Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 207 Ibrahimovic (two in one chapter)

After Mr. An finished doing Tai Chi, the Flying Mantis continued to move his huge scythe with the rhythm of his body. Every move seemed to contain some kind of mystery, which gradually concealed the original sharp temperament of the Flying Mantis, giving him the feeling of returning to his roots. déjà vu.

Mr. An looked at Ye Chuan's flying mantis with surprise, as if he was curious that a flying mantis could actually use the meaning of Tai Chi in this way.

Ye Chuan watched this scene quietly. In the end, he chose to let the Flying Mantis digest it alone, and he returned to the living room.

At this time, An Shiyu had already gotten up, wearing her usual Eevee T-shirt and jeans. As she walked downstairs, Eevee was beating slightly. When she saw Ye Chuan, she suddenly showed a sweet smile:

"Good morning, Aye."

"Morning." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he suddenly asked with a smile:

"Did you sleep well last night?"

After hearing Ye Chuan's question, An Shiyu seemed to remember something and felt her body was a little numb. She puffed up her red face and said, "I won't tell you."

After saying that, he walked into the kitchen, put on his apron skillfully and started making breakfast.

"Bubu." Mumu Xiao came to Ye Chuan's side and spread his wings.

"What's wrong, Mu Mu Xiao?" Ye Chuan asked.

Mumu Xiao patted his belly, then staggered away.

Ye Chuan: "?"

At breakfast time, Ye Chuan was eating bacon slices, and An Shiyu next to him picked up a piece of lettuce:

"No, you have to eat vegetables too."

"Yes." Ye Chuan nodded, took the lettuce that An Shiyu brought to his mouth, and then chewed it slowly, while An Shiyu just looked at him with a smile, his eyes full of tenderness. meaning.

"So full." Mr. An said slowly while eating breakfast.

After breakfast, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu set off to the diving gym. Perhaps because it was earlier and the gym challenge hadn't started yet, Ye Chuan actually saw Chen Xi in casual clothes.

"You're not wearing a swimsuit?" Ye Chuan asked, seemingly a little surprised.

"What, am I the kind of pervert who only likes to walk around in swimsuits or underwear?" Chen Xi looked at Ye Chuan, seeming a little dissatisfied with what Ye Chuan just said.

"You're the kind of pervert who likes to walk around in a swimsuit." Ye Chuan said.

"Yes." Chen Xi thought carefully, then hit his fist on his palm:

"I'm a pervert...what a ghost. I yearn for freedom!"

"Banana-san doesn't even have your freedom." After Ye Chuan finished complaining, he took out his poke ball, a white light flashed, and the fire dinosaur appeared:

"Then, let's try it according to your method."

"Wait a minute." Chen Xi walked to the back room and quickly took out a syringe. He also changed into a nurse's uniform:

"Come on, Fire Dinosaur, I'll give you an injection."

"Wait a minute!" Ye Chuan felt that something was wrong when he saw this scene, and then frowned slightly:

"What kind of needle is this?"

"This is a needle that can stimulate the nature of fire dinosaurs. It has no side effects. Now I need to stimulate all the wild nature of your little fire dragon." After Chen Xi finished speaking, she suddenly became angry when she saw Ye Chuan's distrustful expression. But he took out his alliance card:

"Are you looking down on me? I'm a senior elf doctor."

"Senior elf doctor?" Ye Chuan showed a surprised expression, and then took a look at her alliance card. She was indeed a senior elf doctor. Unexpectedly, this person was not only a master-level elf trainer, but also an elf. Physician.

Moreover, according to Bird's induction, this woman did not lie.

At this time, the fire dinosaur pulled Ye Chuan's clothes, as if to say that he was willing to take this kind of injection because it never wanted to hurt Ye Chuan again.

"Okay." After Ye Chuan thought about it carefully, he realized that there was no need for this woman to lie to him, otherwise he would blow up Chen Xi's gym another day.

"There will be a little pain, bear with it." After Chen Xi gave the fire dinosaur an injection, the fire dinosaur's eyes soon began to turn blood red, and the muscles on his body swelled, with purple and red power emerging, which was the dance of the dragon. Skill.

"Roar!!!" Accompanied by a dragon roar, a purple-red dragon-shaped shadow appeared behind the fire dinosaur, exactly the same as yesterday!

The blazing flame breath and dragon power made Ye Chuan subconsciously protect An Shiyu. After all, the Flying Mantis and Youyou were not around, and the blue jay could not stop the fire dinosaur from going berserk again.

Afterwards, the fire dinosaur lay on the ground, as if in great pain. It was a confrontation between animal nature and rationality, which made the fire dinosaur's head feel like it was going to explode.

"Fire dinosaur, use your reason to control this power!" Chen Xi said immediately.

The dragon shadow behind the fire dinosaur was rolling and surging, and then a roaring sound sounded, and the fire dinosaur roared.

I saw that the violent intention of the dragon shadow began to continuously suppress the fire dinosaur's reason, as if it was eating away at it, bit by bit, bit by bit, but at this moment, in the fire dinosaur's blood-filled eyes, , noticed a person in the distance——

Ye Chuan.

Seeing Ye Chuan, memory fragments like memories appeared in the fire dinosaur's mind.

They trained together, cooked together, fought side by side, and laughed together——

"Ho ho ho!!!" The fire dinosaur suddenly roared, and the dragon shadow behind him began to fade away.

It doesn't want to hurt Ye Chuan like it did yesterday!

The fire dinosaur stood up, pinched his claws, and the aura of flames on his body continued to rise.

Step by step, the fire dinosaur walked up to Ye Chuan, its claws ignited with flames.

"Aye!" Seeing the same behavior as yesterday, An Shiyu hurriedly shouted. Chen Xi also frowned and took out his elf ball.

It seems that the fire dinosaur has not conquered his inner beast.

When Ye Chuan saw this, he slowly squatted down and said with a smile:

"I believe you, Fire Dinosaur."

The blood-red eyes of the fire dinosaur began to tremble, and then the blood-red color slowly began to fade away. The purple-red dragon shadow behind it began to merge into the body of the fire dinosaur, and finally a layer of light scales was built on its body.

"That's a derivative of Dragon Dance. I didn't expect the fire dinosaur to be successful so quickly." Chen Xi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then took out the second syringe.

"Pfft." After injecting the needle into the fire dinosaur, it seemed to fall into a deep sleep, squinting its eyes and falling to the ground.

"What kind of medicine is the second one?" Ye Chuan asked.

"The fire dinosaur has initially defeated the beast in his heart. This potion of mine is for strengthening. Don't worry, it is all natural and pollution-free." Chen Xi pointed to his chest when he saw that Ye Chuan still didn't believe him.

As if to tell him, I am a high-level elf doctor.

After all, high-level elf doctors are much rarer than high-level trainers. Just as there is an old saying that advises people to study medicine, the sky will strike like lightning. Treatment of elves is much more complicated than that of humans. Every high-level elf doctor is very professional.

"The rest is to wait for the fire dinosaur to wake up. At that time, we can see to what extent it can master this power." Chen Xi said.

"Really?" Ye Chuan looked at the fire dinosaur in his arms, and then glanced at Chen Xi:

"When can I wake up?"

"Well, I'm not sure. I think it will take about a day." Chen Xi said: "After all, the fire dinosaur's body is blending with this power, so it cannot wake up before the initial integration."

In fact, Chen Xi was already surprised. After all, the fire dinosaur was able to defeat the beastly nature on the first day. Based on the chance, she thought that with the current strength of the fire dinosaur, it would take three or four days to wear down the beastly nature bit by bit. right.

"This is really unexpected." Chen Xi folded his arms and couldn't help but sigh.

Returning from the scuba diving gym.

After Ye Chuan placed the fire dinosaur in a room to have a good rest, he asked Sister Chen to help take care of the fire dinosaur. After all, he could not stay in the room all day long for fear of disturbing the fire dinosaur's rest.

"I understand." Sister Chen nodded when she heard Ye Chuan say that there was nothing wrong with the fire dinosaur and he was just breaking through himself to digest his power. She planned to take good care of the fire dinosaur.

Unknowingly, several days passed.

The fire dinosaur still didn't wake up, and Ye Chuan began to worry about whether he could trust that unreliable woman.

Could it be that he is really a liar?

"Aye, today is already the third day, and the fire dinosaur hasn't woken up yet." An Shiyu asked a little worriedly. Next to him, a wooden ball also folded its wings, and seemed to be caring about the fire dinosaur. Dinosaur situation.

"There shouldn't be any physical problems." Ye Chuan said. After all, he checked with the waveguide and found that there was no problem with the fire dinosaur's body. The waveguide aura was strong and even had an upward trend, but for some reason, it just wasn't there yet. wake up.

Obviously Chen Xi said it would only take about a day.

"Let's go to the diving gym and ask." An Shiyu asked, because Chen Xi knew better in this regard.

"Well, it's better to go to the diving gym and ask." Ye Chuan also nodded. After all, if the fire dinosaur fails to wake up like this again, it will not be good news.

The two set off again and came to the diving gym.

Because he didn't have the other party's mobile phone number, Ye Chuan could only come over during working hours, but when he arrived at the front desk, he heard the staff say this:

"The gym is closed today, our gym leader is out."

"Huh?" After hearing this, Ye Chuan frowned slightly.

Could it be that this guy ran away?

But it seemed unlikely. Ye Chuan shook his head, and then asked the staff: "Then do you know where your museum owner has gone?"

"That, I'm not very sure about." The staff at the front desk shook his head.

"Then I have a mobile phone number."

"Sorry, for privacy reasons, the mobile phone number will not be disclosed to outsiders." The staff directly rejected Ye Chuan.

Although I understand, I don’t know why Ye Chuan feels like he’s been cheated, but the other party can’t just take a few thousand yuan and run away, let alone the money hasn’t been received yet, and Bird won’t lie, the other party is sincerely helping. Fire dinosaur.

"Is it really not allowed to be revealed?"

Perhaps thinking that Ye Chuan and An Shiyu had something urgent to do, the staff hesitated for a moment and finally whispered:

"If you are really in a hurry to find the museum owner, you can try to look for him in that place."

After finishing speaking, he provided Ye Chuan and An Shiyu with their addresses, but the staff only said that they might be there, but could not guarantee that they would be there.


After getting the address, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu took a car there. In about half an hour, the two arrived at their destination——

On the outside of an old building, there are the words "Weiguang Welfare Institute" written on it.

After seeing that it was an orphanage, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu looked at each other and then walked in together.

"Hey, we have guests!" A little girl with a ponytail shouted loudly after seeing Ye Chuan and An Shiyu, and returned to the house.

Then, an old man came out. He looked at Ye Chuan and An Shiyu carefully and smiled kindly:

"Two guests, do you have any business coming to the orphanage?"

"We..." Before Ye Chuan could finish speaking, there was a furry touch at his feet. He lowered his head and saw that it was a brown fox-like elf, a regular Eevee!

"Erbo~~" Ibrahimovic looked at Ye Chuan, and then rubbed his feet with his furry head.

"So cute!" After An Shiyu saw that it was an Eevee, she squatted down, then stretched out her hand to try to touch its head.


After Ibrahimovic jumped away, he returned to the old man's side.

"Xiaoyi, don't make trouble." Xiaoyi seemed to be Ibrahimovic's name. After the old man finished speaking reproachfully, he continued to look at Ye Chuan:

"Sorry, Ibrahimovic is naughty and made you laugh, you two..."

"No intention of interrupting, we are here to ask the owner of the scuba diving gym, is Chen Xi here?" Ye Chuan asked with a smile.

"Chen Xi?" The old man looked at Ye Chuan and An Shiyu. After confirming again that the other party was not a bad person, he asked a child on the side to call someone:

"Go and call your sister Chen Xi."

"Hmm!" The child and Ibrahimovic ran away. Then, Chen Xi, who was wearing work clothes, came out. When she saw that it was Ye Chuan and An Shiyu, she was stunned for a moment and asked curiously:

"Why are you two here?"

"It is indeed here." Ye Chuan said:

"We don't have your contact information. We just wanted to come over and ask about the fire dinosaur."

"Chen Xi, let the guests go in. It's not good to stand outside all the time." The old man glanced at Chen Xi and then said.

"Okay Grandpa Li." Chen Xi nodded and said to Ye Chuan:

"Come in, make it comfortable in there."


Ye Chuan followed Chen Xi into the room and found that there were about a dozen children in the welfare home. They were all looking at him with big, bright eyes, and their little faces were full of curiosity.

"These are all children in the orphanage." After Chen Xi finished speaking, he then looked at Ye Chuan:

"Did something happen to the fire dinosaur?"

Ye Chuan then told the story about the fire dinosaur.

"I see, the fire dinosaur hasn't woken up until today, but you don't have to worry." Chen Xi said with a smile:

"The later the fire dinosaur wakes up, the more power it absorbs. Once it wakes up, its strength will undergo earth-shaking changes."

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