Mu Qing read the entire black hole secret technique, and his eyes lit up.

According to the description in the Black Hole Secret Art, the universe where evil gods are located does not have black holes, but the evil gods discovered black holes when they came to their universe by accident.

The passage of the two universes is located in the realm of Ancient Immortal!

The entire Ancient Immortal world is on top of endless white clouds, and under the vast clouds and mist, there is another universe.

The evil god came to this universe once before reaching the Supreme. He found that this universe was higher than theirs, but the strength of the cultivation base was uneven, and greed arose in his heart.

The evil god returned to his own universe, created the black hole secret technique, and set out to come to this universe again, just to absorb the power of the black hole to cultivation this secret technique.

When the time comes, you may be able to rely on this black hole mystery to expand the passage of the two universes, or even create a passage for countless Holy Spirit troops to rush in and plunder resources!

When the evil god entered the channel for the second time and came to this universe, he had already become famous in the Holy Spirit universe and was the most powerful Supreme.

Unfortunately at that time, the location of the passage happened to be seen by the Ancient Immortal world.

As soon as the evil god came to this universe for the second time, he encountered the power of the Ancient Immortal world. Several Supreme powers of the Ancient Immortal world joined forces to finally suppress the evil god and seal it in the sky forbidden bottle!

The same is true. The Ancient Immortal world discovered the unusual location of their location, connecting to another universe.

"Holy Spirit universe, the overall strength is very strong, but it is not as big as our universe!" Mu Qing touched the chin.

On the side of the Holy Spirit universe, the universe here is called the master universe.

However, few creatures in the main universe here seem to know the existence of another universe.

"no! Buddhism should have been known!" Mu Qing thought.

It is not known how many years Buddhism obtained this super secret secret volume. Everything on it must have been thoroughly studied, and these news must be known.

Unfortunately, Buddhism has never been able to cultivation success. The secret technique and divine ability can only be watched.

Mu Qing shook the head, don't think about it so much, and focus on the black hole secret technique.

This secret technique is much more powerful than Space Law, and it includes Space Law.

The black hole secret technique is divided into 5-Layer.

1st floor, black hole physique.

Based on the body of the Holy Spirit, absorb enough black hole power to make your body moved towards the black hole transformation.

Second Layer, black hole space.

Almost infinite space can accommodate everything.

3rd floor, black hole transmission.

Ignore the obstacles of the emptiness of layers of space, and use the power of black holes to build a stable channel.

4th floor, black hole swallowed.

Absorb and swallow any attack or object, the creature is swallowed, and the lack of strength will be trapped in it for a lifetime, until Lao Tzu.

5th floor, black hole blasting.

The power of the black hole is condensed to explode, bursting out of extraordinary power.

Mu Qing's face gradually became serious, carefully reading the black hole secret technique.

The 5-Layer realm of the black hole secret technique is clearly divided. The 1st floor, Second Layer, and 3rd floor mainly play a supplementary role. The 4th floor is gradually applied to attacks, which can be attacked and defended, and the 5th floor is It is to put the power of the black hole completely on the attack.

This black hole secret technique may be difficult for others to cultivation, but in fact, Mu Qing has more or less used the 5-Layer realm of black hole secret technique.

It's just that he used the power of the black hole, he thought about it himself, it was a bit rough, and it was definitely not as good as the black hole secret technique created by this evil god.

"First start the cultivation from the 1st floor, compared to how much time I should be able to Initial Mastery!"

Mu Qing moved his mind and moved his own fleshy body from space Take out the bracelet, and sit in front of him in front of him according to his control.

My own fleshy body can be regarded as an extremely precious treasure, even in front of Wanke, he did not take it out.

To cultivation the black hole secret technique, you need the power of the black hole as the primer.

The evil god entered the main universe for the second time to seize some black hole power. After all, there is no black hole in the Holy Spirit universe.

However, the evil god had not had time to cultivation the black hole secret technique, and was suppressed and sealed.

The power of the black hole, Mu Qing is not worried, he has it in his body!

The fleshy body, chaos in the left eye, black hole in the right eye!

Actually, neither of these two powers belong to him. Chaos Energy is the secret technique given by Primal Chaos Giant at the time. It was drawn by communicating with the Land of Primal Chaos and could not be cultivated by himself.

The power of the black hole was obtained from Earth Kunlun Secret Realm when he was still very weak.

Mu Qing guessed that the power of this black hole is not unlimited, at least he clearly feels that the power of the black hole of the body is gradually decreasing, and it will disappear sooner or later.

But it's different now.

Black hole Secret Art, as long as there is a certain amount of black hole power as the primer, cultivation can be carried out!

Mu Qing took a deep breath, the strength of Divine Soul gushed from the body and penetrated into the right eye of the fleshy body.

I can feel that there is a strong black hole in the right eye of the ontology.

Although the power of these black holes is stored in the right eye, it requires a certain amount of power to be activated. Excessive use will make his right eye sore.

Previously, Mu Qing relied on the power of the black hole to perform the magic power from a long distance, but the cost was huge, and after a long period of time, he could not even use the power of the black hole.

Mu Qing sat down, his face condensed, and through the strength of Divine Soul, all the power of the black hole in the body's right eye was drawn out.

One after another black glow rushed out, swallowing all around the faint blue rays emitted by the Nirvana Sea Mine.

Under the guidance of Mu Qing, the power of these black holes poured into Mu Qing, the body of the Holy Spirit.

This black hole secret technique is based on the cultivation of the Holy Spirit by the evil gods. Unless it is the Holy Spirit, it cannot be cultivation at all.

On Mu Qing's body, one after another black hole power entangled, and the super Life Power of the Holy Spirit gradually merged with the black hole power!

Starting from the head, next to the rib cage and limbs, the appearance of his entire body is covered by the power of the black hole.

The power of this black hole is quite overbearing, capable of swallowing everything, even the blue light rays that have penetrated from the Nirvana Sea Mine.

Mu Qing body trembled, the power of the black hole covering the whole body is just the beginning.

Next, the black hole power began to slowly penetrate into his body. This process was very painful. The black hole power would destroy the body little by little, and then be covered by the black hole power.

Mu Qing's body is the body of the Holy Spirit, so there is no blood. If it is the body, I am afraid that the amount of bleeding is huge now, like a fountain.

Mu Qing gritted his teeth and silently ran the secret art of the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse, keeping his mind.

Maybe Mu Qing has used the power of the black hole long ago, and his cultivation of the black hole secret technique has made rapid progress.

Of course, there may also be a reason for the evil god Remnant Soul.

Three days later, the inside of the sea mine was extinguished.

Mu Qing suddenly opened and closed his eyes, those eyes were deep and terrifying, all the light was swallowed, and the entire mine was darkened.

A hint of joy appeared on his face, and the black hole physique had a preliminary cultivation success!

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