Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 217 Ye Chuan cheats

Sensing Gu Youling's gaze, Ye Chuan couldn't help but recall that during his previous school trip, he saw her sitting on the rocks on the shore with a slightly sad look in her eyes.

After the two looked at each other for a few seconds, Ye Chuan walked in.

"Isn't that Ye Chuan from Class 1?!"

"Why are you in our class? Wait...he is actually facing Gu Youling."

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Ye Chuan walked up to Gu Youling, then put one hand on her table and said with a smile:

"Gu Youling, I have something to ask you."

"I agree." Gu Youling said lightly.

"Don't be too busy refusing," Ye Chuan said, suddenly stunned.

agree? !


"Well... let's go out and talk first." Ye Chuan could only say, "After all, you haven't listened to what I said, and you agreed too quickly."


Gu Youling stood up and followed Ye Chuan out of the classroom.

"Hey, hey, what did Ye Chuan say just now?"

"Confession? I thought I heard Gu Youling say I agreed, and then the two of them left together."

"Hey, no way, doesn't that Ye Chuan have a girlfriend?!"

Ye Chuan never expected that rumors would suddenly appear.

Walking to the corridor outside with Gu Youling, Ye Chuan told him about the school team, and then continued:

"I heard from Gu Qi that you are very strong, so I want you to join the school team."

Gu Youling looked at him, and after a few seconds, nodded slightly:


Ye Chuan didn't know whether she really agreed to Gu Youling's cold reaction. He thought about it and asked, "Did you agree?"


Ye Chuan: "..."

"Thank you. I won't disturb you now. If you have time in the afternoon, you can come to the school team's activities. The address is..." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he was about to leave, but found that the corner of his clothes was pulled. live.

Turning his head, what he met was Gu Youling's quiet eyes.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Ye Chuan asked.

Gu Youling shook his head slightly, and then loosened his fingers.

"Really... If you have any difficulties or have any opinions, you can tell me." After Ye Chuan finished speaking with a smile, he went back to his class.

Gu Youling watched his leaving figure quietly, then slowly turned around and returned to the classroom.

At this time, there was a class in the cultural department.

A girl rushed into the classroom in a panic, then ran to a black-haired girl and said loudly:

"Shiyu is in trouble!"

"What's the matter? You're in a panic." An Shiyu smiled, took out his handkerchief and handed it to the girl and said softly:

"Wipe off the sweat first."

"Ye Chuan cheated!" the girl said loudly:

"And I confessed to Gu Youling from the next class!"

"Really?" An Shiyu tilted his head slightly.

"Why didn't you react at all? Could it be..." The girl showed a shocked expression, and then looked at An Shiyu:

"You guys have broken up?!"

"No." An Shiyu touched one of her fingers, her cheeks turned red for some reason, and she whispered:

"Aye wouldn't do such a thing."

"But look." The girl took out her mobile phone and handed it to An Shiyu. On the screen of the mobile phone, Ye Chuan and Gu Youling walked out of the classroom side by side, and there was an uproar around them.

"The one named Gu Youling is a mixed race, super beautiful," the girl said.

"It is indeed beautiful, but what does this have to do with Aye's cheating?" An Shiyu asked.

"Um...that's what their class said." The girl scratched her head.

"Aye is not a white-haired person." An Shiyu stroked her long hair, and then whispered:

"I know the XP system best."

"Shiyu, what did you just say?"

"Nothing!" An Shiyu stretched out a finger:

"After all, if you open your mouth to refute rumors, you will lose your legs. I absolutely believe Aye. You are not allowed to say that about him."

"Okay, okay."

On the other side, Ye Chuan was thinking that since Gu Youling had already joined the school team, he still needed to find two more talents.



You can't ask Gu Qi to come up.

"Let's go back to the school team's activity room first." Ye Chuan returned to the school team's activity room, then flipped through Gu Qi's information book and found that except for Gu Youling, only one of the top trainers was one he knew. There is only one Jiang Xue left.

Jiang Xue probably has no interest in joining the school team.

If Jiang Xue also joins the school team, then the members of his school team will all be members of the student union.

think carefully……

Seems like that’s okay?

The clock on the wall was ticking, and it was time to let out school. An Shiyu packed her things early and prepared to go to the school team's activity room, because during the chat on the phone, Aye told her that she was in the school team. activity room, and you can come over.

"Huh huh huh." After thinking that she would see Aye soon, An Shiyu's steps became a little lighter and she hummed a tune.

Suddenly, a scene of snow-white and silver hair with a faint fragrance appeared in front of him. An Shiyu was stunned for a moment, then took a closer look and found a white-haired girl walking slowly in front, and finally opened the door.

With his snow-white face and silver hair, there was no doubt that he was Gu Youling.

"That's the activity room of the school team..."

An Shiyu was so weird that she actually walked to the door and put her ear to it, as if she was trying to eavesdrop on something inside.

Then, a familiar voice came from inside.

"Then let's get started."


"Is this okay? Do you want to go slower?"


"You raise it a little higher, you can't get in."


"Eh?!" An Shiyu listened with a flushed face, and then opened the door with a dizzy head:

"Seye, no!"


After opening the door, what came into view was Ye Chuan and Gu Youling carrying the table, looking towards him with strange expressions.

An Shiyu blinked his big eyes.

"What's not allowed?" Ye Chuan asked curiously.

"Nothing!" An Shiyu stood stupidly for a few seconds, then shook his head like a rattle.

"Really?" Ye Chuan had no choice but to move the table to the storage room first:

"Gu Youling, if you raise your head any higher, you won't be able to get in here."

As he spoke, Ye Chuan did not forget to point his chin in the direction of the door. Gu Youling nodded slightly and continued to move the table.

After the two people carried the table in the activity room, Ye Chuan looked at An Shiyu who was standing aside and said with a smile:

"Let's go home."

Ye Chuan came to An Shiyu's side, stretched out his hand and rubbed her head: "What's wrong? You look shy."

"Nothing at all!"

"Really...I'm hungry. I want to eat beef stew tonight."

"Then let's go home early." An Shiyu hugged Ye Chuan's arm and said with a smile.

Gu Youling watched them leave, not looking back until the two disappeared at the top of the stairs.

After a moment, she slowly uttered two words:


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