Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 196 Awakening (please vote for the 4th update!)

the following few days.

There was still an endless stream of reporters coming to cover the school, and a few even chose to block a student from leaving. As a result, everyone was dissatisfied with this group of shameless reporters.

In the end, a few grumpy old men scolded the reporters, and they calmed down a little. Mainly because there were also classmates watching the video, and the reporters couldn't take the words out of context.

"Those guys are so annoying. They are buzzing like flies." Gu Qi looked at the school gate outside the window and saw that the reporters had no intention of leaving. It seemed that they would not leave unless they caught a leader. The look of giving up.

"Let them struggle, the security guards won't let them in anyway." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, the head teacher, Teacher Jiang, also walked in at this time. At this time, he was wearing two dark circles under his eyes, looking like he had not woken up:

"Those XX people, they act like maggots all day long. I really want to XXXX. I haven't had a good night's sleep in several days, XXX."

The extremely irritable Teacher Jiang vomited fragrance, and everyone showed helpless expressions, saying that they could understand Teacher Jiang's mood.

"Morning." Teacher Jiang calmed down a little, and then began to urge everyone to start reading early:

"Start reading early. By the way, those guys outside, just ignore them."

"Okay." Everyone smiled.

At this time, Class 2 next door also resumed the rhythm of classes. Although the classroom was damaged, the school sent people to repair it that night, so there was no problem at all.

After finishing her morning reading, Gu Qi came to Ye Chuan's side, looked at him as if he was thinking about something, and said, "Ye Chuan, you have been investigating the explosion in the next class recently, right?"

"Yeah." Ye Chuan nodded.

"How's it going? Do you have any idea?" Gu Qi asked.

"Not at all. Now we can only wait for the statements of the two girls, but I heard from people at the hospital that we can go visit them probably this afternoon." Ye Chuan said with a smile.

"What if the fight really started because they were unhappy with each other, wouldn't your investigation have been in vain?"

"Then what do you think is the reason that caused two people to lose their minds and fight in the classroom?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Um..." Gu Qi thought for a moment, then asked tentatively:

"Because of men?"

"I got to know both of them, and there are no boys I have a good relationship with in school." Ye Chuan shook his head.

"What about outside the school?"

"This probability is even smaller. One of the girls transferred here and just came to this city not long ago." Ye Chuan said with a smile:

"Do you think a girl with a timid personality would fight with her only friend in the classroom over a man she has only known outside school for a short time?"

"Um..." Gu Qi thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was really no chance.

"The elf factor is bigger." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, the class bell rang. He stretched out his finger and poked Gu Qi's stomach:

"Don't be such a gossip. If you have time to think about this, why not see how to cultivate your Vine Snake."

"Okay." Gu Qi spread her hands, put away her gossip and returned to her seat.

After the morning classes were over, it was time for lunch. Ye Chuan and An Shiyu were eating lunch on a familiar bench.

"Aye, are you going to visit the two girls in the hospital this afternoon?" An Shiyu tilted her head and asked curiously.

"Well, the information provided by these two people is very important." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he looked at An Shiyu as if he remembered something:

"Shiyu, can I ask you something?"

"You ask." An Shiyu nodded lightly.

"Do you think a girl would get into a fight with someone else in the classroom over a boy she has known for a short time?" Ye Chuan said.

An Shiyu thought for a moment, then blinked: "Probably."

"Why?" Ye Chuan was stunned.

"Because if a girl falls in love with a boy, it's not surprising what she will do." An Shiyu blushed as she spoke:

"Me, too."

"Really." Ye Chuan took a sip of the soup and thought about it carefully. An Shiyu, who is easily shy, would also make very bold moves for him to please him. After thinking about it, An Shiyu said Not without reason.

An Shiyu originally wanted to say that this was just her personal opinion, but when she saw Ye Chuan starting to think deeply, she quietly sat next to him to accompany him.

The lunch break was over, and after school ended at around three in the afternoon, Ye Chuan and Jiang Xue met and set off to the Second City Hospital.

"There are no reporters in the hospital?" Ye Chuan was a little surprised when he arrived at the hospital.

"Well, the information about where Xiaoya and Xiaoxiu are hospitalized is kept very secret. Only we and the teachers know." Jiang Xue said.

"Then let's go up."


After Ye Chuan and Jiang Xue arrived at the inpatient floor, they quickly met their parents.

"Classmate Ye Chuan, you are here." When they saw Ye Chuan, they were very enthusiastic, and there was even a hint of flattery in their tone.

"Can we go in for a visit?" Ye Chuan asked.

"Well, it's okay. The doctor said that both children are awake and we are planning to go in to visit her."

"Yeah." Ye Chuan nodded and walked into the ward.

The air was filled with the smell of disinfectant. On a snow-white hospital bed with white walls, two girls were lying on each side undergoing infusion. It could be seen that although the two girls were pale, they were in good spirits.

"Dad, Mom." After seeing their parents, the two girls shouted at the same time.

"Tell mom, is there anything else that doesn't feel right?"

"Does it still hurt? Baby."

After letting their parents chat with the two girls for a while, they also noticed Ye Chuan and Jiang Xue, and asked curiously: "Jiang Xue? And this is Ye Chuan from the next class, why is he here?" "

"Because the two of us are members of the student union." Ye Chuan said:

"You two, do you know what you have done?"

At this time, both girls looked ugly, and then they nodded: "Well, we started fighting."


One of the girls lowered her head: "I don't know. It was fine at first, but suddenly I felt that Xiaoya was annoying. I didn't know why I got angry, so I summoned the elf."

"Me too." The other girl nodded.

"Ye Chuan." Jiang Xue, who was beside him, glanced at Ye Chuan.

"Well, it seems something is indeed wrong." Ye Chuan frowned slightly and nodded, then he looked at Xiao Xiu: "When did you subdue your thunder ball?"

"Thunder ball?" Xiaoxiu was stunned for a moment, then showed a puzzled expression:

"I didn't conquer the thunder ball."

No thunderball? !

With one sentence, the expressions of everyone present began to change.

At this time, Ye Chuan's cell phone rang in his pocket. He took it out and took a look and found that it was Sister Qianlan calling.


"Oh no, Xiaochuan, there was another explosion in the school!"


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