"What's going on?"

Outside the Heart Demon cave, the powerhouses of God Emperor Peak gathered together with weird faces.

It was Jiang Kuang who was headed by him. A sword glow in his palm condense, fiercely slashed towards the Heart Demon cave, but a wave of power oscillated, and there was no ripple.

"Where is this place anyway?"

Jiang Kuang's face was gloomy.

You can see that in the Heart Demon cave, a pale-gold beam of light soars into the sky, indicating that another person with emerald fruit is there.

However, Jiang Kuang tried his best, and there was no way to rush into it. There was an invisible barrier blocking him!

"When I had four emerald fruits, the color of the beam of light was white. Now there are six emerald fruits that have turned into pale-gold. Why is the beam of light of that guy in it also pale-gold? "

Jiang Kuang is still puzzled by the color of the beam of light.

"That guy must be afraid of you, so he hid. It's really a shame that he can find these places!"

The surrounding God Emperor Peak is surprised, no one can think of a mirror image. There are places like this in Focheng, even a powerhouse like Jiang Kuang can’t get in!

"Huh? There is someone here! Isn't this Xuanzhang?" Someone found the Xuanzhang who had passed out in a coma and immediately exclaimed.

"Xuan Zang?" Jiang Kuang's gaze shifted away from the Heart Demon cave.

He remembers the name Xuanzang, which is the powerhouse of the Tianxing clan, and also has another identity, that is the dísciple of the Xuanming master.

It can be said that Xuan Zang can easily enter Xuanming Temple even if he does not participate in the assessment of this expanded dísciple. After all, the Master is a powerhouse like Xuanming Master and has a very high status in Xuanming Temple.

Jiang Kuang stepped forward to check Xuan Zang's condition and found that the other party was completely unconscious, but he did not see any particularly serious injuries on his body.


Jiang Kuang is frowned, and then throws Xuan Zang to the people around him.

He thinks Xuanzang must know something, so he plans to wait for Xuanzang to wake up and ask about it.

"The emerald fruit of the man inside must have been taken from Xuan Zang!"

Jiang Kuang whispered, and then burst out endless sword glow from his body. Heart Demon Cave.

Great Emperor Realm has too much temptation for him. In Taining Realm, he is a famous monstrous talent level. Don’t be a genius, reaching Peak with no difficulty is as simple as drinking water.

However, after reaching the God Emperor Peak, Jiang Kuang felt his bottleneck for the first time. He kept hitting that realm, frantically secluded cultivation, and comprehending the existence of Dao Ze.

Unfortunately, Jiang Kuang's strength is getting stronger and stronger, but his realm has not improved at all.

His comprehension of the principles of the Tao is still the last step, but unfortunately he has not been able to break through.

The emperor this realm made him almost crazy, and the whole person was stunned.

Up to now, Jiang Kuang has let go of his pride as a monstruous talent genius, and now he only wants to reach that realm, and the emerald fruit is a shortcut!

Since his birth, he has been dubbed an evildoer by countless people, and he is the youngest emperor Peak in the Taining realm!

It can be said that Jiang Kuang was praised so high that he himself was very concerned about it. He couldn't accept that he could never break through to the emperor, and couldn't accept the questioning look of others.

Therefore, even if he borrows foreign objects such as emerald fruit, he also wants to reach the realm of the great emperor!

Jiang Kuang roared, cut out a sword, and split the surrounding black fog, but still couldn't shake the Heart Demon cave in front of him.

There is also a Formation outside the Heart Demon cave. Only Heart Demon can enter and exit. Mu Qing also relies on the turbulent negative power in his body and pretends to be Heart Demon to enter.


The sound of continuously beating heart came out, and the moment Mu Qing opened his own magic world, the dead tree heart in front of him reacted extremely violently.

Mu Qing stared wide-eyed, this extremely huge dead tree heart, at this moment turned into a light beam, rushing into his ten thousand demons world.

The heart of the dead tree is the only remaining power source of the whole dead tree. Now it is separated, causing the huge dead tree to appear one after another crack. I think that no more emerald fruits will be produced in the future.

Mu Qing pays close attention to the situation in Ten Thousand Demons World. After the dead tree's heart shrank, it was beating frantically. For an instant, it stopped suddenly, and it burst completely with a loud noise!

The cyan ray rain is falling in the sky, drenching, like a spring rain.

The demonic energy in the magic world dissipates, and the amazing vitality is injected into the seeds of the Ancient Life Tree.

After the seeds of Ancient Life Tree germinated, they never grew again.

Mu Qing once gave it a lot of vitality treasures, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to grow up at all.

Now, the heart of the withered tree is bursting in the ten thousand demon world, and all the power bursts out in a flash.

The germinated seeds, with endless demonic energy as the soil, rushed into the sky with azure glow, and began to grow at an extremely fast speed!

After a while, what appeared in front of Mu Qing was a small tree more than one meter high. This is the childhood Ancient Life Tree, which contains a certain kind of Dao Rhyme, as if it could breathe. , And sometimes spit out one after another azure mist.

A closer look at those mists, it is clear that they are composed of extremely small life runes. Densely packed life runes spread out like mist, intertwined with demonic energy, and imprinted everywhere in the magic world.

Mu Qing can clearly feel that his ten thousand demons world has undergone tremendous changes.

After reaching the Great Emperor Realm, the god emperor world will be completely transformed into a Taoist rule.

And Mu Qing is still in the late Shenhuang stage, but his ten thousand demons world has already advanced to this step. The entire ten thousand demons world has a tendency to dissolve, under the influence of life rune , Emerging a series of fuzzy principles!

Mu Qing knows that it is the law of the demonic path. He knows this very well. After all, the several Demon Gods in the world of demons are also condensed from the demonic path.

You must know that a 10,000 demonic path is enough to evolve into a Demon God, which will bring great blessings to Mu Qing's strength.

If the entire Ten Thousand Demons world evolves into Dao, then how terrifying would Mu Qing's strength be?

This is the power of the emperor, and the power of Dao Ze is far beyond that of the emperor.


next moment, the Ancient Life Tree trembles lightly, bursting with waves of azure ripples, spreading.

The heart of the dead tree, let the seed really grow and become an Ancient Life Tree!

Although it can only be regarded as an infancy at present, the vitality contained in it is tens of thousands of times higher than when it was still in the budding stage!

Mu Qing's complexion was joyful, the waves of azure ripples spread, and countless tiny life rune rushed out and fell on him, or it was branded into the entire tens of thousands including Mu Qing. Inside the magic world.

The World of Demons has gained tremendous benefits, and has begun to transform the moved towards Dao Ze. In the entire world, the shadow of the Demonic Path is faintly emerging.

As for Mu Qing himself, countless life runes poured into his body.

Nothing has changed in other places, but the fleshy body has been extremely horribly enhanced!

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