Qi waved her hand and then glanced at Ye Chuan:

"By the way, you know An Shiyu's data best, right?"

Ye Chuan didn't speak, but silently raised his thumb.

Of course, he has actually understood it with his hands and heart.


than me,

understand better,

An Shiyu.

After returning to serious matters, Ye Chuan opened his notebook and found that the homepage was actually a list of ranking data. Not only was this notebook filled with many sticky notes, but it also had dates.

"Why don't you use a mobile phone?" Ye Chuan asked curiously. After all, isn't a mobile phone more convenient?

"I prefer to use paper to analyze problems. No matter how advanced the technology is now, there are still some things or some feelings that cannot be replaced." After Gu Qi finished speaking, he pointed to the notebook:

"If you really want to find a strong first-year student, try this first."

"This is..." After seeing the familiar name, Ye Chuan pondered slightly.

In the afternoon, he came to the next class.

At this time, a white-haired girl was sitting at the window of the class next to her, her hair swaying in the breeze.

The mixed-race face was flawless, her eyes were cold, and she looked at the book in front of her expressionlessly.

Gu Youling.

In Ye Chuan's impression, although Gu Youling was a member of the student union, he was usually taciturn and liked to be alone. In fact, he had not had much communication with Gu Youling.


"Gu Youling is the only trainer behind you among the first-year students. She is very strong and has never been defeated like you." Gu Qi said in her mind.

"You are actually second in grade? It seems I haven't paid attention to it..." Ye Chuan touched his chin and thought.

At this time, Gu Youling seemed to notice something. Her ethereal eyes moved slowly, then turned her head and quietly met Ye Chuan's gaze.

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