Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 195 My Shiyu is so cute (3/4)

Chapter 195 My Shiyu is so cute (34)

The battle begins——

"Wind Speed ​​Dog uses..." Before Zhou Yan could finish speaking, he noticed a black shadow appearing in front of Wind Speed ​​Dog.

The sword flashed.

The Wind Speed ​​Dog flew out and hit the wall behind it, losing the ability to fight.

"Ah this..." Not only Zhou Yan, but also Xian Yu was stunned. What happened just now? He was instantly killed by a knife? !

"Less than three seconds." Lin Muyan was also shocked at this time, because the strength of this flying mantis was too terrifying. There was absolutely no way that her armored warrior could be her opponent, and she couldn't even make a single move.

Recalling the inseparable fight between herself and the Blue Jay just now, Lin Muyan felt as if Ye Chuan had released a sea of ​​water.

"I'll do it." Zhou Yan held it in for a long time and finally said two words.

"There are no wounds on the body. He was knocked unconscious due to the impact." Xianyu checked Fengsu Dog's injuries, and then gave Flying Mantis a strange look:

"Could it be with the back of a knife?"

"Well, the back of the knife." Ye Chuan said, the wind speed dog definitely couldn't withstand the flying mantis's chop, so it thoughtfully used the back of the knife to give the opponent a physical blow.

However, Ye Chuan didn't know that Feitian Mantis's move indirectly affected Zhou Yan's confidence.

"I won't fight this monster anymore." Zhou Yan muttered, then put the Wind Speed ​​Dog back into the elf ball and took it for treatment.

Only Xian Yu was smiling, because Ye Chuan was so strong, so this year's campus league was definitely stable, and this was a big leg that needed to be held tightly.

After Ye Chuan stayed in the school team for a while, he went home.

Today, An Shiyu did not wait for Ye Chuan. Because of what happened in the morning, the whole school was suspended, and An Shiyu also went home early to avoid being harassed by reporters.

But before leaving the school, Ye Chuan's steps suddenly stopped.

Then he took out the elf ball.

There was a flash of white light, and a girl with short hair and a uniform appeared.

"Youyou, come!" Youyou put her hands on her hips.

When I got home, it was already seven o'clock.

Ye Chuan opened the door and found An Shiyu wearing an apron and busy in the kitchen. At this time, the table was already filled with several dishes.

"Aye, welcome home." When An Shiyu saw Ye Chuan coming back, he walked out quickly with a spoon, and then said with a smile:

"Drink the soup first or take a shower first?"

"Let's take a shower first." Ye Chuan rubbed his brows and then went upstairs a little tired.

"Aye... seems to be very tired today." An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan's back walking upstairs, then thought about it and put down his spoon.

In the steamy bathroom, Ye Chuan washed his body for a while, then soaked in the bathtub and relaxed his body.

"Wow--" Suddenly, at this moment, Ye Chuan found that the bathroom door opened.

"Huh?" He was slightly startled.

Then I found An Shiyu walking in wearing a swimsuit.

"Ah, Ah Ye, I'm here to wipe your back." An Shiyu made a sound like a mosquito, and then shyly looked towards Ye Chuan, who saw the latter quickly pulling out a towel, his face full of surprise. different.

"Why do you suddenly want to do this?" Ye Chuan coughed dryly.

"Because Aye looks very tired, I want to help you relieve your fatigue." An Shiyu turned on the shower, rinsed her body for a while, and then stepped into the bathtub.

Then An Shiyu sat on Ye Chuan's lap, with her back to him and her ears pink.

"It seems like it's been a long time since we took a shower together."

Ye Chuan looked at An Shiyu's snow-white neck, then reached out and hugged her soft waist, and buried his face on An Shiyu's shoulder, as if he was being healed:


An Shiyu whispered: "Aye, if you have any troubles, you can tell me."

"It's okay, it's just that things are a little unclear." Ye Chuan smiled slightly.

An Shiyu leaned back in front of Ye Chuan, then raised her head. She looked at Ye Chuan's side face, suddenly kissed Ye Chuan, and then quickly lowered her head shyly: "My mood is not feeling better."

Seeing An Shiyu's cute appearance, Ye Chuan held her pink face with one hand, then lowered his head and kissed An Shiyu's soft lips... Ten minutes later, the two of them left the bathtub.

"Seye." An Shiyu blushed and stuck out her tongue. At this time, she still felt that her legs were a little weak. She glanced at the bathtub behind her and An Shiyu drained the water directly:

"The water was stained by me."

"I think it's quite clean." After Ye Chuan finished speaking with a smile, he sat on a wooden stool:

"Rub my back."

When An Shiyu saw this, she knelt on the ground, took out a towel and gently wiped Ye Chuan's back.

"Aye's back is so generous without even realizing it." An Shiyu whispered, her face full of tenderness.

"After all, he is no longer a child." Ye Chuan said.

After hearing the words "not a child," An Shiyu glanced in front of him, then suddenly blushed and whispered:

"Aye, turn around."


Ye Chuan turned around and saw An Shiyu hesitated for a moment, then moved forward slightly and slowly lowered his head.

Ten minutes later.

After An Shiyu rinsed his mouth, he walked out of the bathroom.

Ye Chuan was already sitting at the dining table, eating his meal with a satisfied expression.

"Aye, do you like it?" An Shiyu asked in a low voice when she saw Ye Chuan eating rice.

"Yeah." Ye Chuan nodded with a faint smile, and then asked:

"Where did you learn it?"

"She, they taught me." An Shiyu's face was like a cute red apple at this time, lowering her head and playing with her fingers.

However, An Shiyu noticed that Ye Chuan seemed to have stopped talking. She raised her head, and when she noticed Ye Chuan's playful gaze, she immediately covered her face with her palms:

"A-Aye, don't look at me like this!"

After a while, An Shiyu looked at Ye Chuan with a sense of abandonment: "Aye must hate me."

Ye Chuan was slightly startled: "Why?"

"Because..." An Shiyu was a little unable to explain, and in the end she just lowered her head.

Warmth spread across her face. An Shiyu raised her head and found Ye Chuan pinching her cheek and applying a little force:


"Aye, it hurts so much..." An Shiyu said pitifully.

Ye Chuan loosened his fingers, then smiled and said:

"Rather, I'm very happy, and I don't hate it at all."

"Really?" An Shiyu's big eyes flashed.

"Well, because you have worked hard." Ye Chuan reached out and touched An Shiyu's long, silky hair, and then said with a smile:

"Although I was shocked at first, when I saw your nervous look, I thought, my Shiyu is really cute."

"Idiot Aye..." An Shiyu stuck out her tongue.

However, An Shiyu had a slight smile on her lips and seemed to be in a better mood. She picked up the rice spoon and said, "Aye, have another bowl!"


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