Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 215 Cuteness and Nervousness

The memory of the Internet is very short. One month after the explosion, there were no longer reporters blocking the door, and everyone resumed normal classes.

After Ye Chuan and An Shiyu arrived at the school, the latter's jewel-like pure eyes flashed, as if he was reluctant to let go of his hand.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan asked. After all, they usually separated on the first floor and went back to work.

"It will take another morning before I can see Aye." An Shiyu muttered in a low voice, but who said she was not a student in the elf department? If she was in the same class, she could stay by Aye's side as much as she wanted.

"So clingy." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand, pinched An Shiyu's soft little nose, and then said with a smile:

"Okay, let's go back to class. Morning reading is about to begin."

"Aye, do you hate being clingy?" An Shiyu asked.

"On the contrary, I prefer your clingy look." Ye Chuan stretched out his finger, scratched his cheek, and then added:

"Because it's quite cute."

"What you say is so cunning!" An Shiyu's pretty face immediately turned red with embarrassment: "I'm going back to the classroom!"

"Huh?" Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and pointed at his cheek:

"Did you forget something?"

An Shiyu's pretty face puffed up. She looked around furtively, then stood on tiptoes, tapped Ye Chuan's cheek like a dragonfly touching water, and ran away quickly:

"Go, go!"

Ye Chuan touched the remaining warmth on his face and smiled.


At this time, this scene was captured by a girl holding a camera.

"Long live, I didn't expect to take a good photo on the first day of class!" The girl suddenly looked excited:

"The affectionate behavior of campus celebrity Ye Chuan and the girl from the cultural department makes others envious. Well... let's promote it in this week's campus newspaper!"

"What are you mumbling?" A voice sounded from the side.

The girl was stunned for a moment, then screamed:



Ye Chuan took the girl's camera over and looked at the photos inside: "Oh? Taken secretly?"

"No, it's not a candid photo, I just recorded the beautiful moment!" After the girl finished speaking quickly, she immediately explained:

"I-I'm a second-year student in the News Department!"

"Are you still senior?" Ye Chuan returned the camera to the girl, then took out his mobile phone:

"Here, add my contact information."

The girl was stunned for a moment, then blinked: "Eh?"

What's going on? A big celebrity in Yinshan, a campus idol, actually wants to add my contact information?

Could it be that this is a big radish? !

This is also big news!

Just when she was thinking wildly, Ye Chuan pointed at the camera:

"Wait a minute and send me the photos you just secretly took."

"Eh?" The girl was stunned for a moment.

"Also, you are not allowed to publish it in the school newspaper, otherwise..." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

The girl suddenly felt her body go cold, and her head shook like a rattle: "No, no, no, don't send it to the school newspaper!"

"Then please, senior." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he also went upstairs.

"What a weirdo..." the girl holding the camera muttered.

After returning to class, Ye Chuan met Gu Qi.

"Hey, where did you go to play?" Gu Qi said hello, while the Vine Snake sitting on the table was eating chicken and having a great time.

"What, Internet addiction snake?" Ye Chuan returned to his seat.

"Well, after all, I was playing games with Teng Teng Snake when classes were suspended." Gu Qi chuckled, and then approached Ye Chuan mysteriously:

"Let me tell you, I met a girl when I was playing games, and she was from Yinshan. Do you think it was a coincidence?"

"Really?" Can you meet classmates while playing games?

How small is this probability?

"I heard he's from the track and field club..." Gu Qi suddenly smiled stupidly:

"There are only a few girls in the track and field department. Look at those who run all day, who are not slender, have long legs, and are full of sunshine and energy?"


"So, I feel like my sexy campus life is about to begin!" Gu Qi patted her shoulder: "The skills I learned in the gal game to pick up girls will definitely catch her. That is a unique fate!"

"Come on..." Ye Chuan's mouth twitched. In fact, Gu Qi's appearance was not bad, but she was too delicate. Otherwise, after he was forced to wear women's clothes by the girls in his class during the last sports day, That look wouldn't make many boys think about fencing.

"Huh?" Ye Chuan suddenly seemed to remember something and asked, "What's going on with Class 2?"

"The classroom has been repaired a long time ago, and classes can resume as normal." Gu Qi shrugged: "The prisoner must have anti-human tendencies, and he actually wanted to use a thunder ball to hypnotize students as a bomber, but luckily he was caught by the police. "

Ye Chuan wouldn't say that it was just a scapegoat. After all, the real culprit didn't look like that. The waveguide power he possessed could still clearly record the opponent's waveguide aura and appearance.

"It would be nice if it was colorful." At this time, Ye Chuan couldn't help but muttered.

"What color?" Gu Qi asked from the side.


"By the way, Ye Chuan, aren't you joining the school team now?" Gu Qi suddenly touched Ye Chuan's shoulder with her elbow:

"When you go to participate in the campus league, can I be your assistant and go with you?"

"Assistant?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then asked strangely;

"Why do you suddenly want to be an assistant? Aren't you doing odd jobs for the team members? I don't think it's suitable for you."

"Hey, don't say that. Sometimes, I also want to contribute to our Yinshan Middle School." Gu Qi patted her chest:

"What do you mean by a Yinshan student? I am one!"

Ye Chuan: "..."

"Speak in human terms." Ye Chuan said calmly.

"Actually, it was because my grades in the last semester and the beginning of the semester were so poor that my dad took advantage of me." Gu Qi looked frustrated:

"And Lao Jiang actually came to my house for a home visit when classes were suspended, saying that I still need to work hard to improve my vine snake strength."

"My dad is so angry." Gu Qi spread her hands:

"But isn't the purpose of high school just to enjoy youth and fall in love with many cute girls?"

Ye Chuan: "..."

"It is indeed to enjoy youth, isn't working hard to make progress part of it?" Ye Chuan said.

"That's true..."

At this time, Ye Chuan's cell phone suddenly rang. He took a look and found the photo that the girl just sent to him——

In the photo, a girl with long black hair and a flushed face stood on tiptoes and kissed a smiling boy on the face. Through the photo, you can feel the tension and cuteness of the other person.

"By the way, what have you done this month?" someone asked.

Ye Chuan smiled, set this photo as the screen saver on his mobile phone and said:

"Be engaged to my Shiyu."


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