Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 208 An Shiyu’s father returns

After getting the definite answer, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief. After all, as long as Charmander was fine, it would be impossible for him to absorb this power for ten days and a half.

"Sister Chen Xi, I'm hungry~~" At this time, a child came to Chen Xi's side, and then touched his belly with a milky voice.

"Okay." Chen Xi rubbed her little head and smiled slightly.

"Buy!" Ibrahimovic jumped up and followed Chen Xi.

Seemingly noticing the slightly curious looks in Ye Chuan and An Shiyu's eyes, Chen Xi said with a smile:

"Is it weird? Actually, I grew up in this welfare institution."

"It turns out that you are quite serious even when you are not perverted." Ye Chuan touched his chin.

An Shiyu beside him nodded his head in agreement.

"Is it that exaggerated?!"

After returning home from the orphanage, it was already afternoon and it was time to make dinner. When Mr. An heard them talking about Chen Xi, he explained without any surprise:

"We all know this very well, because the owner of our scuba diving gym grew up eating a lot of food. He was adopted by that orphanage when he was a child. When he grew up, he may have talent and good luck. Smoothly, I became the elf gym leader of this city."

"How can you be so inspiring?" Ye Chuan said.

"Of course it's more than that. In addition to maintaining the basic operation of the gym, this child's income from running the gym is basically given to the welfare institution. She is not willing to spend the money she has earned. I see that she sometimes brings swimsuits to wear. Mr. An said with a smile.

"That might just be a purely perverted interest." Ye Chuan complained, but he felt a little moved inside.

I was adopted by an orphanage when I was a child. When I grow up, I will give back to the orphanage if I have the ability.

"Aye, what are you thinking about?" An Shiyu beside her asked softly.

"I'm thinking of you." Ye Chuan looked away, his dark eyes moved, and he smiled slightly at An Shiyu.

"I don't believe it." An Shiyu's face turned red and she stuck out her tongue.

At this time, a series of cell phone ringtones rang, coming from An Shiyu's cell phone. She took out her cell phone, looked at it, and then connected:

"Hello, daddy?"

After about half a minute, An Shiyu hung up the phone, and then looked at Ye Chuan beside her: "Aye, my father has arrived at the airport. Come back now."

"Uncle An seems to be quite busy." Ye Chuan said with a smile. After all, he manages such a large group, so it would be strange if he wasn't busy.

If he is unfortunate enough to inherit the Bai Group in the future.

Ye Chuan suddenly shuddered, "No, you can't think about such a bad thing. Who would want to inherit a well-known group company? When the time comes, your name must not be ruined."

Maybe if someone participates in Bai Group's activities in the future, such as simply drawing a prize, others will say in their hearts: "Send sacrifice to me, Ye Chuan's father!"

"Aye, why are you looking so green..."

"It's okay, I remembered something happy."

Just as An Shiyu said, around night time, there was a knock on the door.

Sister Chen quickly opened the door, and a middle-aged man with a serious face appeared.

"It seems that everyone is in good order." An's father said calmly, took off his gloves and put them into the pocket of his coat.

At this time, Ye Chuan and the others were sitting at the dinner table, waiting for An's father.

"Dad." An Shiyu called sweetly.

"Well, I didn't expect that this birthday would be an unexpected surprise." An's father sat in his seat, between his daughter and his mother, and then glanced at Ye Chuan and said.

The so-called unexpected surprise was naturally the engagement between Ye Chuan and An Shiyu.

An Shiyu's face turned red, and then she secretly glanced at Ye Chuan beside her.

"I'm surprised too." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

However, he didn't hate the surprise.

"You are old enough, and the two of you are suitable. There is nothing wrong with getting engaged early." After An's father finished speaking, he seemed to remember something:

"Did you buy an engagement ring?"

"Not yet, after all, it happened suddenly." Ye Chuan smiled.

It was indeed quite sudden. After all, she was supposed to accompany An Shiyu back to her hometown to help the old man celebrate his birthday, but as soon as Mr. An clapped his hands, they simply got engaged.

"I happen to know that there are several good stores in this city. You and Shiyu will go and have a look tomorrow." After An's father finished speaking, he casually mentioned:

"It seems like it costs a lot to train elves -"

As he said that, he took out a bank card:

"There are half a million here, you and Shiyu go and pick the right one."

"Engagement rings don't have to be that expensive. I'm quite financially well off here." Ye Chuan said with a smile and refused directly. After all, he wasn't engaged yet, so spending his father-in-law's money to buy an engagement ring was not a big deal.

Father An smiled slightly, Ye Chuan has always been like this.

"How is Charmander?" Father An began to care about other aspects of Ye Chuan.

"It has evolved." Ye Chuan told the story of Charmander fighting the ultimate beast and finally breaking through the evolution.

"Oh?" Hearing that Ye Chuan actually defeated the ultimate beast, An's father's face was full of surprise, and then he breathed out slowly:

"As expected of a champion's son."

Although it is the lowest level wormhole, the ultimate beast coming out of it is not something that a student can deal with.

"Dad!" An Shiyu said immediately:

"It has nothing to do with the champion's son, it's Aye who is great!"

Ye Chuan smiled immediately when he saw An Shiyu's cute look as a protector, and then shook his head: "Okay, Shiyu."

In fact, he is used to having others praise him for being the child of a champion no matter what he does.

But since childhood, only An Shiyu understood the most sensitive part of Ye Chuan's heart best.

Father An obviously realized something, then shook his head and continued:

"Since it has evolved once, as long as the fire-breathing dinosaur successfully evolves, the future combat power of the fire-breathing dragon will definitely be no less than that of a quasi-god-level elf."

Ye Chuan also told An's father about the sleeping fire dinosaur.

"Are you sleeping?" Father An pondered slightly, and then explained: "Some quasi-god-level elves who are extremely powerful have a great influence on their descendants. This is the case with the fire dinosaurs. The situation where they run away out of control is Influenced by the bloodline of the Storm Salamander."

"The scuba gym leader you mentioned should have used the essence extracted from the Dragon Fire Fruit to allow the Fire Dinosaur to stimulate part of its bloodline power and learn to control it. This is indeed a good method, and it has no side effects."

"Really." Ye Chuan nodded.

After eating, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu took a shower early and went to bed. Perhaps because of their outing today, An Shiyu slept very soundly. After a while, it was like a koala clinging to Ye Chuan:

"Hmm, Aye, I like it."

Ye Chuan pinched her nose and fell into a dream.

The next day, the two were going to pick out engagement rings.

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