Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 199 The Mutation of the Blue Jay (3/4)

Chapter 199 The Mutation of the Blue Jay (34)

An Shiyu's hometown is in the city next door. Her old man is a well-known wealthy businessman in the city, specializing in real estate. Although it is not as big as An's father's An's Group, it is still somewhat famous. People who often buy houses have heard of that company. The real estate kind.

However, the local real estate market has long been saturated. An Shiyu's grandfather wanted to retire early and enjoy life many years ago. As a result, An's father was unwilling to inherit the family business. Instead, he started from scratch, and finally established the current giant of Elf Medical Devices - —Anshi.

In Ye Chuan's memory, An's father and An's mother, who had been divorced for many years, got married under the arrangement of An Shiyu's grandfather. It felt like a parental agreement, so Ye Chuan always felt that An's father and An's mother were not very affectionate. And they often quarrel.

So An Shiyu's childhood was not a good one. After all, when he was a child, late at night, Ye Chuan could often hear the sound of plates being thrown next door.

Of course, my parents were not much better. If the relationship between An's father and An's mother was not good, which eventually led to divorce, then my parents were too affectionate and their extremely forgetful behavior led to Ye Chuan's childhood. I didn't have a good impression of my parents either.

Ye Chuan still thinks of what happened in the past from time to time——

For example, when I was a child, I wanted to eat chicken legs, but my mother would give them to my father, and thoughtfully prepared chicken butts for Ye Chuan. She also said that chicken butts have a lot of collagen, and eating more of them will make you look more handsome.

Even if Ye Chuan looks in the mirror now and looks at his rather handsome face, he still wonders in his mind whether it was because he ate too many chicken butts when he was a child.

"Forget it, don't think about them." Whenever Ye Chuan thinks of his parents, his mind feels as if an octopus barrel has used tentacles to electrocute him, and his head is ringing, but if he thinks about it carefully, he and Shiyu are also in love. That kind of thing, then from now on...

"I won't be like them." Ye Chuan thought.

The girl beside her tilted her head, looked at Ye Chuan curiously, and then asked in a low voice: "Aye, what are you thinking about?"

"I miss our children," Ye Chuan said.

An Shiyu's pretty face suddenly turned pink, and then she mixed her little hands together: "Are you thinking about a name?"

"Aye, do you think our child will be named a boy in the future?"

"Ye Si." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, he saw An Shiyu's cheeks bulge. There was no doubt that An Shiyu became unhappy because Ye Chuan chose the child's name in such a perfunctory manner.

"Whatever you say." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand, touched the back of An Shiyu's head, and then asked softly: "What do you want your child to be named in the future?"

"Ye, Ye An." An Shiyu hesitated for a moment and finally whispered.

"Ye An?" Ye Chuan's face showed a playful expression when he heard that it was a name that combined his parents' surnames.

"Isn't it possible? Ye An sounds very nice, and he is our child." An Shiyu muttered, seeming to think that the name she chose was good.

Seeing the girl's cute appearance, Ye Chuan pinched her little nose and continued to ask with a smile:

"Then...the girl's name?"

"Ye Xiaoan." An Shiyu said it without hesitation, as if he had already thought about it.

"Are you in love with these two words?" Ye Chuan's eyes turned into crescents.

"How nice it sounds." An Shiyu hummed, stretched out a finger, and said in a tone like an old uncle:

"A child is the crystallization of parents' love and gives them their parents' expectations, so there is absolutely no problem in calling him Ye An."

The next second, An Shiyu's forehead was flicked by Ye Chuan's finger.

"Aye is bullying people." An Shiyu covered her head in pain and muttered softly.

"I just feel like it's too early for you to think about these things." Ye Chuan smiled, not forgetting to touch the girl's smooth forehead with his fingers.

"Obviously Aye said it first."

"I didn't say that."

After the two of them made a fuss for a while, they started to pack their clothes. After all, they were going back to An Shiyu's hometown tomorrow.

"Youyou, do you need to stay and look after me? After all, you seem to still need time to draw comics." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and knocked on the wall. Youyou's little head suddenly popped out, and then he blinked his big eyes:

"Youyou doesn't have to go."

Youyou is currently serializing two comics at the same time. Currently, the first and second place on the popularity list on the comic website are comics drawn by Youyou under different vests. The two comics follow different styles, so readers on both sides even complain because of it. They quarreled about the world view and praised each other for their works.

Maybe she didn't think it would be fun to be exposed, so Youyou didn't even tell the editor. The two cute new editors thought they had drawn SSR, and they were secretly glad that they had discovered a treasure author.

"Then you stay at home and look after the house." After saying this, Youyou got back into the wall.

"I don't know when Youyou will evolve." Ye Chuan looked at the wall for a while and then withdrew his gaze.

By the way, if Youyou really evolved, he might not know it. Maybe this guy evolved unknowingly while drawing comics, and he didn't even know it. After all, Youyou has always maintained this human appearance. Can he return to the original state after evolving? It’s hard to say what it looked like originally.

"Gah." At this time, the fire dinosaur beside him stretched out his claws and pulled the corner of Ye Chuan's clothes, his expression a little anxious.

"What's wrong with the fire dinosaur?" Ye Chuan glanced at it.

The fire dinosaur pointed its paw at the yard. Ye Chuan looked in the direction pointed by the fire dinosaur and found that the blue jay was lying on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Blue Jay?!" Ye Chuan saw this and ran over quickly, discovering that the two gold and silver feathers on the Blue Jay's wings were emitting a stream of red and blue light, like water flowing under the Blue Jay's wings. The body flows around and blends into each other.

"Crow." The blue jay was in great pain at this time. It found that two forces were colliding with each other. This made the blue jay's body feel like it was being torn apart, which was very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?!"

An Shiyu seemed to hear the movement downstairs and hurriedly went downstairs. When she saw the painful expression on the blue jay, she quickly knelt down and started to check.

"It hurts!" An Shiyu was about to reach out her hand, but the red stream of light touched An Shiyu's palm, leaving red traces of burns on her palm.

"do not move."

When Ye Chuan saw this, he grabbed An Shiyu's hand.

At this time, one of the blue jay's eyes turned blue and one eye turned red, both of which were glowing slightly.

"Crow!" The blue crow suddenly opened its wings, and energy waves that were half red and half blue exploded, directly knocking Ye Chuan, An Shiyu, and the fire dinosaurs around them flying several meters away.

"Blue Jay?!"

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