Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 198 Evolution (2/4)

Chapter 198 Evolution (24)

The masked man was moving quickly in the corridor. At this moment, a black shadow suddenly shot out, and the sickle slashed out with a cold light.

"Ding!" Commander Pizhan beside him once again helped the masked man block the sickle.

"We were discovered." The masked man stopped, and soon he saw Ye Chuan and Bai Qianlan rushing over.

"Fire dinosaur, flame fist!"

Ye Chuan threw another Poke Ball, and with a flash of white light, the fire dinosaur appeared and stretched out its sharp claws.

Against the Steel Elf's Cleaver Commander, the Fire Dinosaur naturally has suppressive power in terms of attributes.

"Boom!" Flames flew everywhere, and the Fire Dinosaur's flame fist was blocked by Commander Zhanzhan with his arm. Then the Fire Dinosaur roared, flicked its tail, and slapped it hard on the head.

"Buzz--" When the commander of the attack took a few steps back, the flying mantis continued to attack.

The sword was slashed out, with a buzzing sound of cutting the air, and it struck Commander Pi Zhan's shoulder, leaving a deep and long incision.

"So sharp?" The masked man frowned slightly after seeing the blade on Commander Choi's body.

"You hiding guy, let me see your true face." Ye Chuan waved his hand, and the flying mantis slashed towards the masked man's face.

"Sorry, I won't give you a chance." The masked man took out a metal can and then grinned.

He smashed the metal can on the ground, and a layer of irritating gas was sprayed out directly. Ye Chuan covered his nose, closed his eyes and used the waveguide to feel the direction of the masked man. When he was about to pursue him, he found Bai Qianlan staggering and falling. Got it down:

"Sister Qianlan?!"

"Have you breathed it in?" Ye Chuan secretly said something bad, then squatted down to check Bai Qianlan's condition. Since he didn't know what the composition of the gas was, for safety reasons, Ye Chuan had to take Bai Qianlan out of the area first. area.

As for the masked man...

"You're lucky." Ye Chuan said slowly.

Later, Ye Chuan took Bai Qianlan to the hospital, and the final check revealed that she had just fallen into a coma.

After waiting by the bed for a while, Bai Qianlan also woke up.

"Xiaochuan?" Bai Qianlan seemed to have a headache, then she sat up and touched her head, looking dizzy:

"Did I pass out?"

"Well, I'm sorry, the other party ran away." Ye Chuan said.

"Please ask people from the Trainers Alliance to investigate. In short, it will be clear that it was caused by man." After Bai Qianlan finished speaking, she got up and got out of bed:

"Let's go back to school first."

"Would you like to lie down for a while? You just fell into a coma." Ye Chuan asked.

"Don't look down on your sister and me." Bai Qianlan patted her flat chest and raised her chin proudly.

Ye Chuan couldn't help but smile and nodded helplessly:


This time, the school issued a statement online and used screenshots of the surveillance video to put it online and state that this was the mastermind behind the incident. The trainers' alliance and the police department are currently searching for the culprit. This incident also caused a stir on the Internet. Originally, I thought it was due to poor school management, but it turned out that a third party was involved.

Guozi: Let me just say, how could it explode twice? Someone must be causing trouble.

An An is confident: Is that masked man a psychopath? How did he do this?

Elf Cloud Analyst: I suspect that they used superpower elves to hypnotize the students and then gave them thunder balls.

At the same time, Yinshan Middle School announced that it would suspend classes for one month to provide students and the injured with time to rest, upgrade the school's security system, and make changes to school regulations.

The most important thing is to search for the prisoner with all our strength.

Ye Chuan's family.

An Shiyu was holding a wooden bowl and stirring batter. She was watching the news on TV and couldn't help but look at a figure in the yard:

"Aye, has the criminal still not been caught?"

"Well, this kind of thing is not what I'm good at. I can only ask professionals to search for him. But the good news is that the guy probably doesn't dare to do anything. After all, he is being watched closely." Ye Chuan smiled slightly.

"That's good." An Shiyu continued to stir the batter, then glanced at Ye Chuan with her jewel-like eyes, then lowered her head, and repeated these actions a few seconds later.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan naturally noticed An Shiyu's unnatural behavior and asked curiously.

"Aye, is this equivalent to an extra month of vacation for us?" An Shiyu whispered.

"Well, after all, classes were suspended for a month. This kind of thing is probably relatively rare in all schools, let alone Yinshan." Ye Chuan nodded.

" you want to come home with me?"

An Shiyu's words made Ye Chuan stunned for a moment.

"Go home?" Ye Chuan glanced at An Shiyu a little strangely, and then asked:

"Your hometown?"

"Well, go back and visit your grandparents." An Shiyu nodded.

"Then in what capacity should I go back?" Ye Chuan walked up to An Shiyu with a smile, then leaned forward and asked:

"Boy friend?"

"Yeah, yeah." Seeing Ye Chuan's face so close, An Shiyu nodded gently with a pink face.

Seeing An Shiyu's cute appearance, Ye Chuan kissed her, and the girl's face turned even redder.

"Bullying people..." An Shiyu whispered.

"Do you want to be bullied by me for the rest of your life?" Ye Chuan smiled slightly.

After An Shiyu heard what Ye Chuan said, she blushed and looked away. After a few seconds, she nodded her chin without leaving any trace.

"But speaking of which, I haven't met your grandparents yet. Is it appropriate for you to take me back?" Ye Chuan asked curiously.

"It's okay, my grandparents have actually wanted to see you for a long time." An Shiyu waved her hand:

"And this time, dad will also go back to his hometown."

"When you go back, your father will go back too." Ye Chuan thought for a few seconds, and then asked tentatively:

"Did something happen at home?"

An Shiyu nodded slightly.

Perhaps because there was no need to hide it from Ye Chuan, she explained:

"It will be my grandfather's eightieth birthday in two weeks, so I have to go back."

"So that's it." Ye Chuan smiled:

"Then I'll go back with you. Do you need to bring any gifts?"

"My grandpa said..." An Shiyu said, her voice getting smaller and smaller, and her pretty face instantly turned as red as an apple.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan saw An Shiyu's extremely shy look. He glanced at him curiously, and saw An Shiyu directly get into the blanket next to him, half-kneeling with only Lifting her buttocks towards Ye Chuan:


Seeing An Shiyu who instantly turned into an ostrich, Ye Chuan thought for a while, then looked at Mu Mu Xiao sitting on the ground:

"Mumuzhu, do you know the reason?"

Mumu Xiao was stunned for a moment, then turned around: "Bu?"

So what, why are you calling me Mu Mu Zhu now?

Can the title evolve?

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