Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 202 Engagement with An Shiyu

After finally waking up An Shiyu, Ye Chuan repeated what she just said, but got a negative answer.

"I didn't say such things." An Shiyu retorted.

But Ye Chuan found that her ears were red and her face had an unnatural blush, a bit like the kind of person who tries to force her mouth to death. Ye Chuan did not expose her. Then, after the two got off the car, they quickly , under the leadership of Mr. Dai, we met An Shiyu’s grandfather.

An old man with an angular face. Although his face is old, his eyes sparkle like a businessman should.

"Here he comes." When Mr. An saw Ye Chuan, he immediately invited him in happily: "Ye Chuan, right? Come in quickly, it's sunny outside."

"Excuse me, Grandpa An." After Ye Chuan said politely, he and An Shiyu walked in.

Taking the hot tea handed to him, Ye Chuan found that An Shiyu's grandfather had been staring at him with his eyes, as if he wanted to see something from him.

But when Ye Chuan looked over, he found that An Shiyu's grandfather concealed himself very well and showed a kind smile.

Ye Chuan didn't care, because he could see the sweet smile on An Shiyu's face at this time. He could see that she was quite happy after returning to her hometown, maybe because she had a better relationship with her grandfather.

"I'm older and you are the same age as Shiyu. It's okay if I call you Xiaoye." Mr. An said with a smile.

"Of course, you are the elder after all." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

After seeing that Ye Chuan was not as difficult to get along with as he imagined, Mr. An showed a satisfied expression, and then looked at the woman aside: "Xiao Chen, take Xiao Ye's luggage to the room and clean the room properly."

"Okay sir."

Then, the woman named Xiao Chen suddenly showed a headache expression and said:

"Master, it seems that there are not enough guest rooms at home. Look..."

"Are there not enough guest rooms?" Mr. An also slapped his forehead, showing an expression like "Why is this happening?" Then he looked at Ye Chuan:

"Xiaoye, you and my Shiyu can sleep in the same room tonight. After all, there are only one or two guest rooms at home, which are just not enough."

Ye Chuan: "..."

Are your acting skills a little exaggerated?

An Shiyu blushed, stretched out her hand and patted her grandfather gently: "Grandpa, please stop making trouble, there are so many rooms in the house."

"Ahem, grandpa is just joking." After Mr. An finished speaking, he looked at Ye Chuan:

"But you're not married yet, so it's not very good to sleep in the same room."

After Mr. An finished speaking, he paused and continued:

"You might as well get engaged by the way."

Ye Chuan and An Shiyu were stunned at the same time.

Since you are not married and cannot live in the same room, you should just get engaged by the way.

Why are you so casual? Hey!

"Xiaoye, don't you want to marry my Shiyu?" Mr. An saw Ye Chuan's expression at this time and asked directly.

An Shiyu also turned her head and looked at Ye Chuan, her jewel-like clear eyes looking extremely serious.

"I want to." Ye Chuan said without hesitation.

"How about getting engaged?" Mr. An raised his thumb and asked with a smile.

"No problem." Ye Chuan gave a thumbs up.

An Shiyu: "???"

Now it was An Shiyu's turn to be confused. Wasn't this development a bit too fast? He had only been in love with Aye for less than a year, and now he was planning to get engaged?

"Shiyu, don't you want to marry Xiaoye?" Mr. An asked with a smile when he saw An Shiyu in a panic.

An Shiyu's pretty face suddenly turned red. She first glanced at Ye Chuan secretly, and then made a sound like a mosquito:


"Since both men and women want it, let's just get engaged." Mr. An said loudly:

"Let's hold this 80th birthday and your engagement ceremony together!"

"That grandpa..." An Shiyu scratched the air with her small palms and said with a troubled face:

"Aye's parents don't know about this."


"Oh, I agree. I've wanted Xiao Shiyu to be my daughter-in-law for a long time." Mother Ye's voice came from the other end of the phone:

"By the way, the child's father, Xiaochuan is getting engaged, should we go back?"

Then a small voice came from the other side of the phone:

"I can't get away from it... let's attend when the child gets married."

"Okay, that's it for now. Remember to take a photo for your mother after Zaizai gets engaged."

After saying that, Mother Ye hung up the phone.

Ye Chuan: "..."

What does it mean to participate after marriage? Isn’t it necessary to participate? ! ! !

Ye Chuan originally thought that he would not be harmed by the Wangzai couple, but he was still hit by an arrow this time.

"Auntie is still the same as before... quite cheerful." After An Shiyu finished speaking with a dry smile, she then glanced at Ye Chuan. After noticing that the other party looked injured, she stretched out her hand and clasped Ye Chuan's palms together, as if to Use your own body heat to comfort him.

"Very good, then put the engagement on the agenda!" Mr. An said.

Although Mr. An is quite old, he speaks with great energy and looks like he is in high spirits.

Confusingly, Ye Chuan went to An Shiyu's house to celebrate Mr. An's birthday, but it turned into his own engagement ceremony.

On the other side, after An's father abroad heard the news, he advanced the date of his return.


An Shiyu and Ye Chuan returned to the room. At this time, there was a small disc on the bed with a candle on it, and a circle of roses arranged in the shape of a heart around it.

"Grandpa, that idiot." An Shiyu blushed and whispered.

"The atmosphere is good." Ye Chuan smiled at the side.

An Shiyu took two steps forward. She looked at the decoration of the room and found that it was filled with a rose-colored atmosphere, as if it had been prepared in advance.

The guest rooms don't look like guest rooms at all. If you take a picture and say that this is a couple's suite in a hotel, some people will believe it.

"It must have been planned in advance. No wonder I have to take Aye back." An Shiyu muttered.

"Shiyu, what are you muttering about?" Ye Chuan asked from the side.

"Nothing." After An Shiyu finished speaking, she turned around and looked at Ye Chuan in front of her. She suddenly stirred the fingers of her hands:

"Aye... Actually, my grandpa is making it difficult for you. If you don't want to, I will tell grandpa about this now and tell him to stop making trouble."

Ye Chuan walked to An Shiyu's side, and with the girl's exclamation, he pulled An Shiyu into his arms, holding Rouyu in his arms, looking at the pair of clear eyes filled with water, Ye Chuan lowered his head and laughed softly:

"To be honest, it's not difficult at all for me, because Shiyu is engaged to me... and she is my favorite person."

A blush appeared on An Shiyu's pretty face, then she stood on tiptoes and closed her eyes.

Ye Chuan kissed her soft jelly-like lips. After a long time, An Shiyu's eyelashes trembled, her face turned red and she opened her eyes:

"Me too, I like you the most...Aye."

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