Wanke has been a traitor for many years, and he knows Celestial Court well.

In the entire Celestial Court site, even those extreme powerhouses do not have a gold-grade crystal core, but he knows that the Space Transmission Array inside has a gold-grade crystal core!

Celestial Court came to the Sea of ​​Silence. I haven't seen the Sea Beast of the upper emperor. Even the extremely large Imperial Capital can only use the silver rank crystal core.

According to the news discovered by Wanke, Celestial Court, the only gold-grade crystal core, was once obtained by the Celestial Emperor!

It can be seen how amazing the Celestial Emperor's methods are!

At the beginning, the Celestial Emperor came here with only one person. The cultivation realm is not that high yet, but he can get a gold-level crystal nucleus.

The Space Transmission Array mentioned by Wanke is actually built with a gold-grade crystal core as the core.

It is precisely by leveraging the power of the gold-grade crystal core that Space Transmission Array can function in this sea of ​​silence. It is connected to the headquarters of Celestial Court and can transport a large amount of resources through this Transmission Formation at any time. .

With this Space Transmission Array, Celestial Court has some advantages in the battle with the Ancient Immortal world.

Of course, this advantage is only temporary.

Using the crystal nucleus to fly on the sea of ​​silence or to move in space will consume the power in the crystal nucleus.

In normal times, this consumption is minimal.

Dark Iron Level crystal cores are estimated to last a year for flying, and the silver rank is even longer.

The energy contained in the gold-grade crystal nucleus in Wanke's hand is quite turbulent, even if he moves the space many times, the energy inside will not necessarily consume much.

However, Celestial Court is holding a gold-grade crystal core to maintain a Space Transmission Array, which consumes a lot of money.

Wanke moves space only within the range of the Sea of ​​Silence, but Celestial Court uses the Space Transmission Array built by this gold-grade crystal core to connect to the headquarters of Celestial Court!

Celestial Court is located somewhere in the Heaven Realm, and it is very far away from this sea of ​​silence to that side.

Each time the Space Transmission Array is turned on, it consumes a lot of energy from the gold-grade crystal core.

It won’t be long before this Space Transmission Array of Celestial Court will be scrapped.

"I also have a gold-grade crystal core in my hand. As long as I enter the Space Transmission Array, I can change the direction of the Space Transmission Array and move us to the center of the Sea of ​​Annihilation!" Wanke said , He is confident enough.

Celestial Court has placed an inescapable net in the outer circle area. Even if Wanke holds a gold-grade crystal core, it can use the space to move unscrupulously, but it can't be rushed out.

Only relying on the power of Space Transmission Array and the power of two gold-grade crystal cores, they can be directly transmitted to the central battlefield of the Sea of ​​Annihilation at one time!

"Since senior, you have a way to change the direction of the Space Transmission Array, why not directly transmit it to the Ancient Immortal world?" Mu Qing asked.

Wanke hearing this shook his head and said: "There must be a Celestial Court powerhouse guarded by the Space Transmission Array. If we can sneak into it, we will be lucky. When the time comes, time is tight, at most We two teleported to the center of the Sea of ​​Annihilation!"

Don’t look at the Celestial Court. Many powerhouses are gathered in the outer circle area to find the whereabouts of the two. In fact, there are still a lot of powerhouses inside. Entering the Space Transmission Array, you will inevitably be found whereabouts.

Wangke only took advantage of the Celestial Court immediately did not find it, go to the Space Transmission Array to do tricks!

"You are temporarily cultivation here for a while, I will go out to find out some news."

Three days later, Wanke left here.

He divided a part of the power of the gold-grade crystal nucleus, and left it in this Silent Sea Mine, so that it would not be swept by the sea.

Looking at the back of Wanke leaving, Mu Qing was in contemplation.

The method that Wanke had just displayed made him more surprised.

Theoretically speaking, the power in the Sea Beast crystal nucleus cannot be absorbed by other spiritual roots except for the Sea Beast.

Now, whether it is from the Ancient Immortal world or the Celestial Court, they can only use the power of the crystal nucleus to suppress the power of the Sea of ​​Nirvana. No other use has been discovered for the time being.

But Wanke seems to have a different understanding of the crystal nucleus, he can control the power in the golden crystal nucleus!

"Could it be that the research on the power of crystal nuclei in Ancient Immortal world is still above Celestial Court?" Mu Qing thought a little, but didn't care too much.

Although Wanke took away the gold nucleus, but left a part of its power, Mu Qing stayed in this Annihilation Sea Mine and was still safe.

"I don't know why, there is a power in Wanke senior that makes me feel very familiar!" It is this that really makes Mu Qing care about.

He always feels that Wanke has an aura that makes him familiar.

Mu Qing shook the head, put aside distracting thoughts, Wanke is a person from the Ancient Immortal world, always impossible to harm himself.

Wanke said it took a month to inquire about the news, and Mu Qing had nothing else to do here, so he put his mind on the super secret scroll.

After he became Holy Spirit beyond his reach, he hasn't paid much attention to the study of the super secret scrolls.

Be aware that this is a bloodline technique left over from a powerful Supreme. There are various secret techniques, divine abilities, and moves. If you study thoroughly, it will greatly help his strength.

It’s just that there are too many Divine Ability secret techniques in the Super Raw Secret Volume, with all kinds of abilities.

I watched too much, and I was a little dazzled.

"It seems that I can only specialize in a few of the divine abilities. There are too many Divine Ability in the super secret volume. I want all the cultivation. I don't know how long it is!" Mu Qing wrinkled frowned.

Originally, he had to face the threat of evil gods, but now he has mastered the immeasurable Buddha lotus curse, which can suppress the influence of various negative forces on him, and now he can cultivation unscrupulously. Up.

Mu Qing's eyes turn, his first consideration is the divine ability of death!

Death Power was the most powerful force of the evil god back then, and the death divine ability derived from it is naturally one of the very best Great Divine Ability in the Superbirth Secret Scroll.

However, there are some limitations on the divine ability of death. If you want to cultivation, you must have a dead weapon as a medium.

With the help of the ancient dead tree, Mu Qing transformed his magic knife into a dead weapon.

But he wants to cultivation the death ability, but he still needs the cultivation base of the Great Emperor Realm, so he cannot be cultivated at this stage.


Mu Qing suddenly got a shock. This time he calmly read the super secret scroll and discovered a secret technique that he had previously ignored.

"Black Hole Secret Art"

This cannot be said to be a divine ability, or even the evil gods in the heyday of the year were not able to master it.

When realm reaches Supreme, even a black hole can go through, and nothing will happen at all.

But if you want to master the power of black holes, Supreme can't do it!

The strongest power of the evil god is Death Power, but he was not satisfied and started to study the power of black holes. The result was some success. Before he had time for cultivation, he came to the universe where Mu Qing was located.

Immediately afterwards, the evil god was sealed by the mighty power of the Ancient Immortal world into the sky forbidden bottle. Naturally, there was no time to cultivation the black hole secret technique.

Mu Qing's eyes burst out with brilliant light. He also masters the power of the black hole, but he is not too powerful during the battle. At least at this level, he can only play a supporting role.

But in this black hole secret technique, there is a perfect method of using black hole power. After all, it has been studied by evil gods for many years. As long as this black hole secret technique is cultivation, Mu Qing's strength will definitely be improved. !

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