The sword glow connecting to heaven penetrating the earth was cut down. Everyone thought that the second test had ended here, and eventually Jiang Kuang would get all the emerald fruits. the end.

No one thinks that Mu Qing can withstand this blow. After all, no matter how you look at it, Mu Qing is just a late god emperor that's all.

However, after the sword, the black fog around was cut away, and the sword qi raged all around, but the silhouette did not waver at all.

"How...How is it possible?!"

Everyone was stunned. Jiang Kuang’s sword was a lore. Even the God Emperor Peak present might not be able to Resist it, but there is nothing in the late god emperor in front of him!

"Sure enough..."

Mu Qing whispered.

He originally wanted to rely on the negative power in his body to resist this sword, but considering that he might go crazy later, he dispelled this idea.

He felt that his fleshy body had been greatly improved after gaining the strength of the Ancient Life Tree in his childhood, almost comparable to the Emperor Peak. Now he has tried it, and it is true.

I saw Chaos Energy lingering on Mu Qing's body, and he couldn't squeeze Ming Wang's seal with his hands, relying on fleshy body, forcibly resisted Jiang Kuang's sword!

It can be seen that there is a small scar on Mu Qing's arm, but it healed very quickly.

This is the injury that Jiang Kuang's sword caused to him just now!

"It's incredible!"

The same words appeared in the mouths of Mu Qing and Jiang Kuang.

Even Mu Qing himself was shocked. His fleshy body is too terrifying now. You must know that Jiang Kuang is not an ordinary God Emperor Peak. The strength of the opponent is completely comparable to the genius of the Peak race. character!

Jiang Kuang took a deep breath. He quickly calmed down and realized that his opponent was not that simple.

"No wonder you can get other emerald fruits with the cultivation base of the late god emperor. It turns out that you have such an amazing fleshy body. When did Draconian Race appear like you and the others?"

Jiang Kuang said solemnly, his eyes were terrifying, and he was truly murderous!

Mu Qing is a huge threat to him.

He has been known as an enchanting figure for so many years, he has been praised too high, he is used to aloof and remote, he despises him of the same rank, and absolutely does not allow a guy who is more abnormal than him!

"In any case, the emerald fruit will be mine, and I will become a great emperor. You can't catch up with me!"

Jiang Kuang shouted, his body burst out dazzling in an instant The rays of light, holding a simple long sword, one after another horrible breath spreads, sword light catharsis!

The surrounding God Emperor Peak powerhouse all moved towards the distance and ran away, their eyes were shocked, avoiding the location of the two of them.

Everyone realized that Mu Qing and Jiang Kuang’s battle was far beyond their level.

Obviously they are all the same realm, and even Mu Qing is still a late god emperor, but after Jiang Kuang bursts out of his full strength, only Mu Qing can resist the pressure.

Others are not even qualified to fight!

"Why is the gap between the same level so big?" Someone sighed.

"Boss! I caught that kid's lover!"

At this time, a Sword Spirit clan God Emperor Peak ran up, and he shouted, calling everyone's attention The force attracted the past.

The war that was originally triggered has stalled.

Mu Qing frowned, glanced away, and found that the Sword Spirit clan imprisoned a beautiful image, it was the patriarch of the fox girl clan, who beloved the Third Young Lady.

Mei Third Young Lady passed out in a coma for some reason, while the god emperor Peak of the Sword Spirit clan was holding a dagger with a lewd look.

"Give all your emerald fruits to Boss Jiang Kuang, otherwise don't blame me for doing something to you little lady!" The man held the dagger and cut open the skirt of the Third Young Lady, white. The skin is exposed, crystal clear and near-transparent.

Jiang Kuang did not speak and looked towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing laughed disdainfully, and said: "Do you think this can threaten me?"

Jiang Kuang's face condensed, somehow he had a bad feeling. Hastily shouted: "Be careful!"

But it was too late, a shadow was mixed in the black mist, and instantly rushed into the comatose Xuanzhang's body.

Xuan Zang's coma was caused by Mu Qing's Moon God dream that consumed his whole body strength, and it took at least a month to wake up.

Earlier, Jiang Kuang doubted what Xuan Zang knew, so he let his subordinates take him with him.

"hahaha! It’s great to have Fleshy body again!"

Xuan Zang stood up abruptly, his eyes bursting with evil beams, roar towards the sky.

The next moment he appeared next to Peak, the god emperor of the Sword Spirit clan, countless hurricanes condensed in his hands, and forcibly penetrated the other's heart.

"Pu chi!"

Blood splashed out and the dagger fell on the ground. The Emperor Peak was stunned, watching his heart be taken out.

At the same time, the hurricane on Xuan Zang's body turned into a knife, one after another slashed on him.

Along with the scream, the rules of Xuantian Secret Realm were triggered, and the god emperor Peak of the Sword Spirit clan was rejected.

Xuan Zang still had a heart in his hand, beating slowly, and then squeezed it exploded under his smirk!

Except for Mu Qing, the eyelids of everyone present trembled.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Kuang's face is solemn. He has been in contact with Xuan Zang and knows Xuan Zang's identity. The other party can already be said to be the dísciple of Xuan Ming Temple. Now, I learned from Xuanming master.

But now, this mysterious mysterious creature, bathed in blood, with cruel methods, is very strange.

Jiang Kuang can be sure that this guy is definitely not the deity of Xuan Zang!

Xuan Zang looked disdainful, and then reluctantly, brought the Mei Third Young Lady to Mu Qing's side.

His expression on his face was very strange, he seemed to be struggling crazily, but in the end he said two words: "Master."

At this moment, everyone was shocked and shocked, dignified and advanced. The genius of the Skywalker race, the dísciple of the Xuanming master, actually called a late god emperor the master?

"What the hell is going on?!" Everyone was puzzled.

Jiang Kuang glanced at Xuan Zang, and then fixed his eyes on Mu Qing. He no longer underestimated him at the moment, said solemnly: "You control Xuan Zang, aren't you afraid that Master Xuan Ming will suppress and kill you? "

"No, I voluntarily give it to him, Master will not blame it." Xuan Zang spoke first.

Of course, the black cloth Heart Demon itself is extremely resistant, but it is a pity that Mu Qing has become more and more in control of him, unable to resist it at all.

Nowadays, there are a hundred Heart Demon in the Mu Qing Tian Forbidden Bottle.

The vague text on the bottle of heaven is also clearer. He has mastered the third and fourth mantra.

Fight, who!

The same is true, he can now control the Sky Forbidden Bottle and many Heart Demon more easily.

"Sorry, compared to your enchanting character, I seem to have more personality and charm." Mu Qing laughed.

Jiang Kuang complexion sank, for some reason, Mu Qing's casual sentence directly provoked his inner emotions and became angry and manic.

He didn't even notice it, the killing intent burst out of his body.

"I'm going to kill you!!" His eyes were slightly red, and he rushed towards Mu Qing suddenly.

"Just so, let me try it out, what exactly has my fleshy body reached!" Mu Qing body flashed, facing up.

He did not use any Divine Ability, only relying on the strength of the fleshy body and the blessing of Chaos Energy.

One punch!

Break the void!

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