Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 214 Ye Chuan is like his father

Muyou Dingding: Notice, because Teacher Yingying plans to update it every day, so... I do the same.jpg.

This time the entire comic platform finally cracked.

Generally speaking, most of the works on the comic platform are updated weekly, half-monthly, or even monthly and annually. Now it’s better, and there are two authors who update every day.

Moreover, the quality is very high, and teachers Yingying and Muyou are ranked one or two on the popularity list.

Is this a human being?

After seeing this news, many authors expressed their despair.

If readers urge me to update it in the past, I can still complain: "Drawing comics is not as easy as writing a novel, but it is very hard work."

Now, I estimate that if this thing comes true, readers may reply: "Look at Yingying Teacher and Muyou Teacher. Not only are they updated every day, but the quality is also super good."


Most comic book authors even jointly complained to the editor, telling the two bosses not to do this.

Don’t increase the update speed of the comic industry!

In fact, the novel industry used to update weekly or every three days. Ever since there was an author who updated every day, and even after eight thousand updates a day, major novel websites have become a phenomenon where if you don't update every day, you are not qualified to write novels.

But it’s much harder to draw a comic than to write a chapter of a novel, and it’s impossible to update it daily!

At the comic company at this time, Wan Ye and Xi Xi had just returned to the work area from the lounge and suddenly found a large number of editors looking towards them.

"Everyone, what's going on?" Seeing everyone looking at them with bright eyes, Wanye and Xixi asked in fear.

"Go and take a look at the notices that Teacher Yingying and Teacher Muyou just sent."

Ruoye and Xixi looked at each other and suddenly felt panicked.

Could it be that they want eunuchs? !

The frightened weak Ye and Xixi returned to their computers, but after seeing the notice they sent, the two editors fell into confusion.

Ah this...

In fact, it is updated once every three days. With this quality and the number of pages, Xiaoye was a little worried and called Teacher Yingying to take care of his health. It was better now. After the call, the update was directly increased from half a week to once a day. more extent.

"This..." Xixi didn't dare to call Teacher Muyou anymore.

So he looked at the weak leaf next to him.

"I...let me call and ask."

Weak Ye said a little worriedly, after all, it was updated once a day, only the studio could do it, and the quality was not comparable to that of the two teachers.

Finally, Xianye called Teacher Yingying.

"Hey, why are you calling again?" someone on the other end of the phone said quietly.

"Teacher Yingying, do you really want daily updates?" Xianye kept asking if it was true, red bean paste and red bean paste asked.

"It's true." Youyou muttered, and then said:

"If you ask me again, I'll slap your face in the face."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.


After Youyou hung up the phone, the phone rang again.

"Stop calling!!!" Youyou was floating in mid-air and shouting at the phone with her teeth and claws.

"Youyou?" A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Ye Chuan?" Youyou was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile:

"Hehehe, I thought it was my editor."

"What happened? You're yelling." Ye Chuan asked as he sat in the car.

"That's it..." Youyou told what happened.

"You're working too hard. Won't you have no time to rest and train?" Ye Chuan seemed a little worried about the development direction of his ghosts.

"Youyou is okay!" Youyou said immediately, this is her training method.

"Really, don't force yourself." Ye Chuan smiled slightly on the other end of the phone.

At this time, An Shiyu, who was leaning next to Ye Chuan in the car, tilted her head curiously:

"How is your comic drawing going?"

"I heard that the grades are very good. Maybe our Youyou will become a cartoonist in the future." Ye Chuan shrugged.

"What about the battle?" An Shiyu asked softly.

"It doesn't matter." Ye Chuan smiled.

"It doesn't matter?"

"Elves are not tools for fighting. If she really likes this and is not interested in fighting..." Ye Chuan said slowly:

"Then as a trainer, shouldn't I respect her wishes?"

"Aye is always very gentle to his elf." An Shiyu stretched out her soft hands, took one of Ye Chuan's palms and smiled softly.

However, Ye Chuan didn't know that what Youyou did was not only for fun, but also because it could make him stronger.

At this time, Ye Chuan also accidentally glanced at the ranking list in the comic software and found that Youyou's score was at the top of the list.

"It's really amazing..." Ye Chuan murmured, then took a look at the latest notifications and found that Youyou actually wanted to update every day.

The comment area is also very intense at this time——

"Update every day, give me a pound of Oli, and settle the account once every seven days."

"The people upstairs are cheating on us with food and drinks again."

"I'm quite content with updating every three days. Daily updates will make me lose my mind, so don't do it."

"Teacher Yingying, give it to me!"

An Shiyu looked at these comments, then raised his head and glanced at Ye Chuan: "Aye..."

"Let her play, as long as she has fun." Ye Chuan said with a smile, his tone full of doting, quite like an old father's feeling towards his daughter.

Beside him, An Shiyu just smiled.

When I got home, it was already afternoon.

Opening the door, Ye Chuan dragged his luggage to the wall, stretched out his hand and knocked:

"Youyou, I'm back."

A little head suddenly protruded from the wall, and then turned into a black shadow and hung behind Ye Chuan: "Hehehe, Yechuan, you are so fat."

"Here, help me take my luggage back to the room. I want to clean the house with Shiyu."

After all, he didn't come back for more than half a month, Ye Chuan said.

"I understand!" Youyou dragged her luggage and floated upstairs.

"Don't you want to take a rest?" An Shiyu asked with a smile beside her.

"No, I'm not tired either."

In the evening, Youyou returned to her room and continued drawing comics.

During the half-month period when Ye Chuan and An Shiyu were suspended from classes, she continuously updated the works of her two vests on a daily basis. Not only were there many pictures, but the quality was also high, which directly shocked the entire industry.

"Where's the big brother who cheated on you last time? It's been half a month. When will it be broadcast live?"

"There must be a studio. How can it have such a terrifying update speed without having to take a break?"

After seeing this operation, some readers who had heard of Youyou's work but had not seen it were curious to read the comics she drew, and ended up falling directly into it.

Youyou's popularity has skyrocketed.

On the other side, after the suspension of classes, Ye Chuan also resumed normal classes——

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