Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 197 The real murderer (1/4)

Chapter 197 The real murderer (14)

When Ye Chuan and Jiang Xue hurriedly returned to the school, several fire trucks were parked outside the school gate. Not only that, the reporters who were originally blocking the door also took the opportunity to rush into the school, trying to stop everyone. Can't stop it.

"I heard it exploded again!"

"Hurry up and take a photo, this is big news!"

Like locusts entering the country, the reporters began to jump up and down the school.

"Ye Chuan, what should I do?" Jiang Xue looked at Ye Chuan after seeing this. Even she didn't know what to do at this time, because these reporters flooding into the school would be extremely harmful to Yinshan. There is no benefit at all, not to mention that there are a large number of reporters who like to take quotes out of context.

Ye Chuan withdrew his gaze, then took out his phone and glanced at the message:

"Let's go to the place where the explosion occurred to see the specific situation. We'll figure out how to deal with it later."


According to the information, the location of the explosion was Class 3 of the second grade of Elf Department. At the same time, the location of the explosion was also in the classroom and was generated by a thunder ball.

"Another thunder ball?"

"Yeah." At this time, Ye Chuan had clearly felt that someone was behind this matter, and it was Yinshan who was targeted.

When Ye Chuan arrived at the location, he found that all the wounded inside had been moved to the hospital. At this time, only reporters were left in the classroom. When they saw Ye Chuan, they immediately rushed over and started chattering interviews.

In the distance, Bai Qianlan was also surrounded by reporters, with a troubled expression on her face.

"For the second terrorist explosion in the school, is it because your school's security was not in place?"

"You will appear here. Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

"Can you talk to me?"

Several reporters held the wheat in front of Ye Chuan's mouth, as if they were going to stuff the wheat into his mouth, which made Ye Chuan's eyes gradually cool down.

Ye Chuan took out his mobile phone and made a call——

Soon, several men wearing trainers' alliance badges appeared in the classroom.

"Why are the people from the Trainers Alliance here?"

"Are these high-level elf trainers from the Trainers Alliance?"

"Drive these guys out." As soon as Ye Chuan finished speaking, the trainers summoned elves with strange powers and drove all the reporters out.

"You're a black-hearted school, I'm going to expose you in school!"

"Okay, you are actually colluding with the Trainers Alliance, wait!"

"We will seek justice for those students!"

The reporters were still shouting loudly after they were kicked out.

"Will it be possible if we do this?" Bai Qianlan stood next to Ye Chuan and asked. After all, if someone adds fuel to the fire, the consequences will probably be difficult to end:

"Last time, those reporters already made up news randomly to gain attention. This time..."

"Then disappear in this city." Ye Chuan said slowly.

Bai Qianlan: "..."

She glanced at Ye Chuan's appearance at this time, his face was expressionless. Bai Qianlan knew Ye Chuan fairly well. This sinister guy always smiled even when he was angry. With such an expressionless face, he might be really angry. .

"Calm down, baby brother." Bai Qianlan immediately stretched out her little hand, stood on tiptoes and squeezed Ye Chuan's shoulder.

Then he rubbed his little hands, looking like he didn't know what to do at all.

"I want to see who this guy is who is causing havoc again and again." Ye Chuan turned around and returned to the teaching building.

"Wait for me, brother."

Bai Qianlan quickly followed.

In this explosion, the owner of the thunder ball did not fall into a coma, so Ye Chuan saw him in the hospital soon.

"Thunder ball..." The boy looked at the ceiling of the hospital in confusion:

"I didn't conquer the thunder ball."

Ye Chuan and Bai Qianlan looked at each other.

Sure enough, the situation is exactly the same as Xiaoxiu’s!

"Should we suspend the whole school first and conduct a careful investigation? I suspect that this incident is man-made." Bai Qianlan said.

When Ye Chuan was about to say something, his cell phone rang.


"Uh-huh-huh-huh." A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I understand." A faint smile appeared on Ye Chuan's lips.

"Whose phone number?" Bai Qianlan looked curious when she saw Ye Chuan looking relaxed.

"Gloomy..." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he turned around and left quickly.

"Youyou?" Bai Qianlan thought for a while and felt that the name was a bit familiar, and then she suddenly realized:

"Isn't that your Guisi's name... Wait, brother, wait for me!"

On the rooftop of a high-rise building not far from Yinshan Middle School, a man was looking at the building of Yinshan Middle School in the distance with a smile:

"It's not enough. The more brilliant fireworks, they need to bloom perfectly in the dark night."

"Aren't you afraid of being blown up?"

A faint voice came from behind. The man was stunned for a moment, then took out a half-face mask and put it on his face, and turned around.

After seeing Ye Chuan and Bai Qianlan behind him, his eyes under the mask flashed with surprise:

"It's interesting that you were able to find did you do it?"

"You don't need to know this." Ye Chuan took out a fairy ball, a white light flashed, and the flying mantis appeared——

The body flew out like black lightning, and the sickle slashed horizontally!

"Ding!" At this time, a clear voice suddenly sounded. Ye Chuan looked over and found that in front of the masked man, there was a humanoid elf with a shining metallic color blocking him.

The whole body is black and covered in red metal armor, and there are two sharp blades on each arm.

It’s the steel elf, the Commander of the Slash!

The Feitian Mantis's scythe rubbed against the Commander's sharp blade and produced metallic fireworks. The next second, the Flying Mantis burst out with terrifying speed, slashing dozens of knives in an instant!

"Ding ding ding——" The metallic sound kept ringing, and the last sword was slashed out. The blade of the slicing commander collided with the flying mantis's sickle and bounced away.

"Your Flying Mantis is unexpectedly powerful. It can actually be on par with Commander Cleaver." The masked man said slowly, and then slowly smiled:

"But I don't have time to waste with you."

After saying that, he leaned back and fell directly from the rooftop. Commander Pi Zhan also jumped down with him.

"What?!" After seeing this, Ye Chuan quickly looked up and down and found that there was nothing underneath.

"Escaped by him?" Bai Qianlan saw that the masked man disappeared, and then looked at Ye Chuan:

"Xiaochuan, what should we do?"

"It's not that easy to escape from my eyes." Ye Chuan's eyes glowed with a faint blue light, and the power of the waveguide was released, instantly locking a familiar aura in this building.

It turned out that he did not jump down, but somehow got into the building through the window in mid-air.

"found it."

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