Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 201 Daily life

April 1st.

Ye Chuan received a call from Sister Qianlan, saying that the prisoner was arrested and used the super-power elf Squid King to hypnotize the students, and then gave the students elf balls equipped with thunder balls to create vicious explosions.

But Ye Chuan frowned slightly.

"Brother, we've arrested someone, why do you still look unhappy?" On the other end of the video, Bai Qianlan looked at Ye Chuan curiously, and then asked.

"That's wrong." Ye Chuan said slowly.

"Isn't it right?" Bai Qianlan was stunned for a moment.

"The guy in the photo is not the same person at all." Ye Chuan looked at the photo of the prisoner on his phone and shook his head.

After hearing her brother say that he was not alone, Bai Qianlan asked strangely: "But wasn't he wearing a mask at the time..."

Ye Chuan used the power of waveguide to detect the outline of the other person's face, so when he saw the prisoner's face, he immediately understood that this guy was a scapegoat.

"This is just a scapegoat." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, Bai Qianlan's expression became strange.

"It's interesting that someone can be blamed for such serious consequences. It seems that guy has a lot of background." Ye Chuan withdrew his gaze:

"That's all, this is an explanation."

In any case, Yinshan's crisis has indeed been resolved, and he has no extra energy to investigate this matter. After all, if the other party dares to do this, any little tails must have been dealt with.

But Ye Chuan naturally remembered the other party's aura. If they meet next time -

"Don't think about running away again." Ye Chuan said calmly.

Today is the day to accompany An Shiyu back to his hometown.

An Shiyu seemed very happy. She changed her skirt in front of the mirror early in the morning. From time to time, she looked at Mu Mu Xiao who was sitting on the bed beside her:

"Mumuxiao, do you think Aye will like this dress of mine?"

After a while, An Shiyu put on a white T-shirt and denim shorts. Looking at her long, round and slender legs, she looked left and right, then towards Mu Mu Xiao beside her. Asked: "Mumuxiao, do you think my clothes are more sunny? Would Aye like it?"

After seeing that An Shiyu couldn't leave Aye in three sentences as usual, it stretched out its wings:


The simple translation of this cry is that he might prefer you without clothes on.

But An Shiyu naturally didn't understand. She continued to change her clothes happily. After a while, she chose a pure white dress.

"Okay, go over and ask Aye to wake up."

An Shiyu came to the balcony, and when she was about to climb over, she realized that she was wearing a skirt, which seemed inappropriate.

"No, I'm not wearing shorts today. I have to respect my skirt." An Shiyu thought for a while and finally chose to walk downstairs.


Mu Muxiao looked curious, because An Shiyu had begun to pay attention to clothes recently, and she had brought back a tutorial book on tailoring clothes before, but she hid it from Ye Chuan and refused to give it to him.

Could it be...

Mumu Xiao thought with his stomach raised.

My master wants to be a tailor in the future?


Will it not be able to support me?

Mu Muxiao looked at his jelly-like trembling belly and suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

At this time, An Shiyu had arrived at the door of Ye Chuan's house. She clasped her hands behind her back and looked forward a little. Then she took out the key and opened the door, only to see Ye Chuan sitting in the living room.

"Huh? Why did you come in at the gate?" After seeing An Shiyu, Ye Chuan asked curiously. After all, usually, this girl should come in from her own room. Usually, she comes in from the first floor. Went shopping for groceries.

"It's nothing." An Shiyu kicked the air slightly with her calves, and then showed off her white dress, as if she wanted Ye Chuan to praise her.

"Shiyu, this..." Ye Chuan drawled.

An Shiyu suddenly showed a sweet smile.

"Is your dress ripped? Why is your skin exposed?" Ye Chuan said.

An Shiyu was stunned for a moment, then looked nervously at her dress, only to find that there were no traces of it at all, and there was no seam as Ye Chuan said.

She was about to ask herself where the seam in this skirt was, but she found Ye Chuan appeared in front of her, lowered his head and captured her lips.

An Shiyu's blushing cheeks struggled for a moment, then she reached out and hugged Ye Chuan's neck and responded -

A few minutes later, An Shiyu lowered her head to straighten the folds of her clothes on her chest, and then murmured with her cute little face slightly puffed up:

"Aye idiot."

Ye Chuan smiled and stretched out his hand to pinch her soft cheek, and then asked as if he remembered something:

"when to departure?"

"The car will be here in a moment," An Shiyu said.

Soon, Mr. Dai drove a car and parked in front of Ye Chuan's house. He did not ask, as if he knew that his eldest daughter would be at Ye Chuan's house. But just as she thought, soon, Ye Chuan He and An Shiyu dragged their suitcases out of the house.

"Miss, Master Ye, are you ready to go?" Mr. Dai asked respectfully.

"Yes." After the two put their luggage and got into the car, An Shiyu rested her head on Ye Chuan's shoulder.

Ye Chuan smiled slightly and lowered his shoulders slightly to make her more comfortable.

The journey takes about three hours.

So An Shiyu fell asleep quickly. She leaned on Ye Chuan's shoulder and breathed sweet breath. At this time, Ye Chuan took out his mobile phone and started browsing the recent news.

The buzz about the explosion at Yinshan Middle School has subsided. After all, those Internet trolls have nothing to drink, but Ye Chuan still doesn't understand what the other party's intentions are.

"Could it be Qianshi Middle School?" Ye Chuan had a guess in his mind, but he quickly put it to rest. Although Qianshi Middle School competes with Yinshan Middle School, even if An Shiyu's mother would do something. , but it won’t lead to such a thing.

First, the risk is too great. If the failure is found out, the blow to Qianshi Middle School will be fatal. Second, Yinshan Middle School is not the strongest school in the province, and its probability of qualifying is not very high. , Qianshi Middle School has absolutely no need to do this.

While Ye Chuan was deep in thought, a few hours passed by unknowingly.

The car slowly drove into a high-end residential area, and then stopped at an extremely luxurious villa. Then Mr. Dai turned his head and said to Ye Chuan:

"Master Ye, we're here."

"Huh?" Ye Chuan came back to his senses, then glanced at the building outside, nodded, then stretched out his hand and pushed the girl next to him:

"Shiyu, we're here."

"It can't work there, it can't happen, Aye..." An Shiyu muttered suddenly, her face turned red and she said softly:


Ye Chuan: "..."

What are you dreaming about?

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