"Is it strengthening the fleshy body again?"

Looking at the small tree more than one meter high in front of him, Mu Qing was a little surprised.

From the seed to the infancy of the Ancient Life Tree, the energy feedback gave Mu Qing two benefits. One is that the ten thousand demons world begins to become Taoist. I believe that after his god emperor Peak, It won’t take long to be able to break through to the emperor!

The second advantage is naturally his fleshy body.

When the seeds of Ancient Life Tree germinated, they burst out with special energy, which greatly improved Mu Qing's fleshy body. With the Body Refining Cultivation Art of its own cultivation, it has surpassed the Titan Race's Titan The body is gone.

Now, Mu Qing's fleshy body has been strengthened again, almost reaching an unimaginable point!

Mu Qing's body strength has been consumed a lot before, and now he can only rely on negative forces to maintain his strength.

If he encounters a battle, he must use negative powers, and it is very likely that he will enter a state of violent violence.

But now, it doesn’t matter if he takes back his negative power, because now his fleshy body has undergone a second strengthening, even if there is no power in the body, it will not be recognized by Xuantian Secret Realm’s rules. In a state of weakness.

Mu Qing even suspects that now that he only relies on fleshly body strength, he is enough to be comparable to God Emperor Peak.

This whole body contains destructive power, giving him the illusion of being able to punch Death God Emperor.

Mu Qing is most concerned about the Ancient Life Tree. He once again enters the Wanmo world to observe. The Ancient Life Tree in his childhood is more mysterious. The whole is like glass, and sometimes jade-green. The brilliance emerged.

It's just that Mu Qing observed for a while and found that the Ancient Life Tree, which had grown to an infancy stage, did not seem to be much different from earlier.


Mu Qing expression congeals, found that the Ancient Life Tree was absorbing demonic energy!

In other words, the Ancient Life Tree has taken root and uses demonic energy as the soil. For it, demonic energy is nourishment.

Ancient Life Tree absorbs demonic energy and feeds back a tiny life rune.

These life runes also contain incredible vitality energy, which can live to death.

The most important thing is that these life runes are also of great help to cultivation. The life runes spread to all parts of the ten thousand demons world, and the ten thousand demons world begins to be transformed.

"It's time to go out."

Mu Qing walked back. The harvest this time was unexpected. He couldn't imagine that he would meet the predecessor of Ancient Life Tree here.

He looked back at the huge dead tree one last time.

The heart of the dead tree was originally the last vitality of the huge dead tree, but it seemed that it could not escape the fate of withering, so it made the seed complete and allowed the seed to grow completely.

Mu Qing almost guessed that the contact between Celestial Court and Buddhism should be for this dead tree.

The huge dead tree was the Ancient Life Tree, and the Ancient Life Tree seed was also owned by the Celestial Emperor. It can be seen that the Ancient Life Tree is of great significance to the Celestial Court.

Although I don't know what Celestial Court is going to do, Mu Qing thinks they will not do what they want.

As the last vital heart of the huge dead tree, it has been turned into the nourishment of the Ancient Life Tree, and it will not produce emerald fruits after it comes.

Even if the Celestial Court had any attempt, it was in vain. The huge dead tree was left with empty shells.

"What the hell is there?"

After Mu Qing returned to the Heart Demon cave, the black cloth Heart Demon immediately moved forward. It was also very curious. In the depths of the Heart Demon Cave, where does it lead to?

"There is nothing." Mu Qing would naturally not tell black cloth Heart Demon about the Ancient Life Tree.

Black cloth Heart Demon is suspicious, it knows that Mu Qing didn't tell the truth, but it can't help it. Who told it to be controlled by Mu Qing now.

Originally, it planned to destroy the Buddha's curse in the Heart Demon cave when Mu Qing entered it, so that the Buddhist experts would discover the strangeness here. Regrettably, Mu Qing had given it a long time ago. Stand still on the spot.

"Three days, it seems to be about to pass." Mu Qing reacted at this moment, and the assessment of the second test seemed to be over.

He moved towards Heart Demon and walked outside the cave, but the black cloth Heart Demon's face suddenly changed.

"There are people outside." It said solemnly.

Mu Qing frowned, felt carefully, and found that there was one after another God Emperor Peak outside the Heart Demon cave.

Especially there is a breath that is particularly powerful, completely above others!

"Kuang Jiang?"

Mu Qing quickly guessed the identity of the other party.

The temptation of the emerald fruit is undoubtedly huge. Even Mu Qing, the late god emperor, can't bear it, let alone Jiang Kuang who has been stuck in the god emperor Peak for a long time.

There is not much time left on the 3rd day, and it will end soon. Jiang Kuang will naturally come to the door.


Outside the Heart Demon cave, the sword light rushed into the sky, Jiang Kuang made many shots and tried to break into the Heart Demon cave, but unfortunately all failed.

"Damn it!"

Jiang Kuang was a little irritable at the moment, with bleeding lines in his eyes. At this moment, the only people who have emerald fruits in the mirror image Buddha city are him and the guy inside.

However, this weird cave is shrouded in invisible Formation, so you can't get in at all!

"This is definitely cheating, right?" The powerhouse next to it looked at each other in blank dismay, not dare to step forward and disturb Jiang Kuang.

"Wait! Someone has come out!" Suddenly, a powerhouse of the Sword Spirit clan exclaimed.

All eyes looked towards the entrance of the Heart Demon cave.

They all want to know who has such a great ability to find this almost invincible place.

"en? Draconian Race guy?"

When everyone discovered that the silhouette that came out of the Heart Demon cave was from Draconian Race, and from the perspective of its breath, it was just a The cultivation base of the late god emperor.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Kuang was stunned for a while, and then laughed involuntarily: "You are really bold, trifling the late emperor, with the remaining few emerald fruits, behaved. Isn’t it all right to hide in this cave? Why come out?"

His forehead bursts with blue veins, he is already waiting impatiently, strode forward, and his whole body condenses one after another sword glow. Out.

Mu Qing heard Jiang Kuang’s words, the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, opened the mouth and said: "I won’t come back, how can I get the six emerald fruits on your body?"

Jiang Kuang eyes shrank, followed by a burst of anger from the chest.

In his eyes, even the powerhouse of the same god emperor Peak, is only this, but now he is provoked by a small god emperor Peak, and his emotions exploded in an instant.

"I don't care how you get those emerald fruits, but that's it!"

Jiang Kuang took out a simple long sword behind his back, his eyes were cold, killing intent cohesion.

As a Sword Spirit clan, sword qi came to them with a hand, but now, Jiang Kuang took out a Divine Sword, it can be seen that it is really moving.

And that simple long sword, with countless rune and divine glow blooming on it, turned out to be a lower Emperor Treasure!

"Suffer to death!"

Jiang Kuang cut out with a single sword, and in a flash, the sword qi was like howling wind and torrential rain.

This is the divine ability of the Sword Spirit tribe, the Spirit Sword technique!

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