Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 205 Purple dragon shadow, rampaging fire dinosaur! (Two chapters in one)

A heavy impact sounded, and flames burst out from the fists of the fire dinosaur and Bodhidharma baboon at the same time. After the collision, people can feel the brute force battle between the beasts.

"Isn't Charmander a mage?" At this time, someone showed a puzzled expression. Why is it that a mage can go head-to-head with the top-level elf Bodhidharma Baboon without falling behind? Is it possible that this elf is of a very high level?

But if the level was very high, shouldn't it have evolved into a fire-breathing dragon long ago?

"Boom!" After another round of confrontation, Ye Chuan discovered that the Bodhidharma baboon on the opposite side actually surpassed the fire dinosaur in terms of strength. It seemed that the Bodhidharma baboon was a top-level power elf in this form. He was absolutely right.

The power that the fire dinosaur was proud of did not show its due advantages in front of Bodhidharma. After all, facing an elf like Bodhidharma baboon, the fire dinosaur was slightly shorter in terms of attributes and physical level.

"Fire Dinosaur, Dance of the Dragons."

Ye Chuan said, the fire dinosaur roared, and purple light began to flow all over its body. The next second, it burst out again, its claws ignited the intertwined power of flames and dragons, and it shook the Bodhidharma baboon hard together.

The Bodhidharma Baboon also unleashed its full strength. The instantaneous burst of power was terrifying, and it began to overwhelm the Fire Dinosaur's momentum!

One floor, one floor, one floor, the strength of the two elves began to compete. At the same time, perhaps the fire dinosaur was far inferior to the Bodhidharma baboon, so at this time, under pressure from above, the floor of the fire dinosaur began to Collapse.

Just when everyone thought that the fire dinosaur and the Bodhidharma baboon were going to be defeated due to the confrontation of power.

"Gah!" The purple light on the oppressed fire dinosaur suddenly became strong. In its eyes, a purple light began to slowly occupy its pupils, and finally dyed its pupils.

"That's..." After Ye Chuan saw this, before he could react, the fire dinosaur burst out with a high-pitched roar, and a wave of waves burst out from its body.

In everyone's shocked eyes, a purple dragon-shaped shadow appeared on the body of the fire dinosaur!

The power of destruction and violence occupies the heart of the fire dinosaur. It takes one step forward and shoots out its sharp claws. The dragon-shaped shadow immediately makes the same move!

The Bodhidharma baboon struck with fists, but its own strength, just at the moment of contact, could not resist the power of the fire dinosaur. The Bodhidharma baboon was thrown away, and its entire body turned into a bronze in mid-air. The statue——

Bodhidharma baboon’s roly-poly mode!

"Mo!" After the exhausted Bodhidharma baboon entered the roly-poly mode, the brute force it was originally good at turned into special attacks, and its defense was also improved to the extreme.

"Ideology!" The Bodhidharma baboon sent out a blue beam of thought and shot towards the fire dinosaur!

"Boom!" There was an explosion, directly hitting the fire dinosaur.

"Fire dinosaur...wait." Ye Chuan was about to give the order when he found that the fire dinosaur was in a violent state. Like a ferocious beast, it ignored its thoughts and rushed in front of the Bodhidharma baboon, dragging the dragon with its sharp claws. Shadow blasted out.

"Boom!" The huge collision caused the Bodhidharma baboon's body to crack, and it fell to the ground. It could no longer hold up and lost its ability to fight.

The fire dinosaur had no intention of stopping, and the dragon claws continued to shoot!

"No, come back, fire dinosaur!" Ye Chuan took out the elf ball and put the fire dinosaur back directly, but the next second, the elf ball opened automatically and the fire dinosaur appeared again.

"Roar!" The purple dragon shadow behind the fire dinosaur made the same move at the same time as it did. After roaring to the sky, it slowly walked towards the Bodhidharma baboon.

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you take the Bodhidharma baboon back quickly?!" Ye Chuan shouted at the disciple who looked blank on the opposite side.

"Oh oh oh." The disciple reacted quickly, took out the elf ball and took the Bodhidharma baboon back.

After the fire dinosaur lost its target, the dragon-shaped shadow on its body moved restlessly. Then it turned around and looked at Ye Chuan with its purple pupils.

"You want to attack me?" Ye Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly, a light blue light appeared in his eyes, and began to use the waveguide to communicate with the out-of-control fire dinosaur in front of him.

At this time, the heart of the fire dinosaur was occupied by a strong desire to attack. This situation reminded Ye Chuan of the first time he saw it. It was also out of control and uncontrollable, but the situation in front of him was obviously much more serious.

"Roar!" At this time, the fire dinosaur had already rushed towards Ye Chuan.

"Aye!" Behind him, An Shiyu's little face turned pale with fright, and she stood up immediately.

Ye Chuan stood there, motionless, and at the same time, the fire dinosaur's claws stopped half a meter away from Ye Chuan.

The purple light in the fire dinosaur's eyes flickered and disappeared, and the dragon-shaped shadow behind him also began to fluctuate unsteadily. It seemed to be struggling painfully, as if it was contending with something.

Ye Chuan walked up to the fire dinosaur, squatted down and put his hand on its head, and released the waveguide.

The shadow behind the fire dinosaur slowly dissipated, and it knelt on the ground and fell into Ye Chuan's arms.

"What's the reason..." Ye Chuan stroked the fire dinosaur's head, then took out the elf ball and took the fire dinosaur away.

"Sorry, it's my problem that has caused trouble to everyone." Ye Chuan stood up and said to the referee on the side.

At this time, people in the audience were whispering, and some people were wondering whether Ye Chuan had given the fire dinosaur some medicine. After all, the violent aura of the fire dinosaur just now seemed as if his spirit was not under his control.

The referee walked to the owner of the diving gym. After the two talked quietly for a while, the referee came to Ye Chuan and asked:

"Player Ye Chuan, do you still want to participate in the Gym Challenge?"

After all, there is only one opponent left.

"I'm more worried about the condition of my elf now, so I abstain from voting." Ye Chuan smiled, then turned around and left with the elf ball.

"Wait a minute."

At this moment, a voice came from behind.

Ye Chuan paused, turned his head slightly confused, and found that behind him, the leader of the diving gym was looking at him with one hand on his hip, and said:

"Your elf, I probably know what's going on!"

"Oh?" Ye Chuan showed a slightly surprised expression, then turned around: "You know?"

"Well, when the battle is over, you come with me backstage." Chen Xi, the leader of the underwater gym, said:

"But now, you need to finish the third battle."

Ye Chuan thought for three seconds and agreed directly.

Standing in the command position, the third person on the other side looked at Ye Chuan and asked instead:

"Can your fire dinosaur still fight?"

"In the situation just now, it's better to rest."

After hearing that the other party was caring about him, Ye Chuan smiled, and then took out a poke ball: "I don't need a fire dinosaur to fight you."

"It turns out there is a second elf, so let's start." The other party threw his elf ball.

There was a flash of white light.

A duck-billed fire dragon appeared. As expected, most of the trainers at the underwater gym used fire elves.

Ye Chuan opened the elf ball, and a shadow as black as ink appeared.

Flying mantis.

Under the lights of the battlefield, the cold light flows on its giant scythe, with a breathtaking sharpness.

"What about the heterochromatic flying mantis? Although you just used the fire elf to deal with the fire element, using the insect elf would be too disrespectful to our underwater gym." The other person said with a smile. Although the heterochromatic is rare, it has no practical effect. The effect is just different in color.

"I'm not looking down on him. For example, the Bodhidharma baboon just now was very strong." Ye Chuan said simply and clearly.

"Then, the battle begins!"

As the referee's voice sounded, the duck-billed fire dragon directly breathed out flames.

Fire skills are very effective against insect elves, but the next second, the flying mantis disappeared from the spot.


After seeing this, the duck-billed fire dragon was stunned for a moment.

Then it looked left and right, only to find a biting chill behind it. It turned around and found a huge jet-black sickle slashing down.

The sword fell and the duck fell down, and the duck-billed fire dragon immediately lost its ability to fight.

This process takes less than three seconds.

The battle is over.

"Thank you for your hard work, Flying Mantis." Ye Chuan took out the elf ball, took the Flying Mantis back, and looked at the referee.

The referee reacted suddenly:

"The duck-billed fire dragon loses the ability to fight, and player Ye Chuan wins!"

"Aye is great!" An Shiyu behind him cheered happily.

Ye Chuan returned to An Shiyu and discovered that this girl had actually changed into a cheerleading uniform.

"When did you change it?" Ye Chuan stared at An Shiyu's outfit with a strange look on his face. His breasts were raised and his legs were white. In a sense, it was a bit slutty. It was completely different from the previous cheerleading uniform. .

"I just secretly went to the bathroom to change." An Shiyu secretly looked at Ye Chuan's expression, her eyes sparkling with water:

"Does it look good?"

"Bu." Mumu Xiao opened his wings.

"Well, it's very beautiful." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he leaned down and whispered:

"But you can change it back later. I don't want others to see you like this."

Hearing the possessive words, An Shiyu blushed and nodded:

"Well...just show it to Aye alone."

After the battle with Ye Chuan ended, the battle with the gym owner also began on the other side.

Chen Xi, the elf master of the scuba gym, uses a fire-breathing dragon. This surprises Ye Chuan. Although fire-breathing dragons are not uncommon, seeing other than the black fire-breathing dragon from his grandfather's house is a surprise to him. This is the first time.

The opponent was well prepared to send out water elves.

However, in a short period of time, the leader of the Aquatic Gym used an amazing Charizard to penetrate three and directly win the battle.

"What a powerful fire-breathing dragon. It's not afraid of water elves." Ye Chuan thought, this fire-breathing dragon is very strong. It turns out that this is the strength of the owner.

"No, I don't believe it. Could it be that the characteristic of your fire-breathing dragon is to store water?"

The challenger opposite had an expression that was hard to accept. After all, he had been preparing for this battle for a year, but he still lost to the opponent, still in this crushed attitude.

The man was left there to take whatever he didn't want, but he was taken away by the disciples.

Today's challenge is over, and Ye Chuan is also backstage, meeting Chen Xi.

"Follow me." After Chen Xi finished speaking, she turned around, and Ye Chuan followed her.

Behind the Elf Gym is a place for Elf Gym Leaders to rest, and most of the Elf Gym Leaders do not live in the Gym. Only a few of them - the Aqua Diving Gym Leader in front of me, Belongs to the category that lives in the elf gym.

"Would you like tea?" Chen Xi asked after she brought Ye Chuan and An Shiyu into the room.

"That..." Ye Chuan said.

"What about the fire dinosaur? Don't worry, we can talk about it slowly." Chen Xi said with a smile.

"No, why are you wearing a swimsuit?" Ye Chuan looked at Chen Xi's highly revealing swimsuit and couldn't help but twitch his lips. The swimsuit was so big and white that he felt like he didn't even know where to look with his eyes. Where to look.

"Oh, don't worry, I prefer freedom, so I put on a swimsuit." Chen Xi said with a serious expression.

"What does freedom have to do with wearing a swimsuit?" Ye Chuan complained.

"Ah this..." Chen Xi showed a thoughtful expression:

"It's not impossible to just wear underwear."

"Is that what I said?" Ye Chuan complained loudly.

"Okay, okay, what a little boy." Chen Xi pulled a towel from somewhere and put it on, then said to Ye Chuan with a smile:

"But seeing how handsome you are, I don't hate you, sister."

Ye Chuan: "..."

At this time, An Shiyu, who was beside Ye Chuan, looked at Chen Xi angrily.

"It seems that your fiancée has some objections to me, okay, just kidding." Chen Xi waved his hand and crossed his hands:

"Then, I'm going to get down to business."

Ye Chuan nodded: "Yes."

Chen Xi's face was serious. After looking at Ye Chuan and An Shiyu, she slowly said:

"Which one do you think is more appropriate to wear out, underwear or a swimsuit?"

Ye Chuan: "..."

"Are you a pervert? You must be an exhibitionist, right?!" Ye Chuan said. He was still worried about what happened to his fire dinosaur!

"That's too much. You actually called me a pervert." Chen Xi looked like he was about to cry.

"Aren't you a pervert..." Ye Chuan complained helplessly.

"Ahem, cough, cough. Seeing that you are so worried about the fire dinosaur, let me tell you briefly." Chen Xi looked at Ye Chuan:

"Your fire dinosaur's father must be a violent salamander, right?"

"Yeah." Ye Chuan was a little surprised that the owner of the diving gym could actually see that, and then nodded:

"How did you find out?"

"Because your fire dinosaur, the violent aura just now belongs to the violent salamander." Chen Xi said with a smile:

"So I just discovered directly that that powerful power cannot come from the fire dinosaur itself."

"What should we do?" Ye Chuan asked:

"The previous Charmander also had this problem."

"Just learn to control it. If this power can be mastered by the fire dinosaur, it will definitely become a very good fire-breathing dragon after it evolves in the future."

"Of course I know this. The fire dinosaur went to practice with my grandfather's fire-breathing dragon before. Since then, it has basically not gone violent. I didn't expect this time..." Ye Chuan shook his head. The question of the fire dinosaur After all, it's not the first time.

"You need a little help." Chen Xi took out his phone and smiled.

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