Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 203 Acting like a spoiled child (two chapters in one)

After a long time, the two separated. An Shiyu hugged Ye Chuan's waist, with a charming blush on her face. She whispered softly, as if she was telling something. Ye Chuan smiled and gently touched the girl's face with his fingers. , and then whispered:

"Go back to bed and rest."

After hearing what Ye Chuan said, An Shiyu lowered his head and pulled Ye Chuan's clothes. After the two went to bed, Ye Chuan just hugged her quietly and smelled the fragrance of An Shiyu's hair, which made him very happy. of peace of mind.

After An Shiyu looked at him for a while, she crawled deeper into Ye Chuan's arms, pressing her whole body against his.

They were very close to each other, and they could naturally feel the softness and the beating of their heart. Gradually, An Shiyu's body relaxed, and soon there was a slight sound of breathing. Ye Chuan gently stroked her soft and satin-like breasts. With long black hair, he then looked outside the door and turned on his own waveguide——

Several translucent blue figures crouched outside the door, as if eavesdropping on something.

Ye Chuan withdrew his gaze and shook his head helplessly:

"These are disrespectful people."

At this time, outside the door, Mr. An, his wife, An Shiyu's grandmother, and servant Sister Chen were squatting outside. When he found that there was no one inside, Mr. An frowned:

"Hasn't it started yet? Or it's over."

"Shh, old man, stop eavesdropping. Let's go back." An Shiyu's grandmother frowned and pushed Mr. An.

"Harmful!" Mr. An listened carefully for a while, and after finding that there was really nothing, he went downstairs dejectedly.

One night without words, the next day.

The sunshine outside the window, accompanied by the warm spring breeze, caressed Ye Chuan's face, and he slowly opened his eyes from sleep.

"Unfamiliar ceiling, have I traveled through time?"

Just when Ye Chuan wanted to complain, he recalled that he was simply staying at Grandpa An Shiyu's house. At this time, there was still a soft weight on his body. Ye Chuan turned his head slightly and found a girl pressing against him. A restless, slender leg rested on his thigh, making him look like a koala.

"What time is it?" As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the two wings of the wooden owl standing on the bedside table made the gesture of hour and minute hands, indicating that it was already half past eight.

"You actually slept so late, maybe because you slept relatively deeply." Ye Chuan realized that he and An Shiyu actually slept until after eight o'clock, so he planned to sit up, but An Shiyu, who was next to him, frowned slightly. , and then mumbled confusedly:

"Aye...don't move."

Ye Chuan looked at An Shiyu's pink face, smiled slightly, and lay down again.

An Shiyu rubbed Ye Chuan's neck:

"hug me……"

After Ye Chuan heard this, he stretched out his arms and held her in his arms.

"Hehehehe..." The sleepy An Shiyu became very coquettish, and those who didn't know thought she was drunk.

An Shiyu rested her head on Ye Chuan's arm and soon fell into a deep sleep again.

After Ye Chuan looked at the ceiling for a while, he also decided to take a squint.

However, returning to the cage allowed Ye Chuan to sleep for more than an hour. When he woke up, it was already past nine in the morning. Ye Chuan looked at the girl in his arms and suddenly said softly:

"Shiyu, you must be awake."

An Shiyu's delicate body trembled slightly, then she raised her head and looked at Ye Chuan with a blushing face:

"Aye, good morning."

An Shiyu actually woke up not long after Ye Chuan fell asleep. Maybe she was greedy to stay in Ye Chuan's warm arms, so she didn't get up, and secretly smelled the familiar scent of sunshine on him from time to time.

Ye Chuan lowered his head and was about to kiss her, but An Shiyu's head shrank and she buried her cheek in his chest like an ostrich:

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet!"

"It's okay." Ye Chuan squeezed her soft waist with his palm, and then continued to hold her lips in his mouth.

After An Shiyu made a sound, she lay in Ye Chuan's arms and began to respond...

It took more than half an hour for the two of them to get out of bed and leave the room. Although it was already past ten o'clock, Sister Chen still thoughtfully prepared breakfast and invited Ye Chuan and An Shiyu to come over to eat.

"My cooking skills are not as good as the eldest lady. I don't know if it suits your taste." Sister Chen looked at Ye Chuan and said with a smile.

"No, it's delicious." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, Mr. An walked out of the yard at exactly this moment. He looked at Ye Chuan and An Shiyu with a smile and said:

"You're so young, it's not good to sleep so late."

"Maybe he was sleeping quite deeply." Ye Chuan smiled slightly. After all, he and An Shiyu were intimate with An Shiyu on the bed for a while, otherwise he would not get out of bed after ten o'clock.

An Shiyu on the side said nothing, with a hint of blush on her delicate face.

"Xiaoye, is this your first time in this city?" Mr. An asked cheerfully.

"Well, it is indeed my first time here." Ye Chuan nodded. After all, there is nothing eye-catching in this city. It is a place where no one comes for tourism. Fortunately, the economy is still relatively developed, so the city's outsiders The population is large.

"In that case, would you like to learn more about the underwater elf gym in our city?" Mr. An introduced:

"I remember Xiaoye, you are an elf trainer, so you can't miss the scuba diving gym in our city."

"Dojo?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then came to his senses:

"Grandpa An, are you talking about the Elf Gym?"

"That's right, it's the Elf Gym. If you're interested, you can check it out. The gym owner has recently returned from practice and the underwater diving gym has reopened." Mr. An said.

"Elf Gym..." Ye Chuan thought for a moment, then he came back to his senses and seemed to remember something:

"By the way, to participate in the National Elf League, do I need to first join a gym to gain qualifications?"

In Ye Chuan's impression, to participate in the National Elf League, you need to defeat eight Elf Gyms to obtain badge imprints. Some of the small official events also have badge restrictions.

However, some schools, especially professional elf academies, have a certain number of badge-free qualifications that can help students participate in various competitions.

"If you want to participate in the competition in a year, you must challenge the gym..." Ye Chuan murmured. If Mr. An hadn't said this, he would have almost forgotten about this incident.

But with his current strength, can he defeat the gym owner and get the badge? After all, opening a gym to recruit apprentices is not just a show-off. Elf trainers who can open a gym are above the master level and at the gym owner level.

Mr. An just wanted Ye Chuan to try to challenge the disciples of the scuba diving gym, but he did not expect that Ye Chuan was actually thinking about how to challenge the gym owner.

"What kind of trainer is the leader of the underwater diving gym?" Ye Chuan's words made Mr. An stunned for a moment.

He replied:

"Probably mid-stage leader level."

"Forget it, I'm not strong enough to challenge the gym leader yet." Ye Chuan shook his head.

An Shiyu blinked her big jewel-like eyes, and then pulled Ye Chuan's sleeve:

"Aye, my grandfather meant for you to join the gym and challenge some disciples, not for you to challenge the gym."

"At Xiaoye's age, it is really unrealistic to challenge the leader of a gym." Mr. An smiled and said, "That's not what I meant."

"But didn't you say that the Elf Gym has opened just after the gym owner came back..."

"That's because the owner of the scuba diving gym has a special personality. When she went out, she took all the disciples away to train, so the gym was temporarily closed without any disciples to stay and watch." Mr. An heard from Ye Chuan After asking this question, he explained aloud.

"So that's it, then let me go over and challenge the disciples, and see what the Elf Gym is like." Ye Chuan thought for a while, although his strength was not enough to challenge the master of the gym, but he wanted to try It’s okay to become a disciple for a while.

"Then let's go over after lunch." An Shiyu said with a smile beside her:

"I'll cook for Aye."

"Yeah." Ye Chuan also nodded.

After breakfast time, Ye Chuan came to the yard and released all the elves, intending to adjust their condition. Because Youyou wanted to draw comics at home, he only brought the Flying Mantis Fire Dinosaur and the Blue Jay.

Flying Mantis is still the same as before, but after it breaks through to the master level, it seems as if its breath has turned into a blade. A weird sickle like a big knife in Flying Mantis's hand seems to have no weight and can be swung easily.

But in fact, Ye Chuan once lifted Flying Mantis's sickle and found that the sickle weighed at least double digits and was heavy. He didn't know how Flying Mantis managed to wave it like a piece of paper.

After wiping the Flying Mantis' scythe with a towel and cleaning up the dirt on it, the blue jay next to him stretched out his wings:


Give me one too.

"Come on, the fire dinosaur will wipe it too." After combing the blue jay's feathers, Ye Chuan walked towards the fire dinosaur with a towel, only to find that the fire dinosaur looked unwilling and didn't seem to like wet towels.

"Don't like towels used by other elves?" Ye Chuan thought it was because he didn't like the moisture on the towels, but it turned out that the little female dragon didn't like the towels used by other elves.

After all, at home, each elf was given a towel. Since there were not so many towels in An Shiyu's hometown, Ye Chuan originally thought of sharing them together, but then he discovered that his little female dragon actually had a bit of mysophobia.

"Oh hehehe, are you checking the status of the elves?" Mr. An walked out. After seeing the elves in Ye Chuan, he observed them carefully.

It turned out that Ye Chuan's elves were all very ordinary elves. Except for the black flying mantis, which was a bit rare as a heterochromatic elf, the other two were unremarkable.

"Yes." Ye Chuan nodded, and then said with a smile: "Although I am just fighting against the disciples, it is my first time to participate in the challenge of the elf gym. It is better to adjust the elf's condition properly."

"Your fire dinosaur has reached the elite level, right?" Mr. An looked at the muscular fire dinosaur and couldn't help but touch his chin. After all, the Ye family was the only one with such a treasure.

As the child of a champion and a king, Ye Chuan's parents should pay great attention to cultivating their children.

At Ye Chuan's age, although he was young and had just become a trainer not long ago, the strength of the initial elf had reached the elite level or touched the threshold of the elite level.

"Well, it has reached the elite level." Ye Chuan nodded.

"According to this growth rate, it is estimated that your fire dinosaur will reach the master level after graduating from high school." After Mr. An finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh. Most trainers estimate that reaching the master level in this life will be their peak, but for With resources and talented trainers, this is just the beginning.

Ye Chuan just smiled slightly and did not deny it.

During lunch time, Ye Chuan ate the food cooked by An Shiyu.

"Aye, let's have some soup. I've been simmering it for a long time." An Shiyu blew the soup in the bowl and then handed it to Ye Chuan: "Now."

"Okay." Ye Chuan took a sip, and then found An Shiyu looking at him, so he put down the bowl curiously:

"What's wrong?"

"I learned some soup-making techniques from Sister Chen today, so I don't know if it suits your taste." An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan, as if expecting something.

"It's delicious. The soup made by Shiyu is always delicious." Ye Chuan finished with a smile and took another sip:

"Maybe it's because you just blew it for me, and I feel like it's full of sweet smell."

An Shiyu's pretty face suddenly turned red, then she glanced at her grandparents sheepishly, and stammered:

"Ah ah... Ah Ye, everyone is watching."

"This is how couples in love love each other." Mr. An said with a smile.

"Grandpa, stop laughing!"

Midway through, An Shiyu put down her chopsticks and carefully helped Ye Chuan peel the shrimps, then dipped them in the sauce and put them into his bowl. Everything was prepared, just like a gentle and considerate wife.

"I can do it myself." Ye Chuan said.

"Aye's hands will get dirty, just let me do it." An Shiyu didn't care at all. After all, her personality was such that she loved taking care of Ye Chuan more.

However, in many aspects, An Shiyu is very dependent on Ye Chuan, and has been like this for so many years. Therefore, after the two of them changed from childhood friends to lovers, their lives have not changed much from before.

At most, Ye Chuan can do whatever he wants, and An Shiyu can act coquettishly as his girlfriend.

Happy x2.

After lunch, Ye Chuan set out for the scuba diving gym. An Shiyu naturally followed him and mysteriously brought a bag with him.

"The trainers at the underwater gym are all good at using fire elves, Aye."

Sitting in the car, An Shiyu also used her mobile phone to help Ye Chuan look up relevant information.

"Fire elf?" Ye Chuan originally wanted to complain. After all, you, a member of the Aquatic Gym, actually use a fire elf. I'm afraid you really can't stand the word "water".

But thinking about it, the name of the gym was probably named after the local regional divisions, so Ye Chuan didn't have much intention to complain.

After the car stopped, a unique-looking building appeared in front of us. It was a red building with a signboard and a huge Poké Ball icon.

This is the scuba diving gym.

"Let's go to the gym." Ye Chuan smiled and got out of the car with the elf ball.

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