
The loud noise of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering came out, and the sword qi turned out to be shattered by brute force.

The god emperor Peak who watched the battle in the distance all looked horrified. In their eyes, Jiang Kuang was almost invincible at the same level, but right now, they saw a Draconian Race of the late god emperor, and Jiang Kuang fought back and forth.

"Draconian Race's fleshy body, is there such a perversion?"

Everyone was very puzzled. They naturally distinguished that Mu Qing was only using the fleshy body to fight Jiang Kuang, and both sides evenly matched.

This is incomprehensible. Why is the fleshy body of Draconian Race so perverted?

Jiang Kuang used the town's divine ability Spirit Sword tactic, the sword light overflowed, and a touch of cold light swept towards Mu Qing to cut it off.

Mu Qing is not afraid at all, his earlier feelings are not an illusion, he can match the Emperor Peak only by relying on the fleshy body, or the Emperor Peak like Jiang Kuang!

With the blessing of Chaos Energy, his fleshy body has become more terrifying, and the power of crushing everything bursts when he raises his hands.

Mu Qing rushed straight, the sword light fell on him, but could not cause any harm.

Jiang Kuang's eyelids trembled, and the sword light he cut out would be split in half even if it was God Emperor Peak.

But in front of this guy, the fleshy body is unimaginable, terrifying than the Titan Race in the rumor.

He even had a trace of fear in his heart, because Mu Qing was not afraid of death at all, and ran across countless sword lights.

It can be seen that even Mu Qing’s fleshy body is occasionally torn apart by the strong sword qi, but before the blood has time to overflow, there is an astonishing vitality gushing out. Heal the wound.

Mu Qing is like a human tyrannosaurus, smashed the bright sword glow with one punch, and a fierce light burst into his eyes, extend the hand moved towards Jiang Kuang probed away.

Jiang Kuang's scalp was numb and he quickly retreated, but he did not notice that a black hole suddenly appeared on the ground behind him.

A staggered, he fell into the black hole, in a daze, he appeared in another place, and the person in front of him was Mu Qing unexpectedly.

Mu Qing grinned, he grabbed Jiang Kuang's arm, then fell back, fiercely hit the ground.

Jiang Kuang’s body bursts out densely packed sword qi, which is the characteristic of the Sword Spirit family. Their body is completely a Divine Sword, containing endless sword qi.

Even Mu Qing's fleshy body was somewhat unstoppable, one after another wound on his arm was torn apart, and blood splashed.

Despite the severe pain, Mu Qing's face has not changed at all.


A shock wave swept across, the ground cracked one after another, and forcibly a thousand-meter pit was forcibly smashed!

Suddenly, a touch of cold light penetrated and rushed towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing raised his hand and punched, smashing a sword glow.

His expression congeals, looked towards there, the dust cleared, Jiang Kuang's silhouette was embarrassed, and his body was bleeding. The blow wounded him just now.

The current Jiang Kuang, there is a bit like monstruous talent genius, his face looks sinister, roar over there.

I saw an astonishing wave of energy burst out, a world behind Jiang Kuang appeared, and countless Divine Swords were floating.

Two figures collided in the blink of an eye, Jiang Kuang’s sword edge was sharp and unparalleled, sword light burst out from all over, tearing all around.

He displayed the Spirit Sword technique, which is a terrifying Divine Ability. All the sword qi is turned into his sword, plus the lower Emperor Treasure Divine Sword blessing in his hand, the power is unimaginable.

The sword glow of tens of thousands of meters implements Heaven and Earth, and the breath that diffuses is amazing, almost splitting the entire mirrored Buddha city!

The god emperor Peak who was watching the battle around retreats and then retreats, because the aftermath of power is too terrifying, they don't want to be injured because of it.

"Suffer to death!"

Jiang Kuanghong looked at him, he was crazy now, his mood fluctuated greatly, and he only wanted to kill Mu Qing.

Mu Qing is relatively calm, the negative forces in his body are constantly escaping, and this is still under his suppression.

After many times of madness, Mu Qing is resistant to the general negative power, but the negative power in his body escapes. The faint red light is like a fog, but Jiang Kuang is greatly affected. Impact.

Jiang Kuang's inner emotions were infinitely magnified, which gave him a desperate burst of power.


In this area, except Heart Demon Cave, other places are shattered everywhere. The buildings in the mirror image of the Buddha City are all energy condense, and they simply cannot withstand such turmoil. s attack.

There is a ruin around, Mu Qing is covered in blood, standing in the smoke and dust.

Even though his body was wounded by a sword, he didn't take a step back.

"Under the blessing of Chaos Energy, is the fleshy body so strong?" Mu Qing was also surprised.

Don't look at his blood, it was actually some skin injuries. The terrifying sword glow and sword qi vented down like a mountain, but he didn't even hurt his muscles and bones.

In addition to the perversion of Fleshy body, it is mainly the blessing of Chaos Energy!


Mu Qing stomped and charged ahead, the speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to capture.

Jiang Kuang roared. With his cultivation base, he could still capture Mu Qing's silhouette. The Divine Sword in his hand was cut off, the sword light was swallowed, and there were countless creatures' illusory shadows all around.

He urged the Spirit Sword tactic to the extreme. With the blessing of the spirit of all things, the power has skyrocketed again.

Unfortunately, Mu Qing's right eye was filled with black power, and a black hole swept him away. The next moment appeared behind Jiang Kuang, his eyes were fierce, and a whip kick was pulled out.


Blood splashes!

A sharp pain came. Unexpectedly, the blow did not hit Jiang Kuang. Instead, one after another sword glow penetrated Mu Qing's calf and forcibly stopped his attack.

Mu Qing frowned, his legs exploded with powerful force, shattering the sword glow.

Jiang Kuang turned his back with a sword, sword qi burst out, a touch of cold light struck across, and a deep ravine was directly cut into the ground.

Mu Qing's chest was cut into a long and narrow wound, and his clothes burst to pieces, revealing his upper body.

I can see that on the fleshy body exposed by Mu Qing, azure lines are shining and shiny, surging with surging vitality, helping him recover from his injury.

"You look down on me too much." Jiang Kuang's voice was a little hoarse, panting slightly, which was obviously more expensive.

"Your weird black hole ability, do you really think I can't deal with it? You know, our Sword Spirit clan has a special body with sword qi, sword glow and sword intent, you appear behind me At that moment, I was locked in by the sword glow in my body!"

Jiang Kuang smiled.

"You talk too much." Mu Qing said solemnly.

If his fleshy body hadn't been strengthened and had the blessing of Chaos Energy, I am afraid that the sword would have cut him in half.

"You must have some secret, even if it is the body of Draconian Race, it is impossible to be so hard!" Jiang Kuang stared closely at the Chaos Energy flowing on Mu Qing, and the source of Chaos Energy is naturally Diffuse from Mu Qing's left eye.

In an instant, the sword in Jiang Kuang's hand penetrated through, and it approached Mu Qing's left eye. His eyes were greedy, and he wanted to dig out Mu Qing's left eye!

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