Wanke glanced at Mu Qing. He knew why Celestial Court sent so many powerhouses. The main reason was Mu Qing.

He didn't say much, but recovered a little from his injury.

After his injury was almost recovered, he threw two pickaxes from the space bracelet to Mu Qing casually.

Mu Qing took this pickaxe, which is made of a special metal material, which can weigh ten thousand catties, and it is filled with strong energy fluctuations.

This turned out to be a Peak Sovereign level Divine Item!

Mu Qing opened his mouth and looked towards Wanke.

Wanke lifted the pickaxe, knocked it at the nearby Nirvana Sea Mine, and dug a palm-size Nirvana Sea Mine two or three times.

Seeing Mu Qing still stunned, he hurriedly said: "Don't stay, hurry up and help, we must act as soon as possible, first dig all the nirvana sea mines here!"

Wanke later explained: "Only with a gold-grade crystal core can you enter the seabed of nirvana, and even if you come into the sea, it is impossible to find the seabed of nirvana!"

" According to my investigation, the Nirvana Sea Mine is extremely precious even for the Nirvana Sea Beast. Only the powerhouse in the Sea Beast can occupy a sea mine!"

"I use the gold-grade crystal core to download Diving for one kilometer is already the limit. It is quite lucky to be able to find a sea of ​​silence here. I should dig it away quickly. It may be useful at the critical moment!"

Mu Qing hearing This, also reacted, raised the pickaxe in his hand, and started mining.

According to Wanke's statement, the general nirvana sea mines are quite large and only exist in the 10,000-meter seabed of the nirvana sea!

It is quite lucky to be able to find the Nirvana Sea Mine at a depth of one kilometer.

Wanke guessed that the small sea mine where the two of them were located was a small part of a large sea mine!

This sea mine of theirs, said it is not small, but it is not too big, in just three hours, all the ore of nirvana was dug out.

Wanke glanced and waved his hand, he took away the pile of silencing ore that Mu Qing had dug up.

"These are all placed with me." He put away the pickaxe again, and then said with a smile: "That pickaxe is also considered a top grade Sovereign level Divine Item, so I will give it to You are here."

Mu Qing looked at the pickaxe in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Although this pickaxe was of high grade, it was weird to think about it in battle.

He threw the pickaxe into the black hole.

Wanke naturally saw Mu Qing's black hole power and was stunned, but he didn't care.

He held the gold-grade crystal core and took Mu Qing out of the seabed, moving towards the inner circumference of Celestial Court, and directly moved the space.

Wanke took out a handful of Immortal Pill, about a dozen of them, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Suddenly a strong energy escaped from his body, which was quickly transformed into Immortal Qi by him.

I saw Wanke loudly shouts, ripples appeared in the space around the two of them, and they moved away in an instant.

In the next instant, the two appeared on a piece of sea, all around, not even an island.

Wanke did not stop and immediately moved on for the second time.

He seems to have planned his course of action a long time ago, and every time he moves space, there is no Celestial Court powerhouse in the place where he appears.

While taking Mu Qing to move the space many times, it consumes a lot of him. While moving the space, he took out a medicine pill called Mysterious Heaven Pill and swallowed it every time. A dozen.

This Mysterious Heaven Pill is unique to the Celestial Court and Ancient Immortal worlds. It is refined from various heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Its main function is to contain surging energy and speed up the energy refining.

Although the gold-grade crystal nucleus can be used to move space, it consumes a lot of money.

For a powerhouse like Wanke, if he consumes 10% of Immortal Qi in the outside world, he can move almost hundreds of thousands li, or even farther.

With no difficulty, you can move from one star to another by using space movement.

But here, every time he moves his space, he only has ten thousand li, and he also needs to consume half of the Immortal Qi in his body.

It’s the same, Wanke continuously swallows Mysterious Heaven Pill, restores its Immortal Qi, and moves continuously.

Perhaps, if he has more than five gold-grade crystal nuclei in his hand, the consumption will be the same as the outside world.

Wanke took Mu Qing several spatial movements and entered the inner area of ​​Celestial Court.

The journey went quite smoothly!

I’m afraid Celestial Court’s powerhouse would never have thought that Wanke’s front foot was still contacting the Ancient Immortal world in the outer circle area, trying to charge ahead, but the back foot had already rushed into the inner circle.

"Who is it?!"

When Wanke and Mu Qing moved the space again, a scream came suddenly.

Wanke and Mu Qing complexion changed.

In front of them, there is a Celestial Court God Emperor squad, about a hundred people, all of which are the powerhouse of God Emperor Peak!

Everyone in the God Squad squad was stunned. It was the first time they saw someone who was able to move space above this sea of ​​silence.

"It's Wanke and Mu Qing! Not good!"

Squad's Captain's face changed suddenly, and he immediately recognized the identities of the two.

He didn't even have time to give instructions, and immediately took out the communication rune, wanting to inform the senior management.

However, a big hand appeared on top of his head for unknown time, and he squeezed his head off.

Blood splashed and turned into a rain of blood.

"It's a traitor Wanke!!" The other Celestial Court emperor exclaimed.

"Dead!" Wanke gloomy face gave a sharp drink.

Ten roads appeared on his body, turning into a sky full of fire, directly enveloping the group of Celestial Court powerhouses.

Hundreds of god emperors Peak were all burned into nothingness before they even had time to scream!

Mu Qing also took back his Formation at this time.

When he shot at Wanke, he immediately gathered a layer of Formation to help Wanke cover the battle aura.

Wanke frowned and said: "Something is wrong, why is there a patrol team around Celestial Court? Or in such a remote place!"

Space shifting is to choose more remote places.

As a result, as soon as he entered the inner circle, he encountered a patrol team.

Although he immediately shot and killed the Celestial Court Emperor, and Mu Qing helped to block the battle aura, but if the Celestial Court couldn't contact these guys, he would definitely find something wrong.

"It seems we are going to speed up!" Wanke said solemnly.

He glanced at Mu Qing approvingly. The moment he took the shot, the other party reacted and immediately gathered the Formation to help shield the battle aura and the aftermath. This cooperation was quite tacit.

Subsequently, Wanke pulled Mu Qing and moved the space again.

In the center of Celestial Court, on a huge island.

The guards here are heavily guarded, and the Celestial Court powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm is everywhere in the past.

In one of the buildings full of Immortal Qi, there is a robust man frowns with a beard.

Hu Zhenai is one of the high-levels of Celestial Court, a supreme emperor, known as the Zhentian emperor, and his strength is comparable to that of the ancient peak emperor!

"There is a patrol squad inside that lost contact?"

Hu Zhe listened to a report from an emperor in front of him, looking thoughtful.

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