The black hole secret technique 1st floor realm cultivation is very easy. His current Holy Spirit body has completely transformed into a black hole physique.

I saw Mu Qing raise his hand, and one after another strong black hole power filled his body.

In the past, Mu Qing condensed the black hole power into a black robe, and put it on the body. When an enemy attack hits, it will be absorbed by the black hole power of the black robe.

Now, he no longer needs to use this method, his own physique has become a black hole.

According to the method in the black hole secret technique, Mu Qing directly absorbed all the Divine Stone veins and heavenly materials and earthly treasures he had stored.

In his body, one after another strong black hole power permeates out!

Without too much delay, Mu Qing immediately mobilized the power of the black hole in his body, and began to cultivation the Second Layer of the black hole secret technique!

The black hole physique has initially successfully condensed. Although this layer of realm is not even Small Accomplishment, it already has the qualifications of the cultivation Second Layer.

The black hole space of Second Layer, to put it plainly, is similar to an almost infinite portable storage space!

Mu Qing has a lot of space rings, bracelets, etc., and he usually puts the items in the Wanmo world.

God Sovereign Realm's God Sovereign world is a very huge storage space, and you can throw things in at hand, even living things.

Of course, in the Great Emperor Realm, the god emperor world is all smelted into Taoism, these things have to be transferred to the space bracelet or space ring.

The second layer of the black hole secret technique is similar to the god emperor world, except that the space is very large and it is specially used to store items.

The opening of the black hole space is more difficult than Mu Qing imagined.

It took about ten days, and Mu Qing's body was shaken.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a black hole appeared between his waves.

The black hole space has been successfully opened!

Second Layer realm, black hole space, can only be regarded as a simple application of black hole power.

As long as you first enter the black hole physique, you can immediately cultivation Second Layer.

The black hole space is the simplest realm in the entire black hole mystery.

"Black Hole Secret Art 3rd floor, now it can't be cultivation..." Mu Qing restraining aura, his eyes flickered.

Black hole physique is divided into first entry, Small Accomplishment, Great Accomplishment, Perfection.

He is a newcomer now, so he can directly cultivation the Black Hole Secret Technique Second Layer.

As for the black hole teleportation on the 3rd floor of the black hole secret technique, the black hole physique Small Accomplishment is needed for cultivation.

Black hole physique Great Accomplishment, cultivation 4th floor!

Black hole physique Perfection, cultivation 5th floor!

In other words, the black hole physique on the 1st floor is the foundation and the most important in the black hole secret technique.

If you want to cultivation the layers of the black hole secret, you must first upgrade the black hole physique.

"The black hole physique is still a short distance from Small Success Realm..." Mu Qing shook the head.

It seems that in a short period of time, he can't expect to use the power of black holes to fight.

The first 3-floors of the black hole secret technique is mainly a supplementary function!

It is not impossible to insist on combat capability, but it is definitely not as good as the 4th floor and 5th floor of the black hole secret technique.

Mu Qing glanced at the fleshy body in front of him, and with a movement, a black hole appeared under the body and directly sucked it in.

He put his fleshy body into the black hole space.

In the black hole, even the powerhouse of the great may be disoriented, but Mu Qing of cultivated black hole secret technique is different, he has opened up the black hole space himself, and knows everything inside.

He can see his fleshy body sitting cross-legged and motionless in the endless darkness in his black hole space.

With this black hole space, the space utensils on Mu Qing are useless. Compared with storage equipment such as space ring, his black hole space is more convenient and safer.

"However, there is nothing left on my body..." Mu Qing searched for the space bracelet and the Ten Thousand Demon world on his body.

He found that he seems to be a poor man now!

To transform the black hole power, too much energy is needed. In order to quickly cultivation to the Second Layer black hole secret technique, Mu Qing almost exhausted his reserves.

Mu Qing reluctantly shook the head.

He originally had a lot of resources, including high-level Divine Stone veins, a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, Divine Pill Immortal Medicine and so on.

For the other god emperor Peak, he is definitely not as rich as him.

However, these have been absorbed and refining, and used to fill the black hole physique in one breath!

Be aware that he is now considered to be two bodies, one body and one Holy Spirit body, which means that he needs to consume twice the resources for cultivation.

Now Mu Qing has also condensed the black hole physique, this is another giant beast!

I wanted to make the body more cultivation for a while, and strive to break through to the Great Emperor Realm, but now I don’t have any cultivation resources, so I have to give up.

Mu Qing sat down cross-legged and felt the power of the black hole, but the progress of the cultivation was slow.

Half a month passed, Mu Qing was able to stabilize the black hole physique that had just entered the realm.

At this time, he felt some movement.

Wanke is back, holding the gold-grade crystal nucleus in his hand.

"We have to act as soon as possible. There are more and more Celestial Court powerhouses searching our whereabouts. A little bit later will make us impossible to move a single step!"

His face Dignified, this time I went out to inquire about the news, and found that the situation was not optimistic.

"Are you injured?" Mu Qing narrowed his eyes and found that Wanke's arm was dripping with blood.

Wanke nodded, said: "I was discovered, and fortunately I used the space to move away, but this is a good thing!"

He has special means to contact the Ancient Immortal world The powerhouse over there, but it was also found.

"Actually, I was found to be a good thing. They must think we are trying to charge ahead from the outer circle area. In fact, our real goal is the inner circle!"

Ke laughed.

He ran Immortal Qi to recover from the injury on his arm.

He contacted the Powerhouse of Ancient Immortal and passed out the message. As long as he goes to the battlefield in the center of the Sea of ​​Silence, the powerhouse of Ancient Immortal will respond.

After the numerous powerhouses of Celestial Court noticed Wanke's whereabouts, they immediately dispatched a large group of great powerhouses to guard the surrounding areas.

It can be said that it is almost impossible to rush from the outer circle area directly into the Central Region of the Sea of ​​Silence.

The place is so solid, even Gufeng Imperial Capital sits there!

"Just to my liking this time, hahaha!" Wanke laughed.

He is betting on his fate!

This is the Celestial Court site. If you use the communication rune here, it will be completely blocked and will be discovered.

Although Wanke has special means to contact the Ancient Immortal world in the Celestial Court site, it will still be discovered.

If he hadn't run fast, I'm afraid he would have fallen on the spot now!

Wanke sighed, and there were some fears, even he did not expect that there would be so many Celestial Court powerhouses to hunt him down.

A total of five high-ranking tenth-order emperors shot, and there are more than a dozen other emperors powerhouse. This force is completely unimaginable!

If it hadn't been for Velcade to run fast, it would not only be the arm injury, but also his life!

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