Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 206 [Tai Chi Mantis] (two in one chapter)

"The fee is three thousand eighty."

Chen Xi took out his mobile phone and did nothing else. Instead, he clicked on the computer and pressed it beeping somewhere. When Ye Chuan saw this, he twitched the corner of his mouth.

Is this woman... not mentally normal?

Or is this a professional liar?

But after all, he is also the owner of an elf gym, so he should not be a liar. Thinking of this, Ye Chuan took out his mobile phone and asked directly: "If I give you money, you can help my fire dinosaur?"

"This is the tuition fee." Chen Xi said.

"My grandfather's fire-breathing dragon is above the championship level. Are you sure your method is effective?" Ye Chuan's words made Chen Xi's face change.

Championship level? !

Chen Xi began to look at Ye Chuan again, wondering if this guy was a young master from a big family.

"I feel that I am still effective. After all, there are specialties in the art industry, and I have research in this area!" Chen Xi patted his chest hard, and then said loudly.

Ye Chuan crossed his arms. It seemed that the woman in front of him was quite confident. His grandfather's fire-breathing dragon had trained the fire-breathing dinosaur well, and its violent ferocity had weakened a lot.

From the feeling in the waveguide, the woman in front of him did not lie, but really had something that could help the fire dinosaur.

"Don't say three thousand and eighty. If it's really effective, even thirty-eight thousand is fine." Ye Chuan said slowly.

"No problem!" Chen Xi's eyes lit up.

Ye Chuan first restored the fire dinosaur's physical strength and then released it. At this time, the fire dinosaur no longer looked as ferocious as before. It lowered its head with remorse on its face.

Because it actually planned to attack Ye Chuan in the battle just now.

"It's okay, I don't blame you for this." Ye Chuan stroked the fire dinosaur's head and comforted it. After all, the power left by its father, the Salamander, was too strong, so Ye Chuan did not blame the fire dinosaur.

Although he was comforted by Ye Chuan, the fire dinosaur felt even more guilty, thinking that his master was too gentle to him.

"Then, starting from tomorrow, you will come to the diving gym once a day for a total of twenty days. You can do it," Chen Xi said.

"Twenty days is too long..." Ye Chuan frowned slightly. After all, he had to attend Mr. An's 80th birthday and his and Shiyu's engagement ceremony in between. Neither of these two seats could be empty.

"Too long?" Chen Xi thought for a moment, then said with a smile:

"Then seven days."

"Isn't there a big difference between the time before and after for you?"

"Diaoyou." Chen Xi waved his hand, and then said with a smile: "The main reason is that you spent so much money. If you don't spend a few more days, I feel that you will feel that the money is not worth it. After all, we are doing business. It’s better to take more care of customers.”

"Since you don't have much time, let's take a normal seven days."

Ye Chuan: "..."

Then I really thank you.

Rubbing his brows, Ye Chuan realized that he couldn't talk to this Chen Xi.

After all, this guy, how should I put it, feels that his brain circuit is not normal. This guy is very similar to someone in his impression. That is a friend of his parents, a person named Aunt Xueling, who is a very crazy and stupid person. Stupid people.

"Um..." An Shiyu suddenly asked in a low voice:

"Can I come over too?"

An Shiyu is Ye Chuan's little follower, the kind who follows Ye Chuan wherever he goes. If Ye Chuan is coming over in the next seven days, An Shiyu still wants to be with him.

"That's not a problem." Chen Xi smiled, and then she looked at Ye Chuan:

"Then, go back and rest now, and come here early tomorrow."

After seeing Chen Xi urging him to leave, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu looked at each other and did not object.

After leaving the gym, Chen Xi sat on the sofa.

Suddenly he picked up his mobile phone and clicked on the computer:

“Another cost savings, thank you!”

On the way home, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu walked side by side. Looking at the girl beside him, Ye Chuan's eyes flashed strangely.

"What's wrong, Aye?" An Shiyu asked curiously when he saw Ye Chuan's expression at this time.

"I always feel like I've forgotten something." Ye Chuan touched his chin a little strangely.

It seemed like I was missing something.

"Forgot something?" An Shiyu thought for a while, then tilted his head and asked:

"what is that?"

"Forget it, let's not think about it." Ye Chuan's mind was now filled with things about fire dinosaurs, but he no longer thought about those things.

Looking at Ye Chuan beside her, An Shiyu suddenly put the hand behind her back in front of her, and then moved closer to him in small steps.

Finally, An Shiyu reached out and hugged Ye Chuan's arm, showing a sweet smile.

Feeling his arm sinking into softness, Ye Chuan glanced at the girl next to him and then slowly walked back with her.

When they got home, Mr. An and the others had already prepared dinner. The sumptuous table contained the standard nine dishes and one soup. As soon as Ye Chuan sat down, he also found that he was hungry.

"How do you feel about participating in the gym competition today?" Mr. An asked with a smile.

"There was a little accident, nothing else went wrong." Ye Chuan shook his head, and then told the story about the fire dinosaur.

"The owner of the scuba diving gym is a good boy. Although he behaves in a unique way, he is equivalent to a soul figure in our city." Mr. An said:

"You can rest assured that when it comes to elves, if she says she can help you, she won't be lying."

After hearing what An Shiyu's grandfather said, Ye Chuan felt a lot more relieved.

At night, after dinner, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu returned to the room, intending to relax and have fun.

"Aye, if you do this again, I can't even do it anymore!"

"It's just a little bit close, wait a minute..."

"That's it, Aye, hurry up."

"Ugh." Seeing the game screen on her phone going black again, An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan angrily:

"Aye, you rushed up on your own again."

"Ahem." Ye Chuan smiled a little awkwardly. After all, he did feel that he could fight back just now, but he was surrounded by opponents.

"Idiot Aye, I won't play with you anymore, it happens every time." An Shiyu turned off her phone and put it aside.

"The last one." Ye Chuan clasped his hands together and said sincerely:

"Believe me, I will be able to do it this time."

An Shiyu opened one eye and looked at him, then glanced at her phone. After remembering that the game score in it was enough to be knocked down by Ye Chuan, she muttered:

"Aye is really good and fun-loving."

"And he especially likes to give away people's heads."

After Ye Chuan heard what An Shiyu said, his face suddenly became serious:

"How can you blame me for getting killed? If you want to blame, you have to blame the opponent. If the opponent doesn't kill me, how can I die? It's obviously the opponent's problem. How can you blame your teammates?"

"They killed me based on my strength, how can you say I gave away my life?"

It was well-founded and logical, making An Shiyu's little face bulge cutely:


Ye Chuan, who was tired from playing, stretched out and then buried his face in An Shiyu's chest, as if he planned to take a rest on this warm cotton bed.

An Shiyu stroked Ye Chuan's hair. After a while, he raised his head and asked with a smile:

"Would you like to take a shower together, Shiyu?"

"I didn't bring a swimsuit..." An Shiyu whispered.

"Isn't it better?"

"don't want!"

An Shiyu immediately refused, but when she saw Ye Chuan suddenly lost his temper and even squatted on the corner of the bed, she immediately blushed and said:

"Isn't this bad?"

"Actually, this will help you get to know each other more deeply. You also know that the prerequisite for marriage is that both parties understand each other well, both mentally and physically." Ye Chuan patted An Shiyu on the shoulder and said seriously:

"I'm just thinking about our future."

An Shiyu saw Ye Chuan's serious look. After thinking about it for several seconds, she finally made a mosquito-like sound:


The two entered the bathroom.

An Shiyu took a bath towel and squatted on the ground to carefully clean Ye Chuan's back. Maybe she was too shy, but she kept saying that Ye Chuan was not allowed to turn around.

"Yeah." Ye Chuan was honest, but he kept looking at the mirror in the distance, as if he was thinking about life.

After a long time, An Shiyu's voice came from behind:

"Aye, close your eyes and I'll help you make shower gel."

After hearing what An Shiyu said, Ye Chuan smiled slightly and closed his eyes.

Then the waveguide was turned on.

After An Shiyu discovered that Ye Chuan did not open his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then started to help him get shower gel with a blushing face.

Mainly because of his shy personality, An Shiyu felt like a ripe shrimp.

Although these things are common between lovers, for An Shiyu, every attempt requires a little courage to overcome shyness.

"Yeah." After applying shower gel and flushing with the shower head, An Shiyu just stood up, but found that she had stepped on the facial cleanser on the ground and leaned back. She was so scared that she quickly closed her eyes.

Ye Chuan, who had always turned on the waveguide, naturally noticed this scene. He quickly stretched out his hand, but he failed to hold it firmly, causing An Shiyu to fall on top of him with his back turned.

"Are you okay?" After Ye Chuan opened his eyes, he was stunned for a few seconds and then quickly closed them.

Fortunately, An Shiyu had Ye Chuan as a cushion, so nothing happened. But the next second, her face quickly turned red, and then she stammered:

"Ah, Ah Ye..."

"Ahem." Ye Chuan coughed dryly:

"Used to it."

An Shiyu had been facing Ye Chuan and sitting on him, and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Am I heavy?"

"No." Ye Chuan shook his head.

An Shiyu has a standard childbirth-type figure. To put it simply, she has everything she should have. Other places, such as her legs, are very slender.

An Shiyu looked around, then blushed and lowered his head.

Half an hour later, the two walked out of the bathroom,

Ye Chuan lay on the bed and stretched out with a comfortable expression.

Sure enough, nothing is more comfortable than taking a bath.

An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan from the side, and then fiddled with her pajamas. She felt her chest was a little sore, maybe because she had just taken a bath too hard and it took a long time.

"Aye..." An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan and suddenly whispered.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan put the girl in his arms and asked with a smile.

"Where did you learn that?" An Shiyu suddenly stretched out his small pliers and pinched Ye Chuan's waist, then looked at Ye Chuan's dark eyes with two jewel-like clear eyes.

"Ah this..." Ye Chuan saw An Shiyu's appearance and said with a smile:

"You can learn a lot of things on your own."

"Really?" Although An Shiyu was a little doubtful, she still said oh, but thinking about it carefully, she seemed to have been staying with Aye.

"What's wrong, jealous little boy?" Ye Chuan kissed An Shiyu's soft lips and asked with a smile.

"I'm not jealous!" An Shiyu stuck out her tongue cutely, then looked at Ye Chuan: "Isn't your mouth tired?"

"Not tired." Ye Chuan smiled.

An Shiyu blushed and buried herself in front of Ye Chuan, motionless. After a while, she made a muffled voice:

"Good night."

Ye Chuan stroked the girl's long hair: "Good night."

A night of silence.

The next day, Ye Chuan got up early, while An Shiyu was still sleeping soundly, wrapped tightly around him in a familiar octopus posture.

Maybe it's because An Shiyu usually gets up earlier than Ye Chuan, so he only recently discovered that An Shiyu's sleeping posture is a bit unsightly. It's either the posture of a koala or an octopus, facing in a strange direction. To develop in a strange direction.

Gently letting go of An Shiyu, Ye Chuan washed up and left the room.

After arriving on the first floor, Ye Chuan found Mr. An doing Tai Chi in the yard. Although he couldn't understand it, there was an inexplicable sense of harmony in Mr. An's movements.

"Getting up so early." Mr. An was happy after seeing Ye Chuan.

"Well, I've had enough sleep." Ye Chuan nodded, and then released the elves to check their status. After the fire dinosaur spent the night, although he still blamed himself, he was not as sad as yesterday.

The other elves are all in good condition, not to mention Blue Jay, who trains a lot every day and eats a lot.

"Are you going to the scuba diving gym in the afternoon?" Mr. An asked.

"Yes." After Ye Chuan nodded, he suddenly found that the Flying Mantis was a little strange at this time. Its eyes were staring at Mr. An closely, as if it was looking at something.

"Are you interested in Tai Chi?" Mr. An asked jokingly when he saw the flying mantis looking intently.

It was just a joke at first, but the flying mantis nodded.

"Oh?" Mr. An showed an unexpected expression, and then said:

"If nothing else, I have been practicing Tai Chi for thirty or forty years. Do you want to learn it?"

Flying Mantis nodded again.

Then, Mr. An looked at Ye Chuan.

"Can you please let Flying Praying Mantis learn with me?" Flying Praying Mantis's training method has always been very magical, so it proposed to learn Tai Chi. Ye Chuan didn't know if Flying Praying Mantis would have any magical effects on his own strength after learning it. Chemical changes.

Mr. An was very enthusiastic and agreed quickly.

The flying mantis followed Mr. An and used his body to follow the rhythm of Tai Chi.

The speed was very slow, but the Flying Mantis was very excited, as if he had discovered some mystery in it.

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