Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 204 Fiancée (two in one chapter)

The Scuba Diving Gym is located in the center of the city. Although the location is not large, the annual rent is a large sum of money. Fortunately, as an official Elf Gym, it naturally has the approval of the Trainers Alliance to open it. Subsidy, but most of the elf trainers who open gyms basically do it to make money and train their own elf.

The cost of training a person who can reach the level of a gym leader is high, and not all families can afford it. If you can open a gym, it will relieve a considerable part of the financial pressure.

"Aye, how do you think the Elf Gym works?" An Shiyu didn't understand, so she looked at Ye Chuan beside her curiously.

"Elf gyms everywhere are similar. First of all, the trainers' alliance subsidizes the elf gyms every year. Secondly, the owners of the elf gyms can recruit a wide range of disciples. Each disciple is a student and needs to provide support to his own master. Just submit a tuition fee to the library owner."

"Another source of income is that after the gym opens, as long as the number of challengers is large enough, whether they are challenging disciples or gym owners, there will be people who are willing to spend money to buy tickets to come and watch. Although the tickets are not expensive, they are not expensive. It can be regarded as an objective income.”

Ye Chuan explained with a smile.

"Aye is so understanding..." An Shiyu smiled sweetly: "You are indeed more knowledgeable than me."

"It's okay." Ye Chuan said, quietly turning off the search engine on his phone behind his back.

"Aye, what is that?" At this time, An Shiyu pointed to the outside of the diving gym. There seemed to be advertisements playing on the dynamic screen above -

[Physical weakness, sometimes after overexertion...]

[Are you overdrafted? 】

[Kuaili brand Shenbao Tablets, 999 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine, warm and nourish the body, strengthen the body and stabilize the body. 】

【He is good, and so am I. 】

Ye Chuan: "..."

An Shiyu tilted her head: "?"

"Ahem, sometimes when a gym wants to make more money, it will be like this, just to get some advertisements and things like that." Ye Chuan explained to An Shiyu in a serious manner.

It’s just that this ad is not very...

This is super unseemly!

Seeing the innocent look on An Shiyu's face, Ye Chuan didn't want to tell her about this, what if she suddenly grew up.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem like a bad thing.

But Ye Chuan wanted to use other methods to make An Shiyu grow up.

After the two of them walked into the scuba diving gym side by side, the staff at the front desk said politely:

"A single ticket is 25, and a couple's ticket is 40. Which one do you need?"

"Now the first row tickets are on sale at a discount, only 99 for two people."

Ye Chuan and An Shiyu looked at each other, and then Ye Chuan smiled and explained: "Well, I'm here to challenge."

"Challenge?" The staff member was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ye Chuan and An Shiyu. No matter how you looked at them, these two people just wanted to be a high school sweethearts. You must know that each of the disciples in the gym was in their twenties. How many years have passed since the elves have reached the elite level? What can you do as a student?

Send your head?

But these are not things this staff has to consider.

"If you are a challenger, the fee is about 200. Your companions can enter for free and accompany you in the special auditorium, but you will have to leave after losing." After the staff finished speaking, Ye Chuan paid the fee and went to talk to An Shi. Yu walked in.

The popularity of the scuba diving gym seems to be quite good. The audience in the auditorium is almost full, leaving only a few scattered seats.

"So many people!" An Shiyu came to the Elf Gym for the first time. When she saw that there were many people in the audience, she opened her beautiful eyes in surprise, as if she couldn't believe it.

"Well, there are indeed a lot of people. I don't know what kind of league I am participating in." Ye Chuan nodded. There were at least about a thousand spectators in the surrounding circle. This shows that the popularity of this gym is Quite ok.

"It's because the diving gym has been closed for a long time and has only reopened in the past few days. Those who like to watch live battles have been hungry for too long." A staff member explained.

"All right."

Just as the battle had just begun, a person dressed as a host appeared and began to introduce every participating disciple and the gym leader in the gym.

The disciples had nothing to say. They were all wearing uniform clothes.

Until the owner of the museum appears——

"Hello everyone, I am the owner of the scuba diving gym, Chen Xi!" A woman wearing a swimsuit with raised breasts and buttocks appeared and said loudly with a microphone.

"Miss Chen Xi, I love you!!!"

"Look here, look here!"

In the audience, shouts like fans erupted. Some people thought this was a concert of some celebrity.

"Ah, these are all LSP." Seeing the excited men in the audience, Ye Chuan suddenly realized that these guys weren't all here for the owner, were they?


Why is it that you, a gym leader who specializes in the fire element, not only has the name of the gym called Scuba Diving, but the gym leader himself is also wearing a swimsuit? ! !

"Oh, there seems to be a young challenger." Chen Xi suddenly noticed Ye Chuan among the challengers, and said with a charming smile:

"Sister, I like boys who are so handsome like you the most."

Ye Chuan: "..."

He dared not say a word.

Because there was a girl behind him squeezing his soft flesh, it seemed that if Ye Chuan gave a little gesture, An Shiyu could twist it into a 720-degree spiral and rise to the sky.

"So..." When Chen Xi saw that Ye Chuan was silent, she thought he was a very innocent and cute boy. She wanted to tease him a few more words, but in the end she saw a beautiful girl behind him.

She was originally very confident in her figure, but after seeing An Shiyu, Chen Xi lowered her head and looked up, then looked up again, and then she understood what it means to have people outside the world and mountains beyond the mountains.

Ah this.

Are all little girls today so scary?

"So, is there anyone challenging me today?" Chen Xi asked.

It turned out that there was only one person among the challengers.

"Then, let's start the disciple challenge first." The leader of the diving gym smiled, then turned around and sat down in his own seat, watching as an audience the battle between his disciple and the challenger.

The gym challenge is also a promotion type. Generally speaking, after defeating three disciples, you can get a reward. At the same time, the alliance card will also record your success in challenging the gym disciples. If you challenge the successful gym Lord, then the alliance card will leave a golden star.

The battles in the underwater gym are quite fierce. After all, as a gym specializing in fire spirits, if the fighting is not violent, you will be embarrassed to go out and say that you are a fire spirit.

Ye Chuan's ranking is relatively low, and he belongs to the group that will challenge later.

Soon, the challengers from the front started.

There were ten challengers in total. After several rounds of competition, it was found that only two people could get the prizes, and the others basically lost.

The atmosphere at the scene was quite good, at least it gave challengers the feeling of participating in a competition.

"The next challenger is Ye Chuan."

At this time, it was Ye Chuan's turn. After the host called him up, he asked enthusiastically: "Are you a local?"

"No, I'm from the city next door." Ye Chuan replied with a smile.

"Coming here for a trip?"


After seeing that Ye Chuan didn't want to answer, the host smiled and looked at An Shiyu sitting in the escort seat, and then changed the question:

"That is your girlfriend, right? They are both high school students?"

"No." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, An Shiyu, who was sitting on the bench behind him with a sweet smile, was suddenly startled, and then his face darkened slightly.

Ah Ye, don’t you want to tell others that I am his girlfriend...

"She's my fiancée."

Ye Chuan's words made the audience roar.

"It turns out she is my fiancée." After seeing Ye Chuan having such a beautiful girlfriend with a good figure, the host took a bite of lemon in his heart and said:

"Then, win the challenge and show it to your fiancée."

After finishing speaking, the host stepped down from the stage. Ye Chuan turned around and glanced at the girl behind him. At this time, An Shiyu blushed, and then made a lip sync in a low voice.

Those are two very familiar words.


Although she was not her fiancée yet, An Shiyu felt sweet in her heart after Ye Chuan said this. She couldn't help but touch the shoes she was wearing, unable to conceal the joy in the girl's heart.

"Ah, I'm dying of pain, come here and die!" A strong disciple stood up and pointed at Ye Chuan with the elf ball:

"Accept the wrath of the FFF group!"

Ye Chuan: "..."

"Buzz--" Ye Chuan's elf grew in size in his hand, and then the two of them threw it out at the same time.

Fire dinosaur.


"The challenger actually sent out fire elves?" After seeing this scene, everyone showed surprised expressions. After all, there are still relatively few challengers using fire elves. First of all, the attributes of the underwater gym are basically fixed, regardless of the gym. The master is still a disciple. The attributes of the elf tend to be the fire system, and the fire system is basically the main one.

If you are a prepared challenger, you will basically bring a water elf to challenge and take advantage of all the attribute benefits. The two challengers who just received prizes are trainers who use water elf.

"Nine-tails?" This is not the first time Ye Chuan has seen an elf like the Nine-Tails. When he went to his grandfather's house to train, he encountered a very terrifying thousand-year-old Nine-Tails. He didn't know if he was lucky or not. After killing one of its powerful clones, the main body didn't even come looking for it.

"The battle begins!" At this time, the referee also directly raised the flag.

"Kyuubi, use meditation!" the disciple commanded directly.

Fire dinosaurs are elves who are good at long-range fire skills, and meditation has the ability to improve special defense and special attacks. As long as you meditate for a period of time, the buffs will definitely make the fire dinosaurs unbeatable.

Kyuubi let out a long roar and began to meditate. A faint green light covered its body.

"Let's see what you do..." The disciple opposite smiled and was about to say something. The next second, he saw the fire dinosaur rushing towards Nine-Tails like a cannonball.


Seeing the fire dinosaur actually getting close to the Nine-Tails, not only the disciple, but also the audience was stunned for a moment.

"You don't think I can't beat you with the fire element, do you?" Ye Chuan smiled. The fire dinosaur had already arrived in front of Nine-Tails, with purple flames burning on its claws. It was shot directly!

"Boom!" The explosion between the dragon and the fire element directly blew the Nine-Tails away. The latter stabilized his body in mid-air and fell to the ground.

"What's going on with this fire dinosaur? It's so powerful?!" Seeing the fire dinosaur blowing away the Nine-Tails, which was much larger than him, with one claw, the disciple realized something was wrong and quickly raised his vigilance.

"Kyuubi, use the wave of evil!"

Kyuubi released a black beam of light and swept directly towards the fire dinosaur. After all, the fire dinosaur was also a fire elf. The benefits of Kyuubi's fire skills were far less than those of other attribute skills.

"Hit me hard." After seeing the wave of evil, the corners of Ye Chuan's mouth raised slightly.

The Fire Dinosaur and Ye Chuan showed identical smiles at the same time. The next second, the Fire Dinosaur burst out with the power of Dragon Dance. After the aura on his body rose instantly, he stepped forward against the waves of evil.

It was like an evil dragon, making a terrifying roar, carrying the wave of evil to the back and behind Kyuubi, and the fire dinosaur's claws once again released a heart-stopping aura.


It hit Kyuubi's body hard, and the floor cracked and sank. The fire dinosaur continued to attack, and fired another dragon claw. The ground shook, and Kyuubi could not get up again.

The pure power and violence made everyone feel what a fire elf was.

"This strength..."

After seeing the extremely terrifying strength of the Fire Dinosaur, the other disciples put away their earlier contempt, because this extremely young challenger in front of them was probably one of the best among all the challengers who challenged the disciples!

"Nine-Tails, lost the ability to fight, the first victory was won by Ye Chuan." After the host finished speaking, there was an uproar in the audience.

"Come on Aye..."

The girl behind Ye Chuan whispered to encourage Ye Chuan, but the Mu Mu Xiao in her arms spread its wings vigorously, as if cheering for the fire dinosaur.

"This fire dinosaur..." Chen Xi seemed to have discovered something after seeing Ye Chuan's fire dinosaur. He continued to stare with bright eyes, as if he could find something from the fire dinosaur.

At this time, Ye Chuan's second opponent also appeared.

Perhaps after seeing the performance in the first battle, the second disciple directly summoned his strongest elf, which was a Bodhidharma baboon.

The Bodhidharma baboon is a special existence among the fire elves, because it is one of the rare dual-form elves.

That is to say, those who can switch their own forms during battles. For example, a direct example is the ghost sword-the shield sword monster. It can switch its sword form and shield form, and choose to maintain high defense or high attack according to the situation.

The Bodhidharma baboon also falls into this category. One of its two forms is the huge rainbow-colored baboon in front of you. It has extremely terrifying melee power. The power of its fists is difficult for many fighting elves to parry.

But when the physical strength of the Bodhidharma Baboon is reduced to a certain level, the Bodhidharma Baboon will switch forms and turn into a statue. At the same time, it will greatly improve its double defense and special attack capabilities. It will become good at long-range combat. It is very Magical elf.

"Dharma baboon?" Ye Chuan commanded:

"Fire dinosaur, come on!"

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