Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 194 School Team Training (2/4)

Chapter 194 School Team Training (24)

With no more clues, Ye Chuan and the others decided to wait for the two girls to wake up before making any plans.

In the afternoon, before Ye Chuan went home from school, he went to the school team.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xianyu still knew that Ye Chuan had been working hard all day outside as a member of the student union, so after seeing him so busy and still coming to the school team for training, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"I'm here for training." Ye Chuan smiled slightly.

"Ye Chuan, can I fight you?" Lin Muyan said from the side.


Because it was training, Ye Chuan sent the blue jay up.

"An elf I've never seen before..." After seeing the blue jay, Lin Muyan hesitated and took out her elf ball.

White light flashed, and an insect-shaped elf like a warrior appeared——

Insect type elf, armored warrior.

"Armored warrior?" After Ye Chuan saw this elf, he looked at it with interest.

This is an insect elf that is all white and gray, and its whole body is wrapped in a hard carapace. It looks like a warrior from the outside. In terms of attributes, if Ye Chuan remembers correctly, it has both water and insect elements.

"Blue Jay is a flying elf." Ye Chuan reminded, after all, the flying elf restrained the insect type.

"It's okay." The other party didn't seem to care.

"In that case, let me be the referee." Xianyu said.

The battle begins——

Lin Muyan instantly increased her concentration by 200%. Although Ye Chuan was only a first-year student, she had no intention of looking down upon him. Because both the previous combat prowess test and the scene of instantly killing Senior Li Xu left a deep impression on her heart.

"Armored warrior, strike head-on!"

For the first time, the armored warrior burst out with speed and smashed his head against the blue jay.

"Crow!" The blue crow flapped its wings and directly withstood the head-on blow.

The head-on strike is a surprise move. The first time it is used, the opponent will not have time to react. However, Blue Jay's reaction speed is very fast. In addition, this skill is an insect type move, so it does not cause much damage to Blue Jay.

"Wing attack." Ye Chuan gave the order.

The blue jay's wings trembled, and then it used its own wings to flap the armored warrior. After the latter dodged for a few times, he stretched out his claws and directly grabbed the two wings of the blue jay.

"Very good, push Blue Jay to the ground!" Lin Muyan immediately ordered after seeing Blue Jay being captured by the armored warrior.

"Boom!" The armored warrior was so powerful that even a huge flying elf like the Blue Crow was easily knocked to the ground. Then the armored warrior bit the Blue Crow's neck and began to eat away at it. Its physical strength.


"Peck." Ye Chuan said.

The beak of the blue jay directly pecked the armored warrior's body hard. After all, it was a flying skill, and the damage was pretty good. After the armored warrior took a few steps back, he waved his sharp claws.

"Fly up." Ye Chuan said directly after seeing the blue jay break away.

The advantage of flying elves is that they can use high altitudes to launch continuous surprise attacks on their enemies. If the opponent is not very skilled and does not have long-range attack skills, then it will be very uncomfortable to face the flying elves. .

It was obvious that Lin Muyan's armored warrior had not learned the skill of long-range attack, so when the blue crow flapped its wings and flew into the sky, it reluctantly began to sharpen its claws.

"Heavy impact." Ye Chuan said.

The blue crow fell from a high altitude and hit the armored warrior.

"Metal Claw!" The armored warrior swung out his sharp claws, intending to confront the Blue Jay head-on.

With a loud noise, the armored warrior was knocked away by the blue jay. Its body scraped a distance from the ground, and then stabilized its body.

"Double wings." Ye Chuan continued to order.

The blue crow flapped its wings, flew in front of the armored warrior, and kept flapping the opponent.

"Actually fighting..."

At this time, Zhou Yan also came back. When he saw Ye Chuan actually fighting Lin Muyan, he couldn't help showing a curious expression:

"Is Lin Muyan so strong? She can actually fight Ye Chuan so anxiously."

"It's not that Lin Muyan is strong, it's that Ye Chuan's elf is not as strong as the other elves." Xian Yu could see that Lin Muyan could not be Ye Chuan's opponent. Now it seemed that Ye Chuan sent his weakest elf to fight against Lin Muyan.

"Yes, the fire dinosaur and the flying mantis are much scarier than this bird." Zhou Yan said, suddenly noticing the gold and silver feathers on the blue jay's wings:

"Does the blue jay have those two feathers on its body? It looks pretty when it glows slightly."

"The blue jay definitely doesn't have it. This...maybe it's painted with glitter paint?" Xianyu wasn't sure, because he knew there was no such thing on the blue jay's wings.

"Maybe it's Ye Chuan's special hobby..."

The battle has reached a fierce stage.

The blue jay and the armored warrior separated.

"Let's give it one last blow." Ye Chuan said with a smile when he saw that the physical strength of the two elves was almost exhausted.

"I think so too."

"Blue Jay, attack with both wings!"

"Armored warrior, water jet!"

The two elves launched their final attack. The blue jay waved its glowing wings. A second later, the armored warrior also turned into a stream of water and hit him. After the two collided, they were instantly separated by the reaction force. , and then fell to the ground.

"Crow." The blue crow shook the water from his wings and stood up.

The armored warrior fell to the ground motionless.

"Ye Chuan wins." Xianyu announced the result directly.

"It was a wonderful battle, thank you." Lin Muyan knew that Ye Chuan had kept his hand, so she looked at him and said.

"Thank you for your hard work." Ye Chuan touched Blue Crow's head. Although this guy was still very weak, he was very resistant to beatings. He had only a few scratches on his body after fighting the armored warrior for so long.

"Crow!" The blue jay stretched out its wings.

"Come back." After Ye Chuan took the blue jay back, he came to Xianyu and the others.

"Ye Chuan, can you fight my elf next?" Zhou Yan said excitedly:

"I want to fight your flying mantis!"

"Flying Mantis?" Ye Chuan was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhou Yan with a strange expression:

"are you serious?"

"I definitely can't beat the Fire Dinosaur and your ghost-type elf. I can still try the Flying Mantis. After all, it has the advantage in attributes." Zhou Yan said, after all, in his mind, the strongest elf in Ye Chuan is the Fire Dinosaur. Next is Youyou and then the Flying Mantis and Blue Jay.

But he had no idea that Flying Mantis was the one who made the fastest progress.

"Okay." Ye Chuan smiled.

Zhou Yan also smiled.

After the battle began, Zhou Yan sent out the Wind Speed ​​Dog. The fluffy light yellow hair had grown into a strong figure. His Wind Speed ​​Dog seemed to be much stronger than last semester.

Ye Chuan summoned the flying mantis.

"Buzz--" After seeing the wind speed dog, the Flying Mantis raised his sickle horizontally. The ferocious broadsword paired with black color was particularly oppressive.

Two more updates

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