There are terrifying rays of light flashing on the half-worm's body, and he has a violent murderous intention on Mu Qing.

On his body, wisps of biflame burned, Mad Shark Blood Spirit roared, and a vast ocean swept all around.

The half-worm man's breath is very powerful, his arrogance rushes into the sky, his expression is arrogant and vicious.

In the distance, one after another silhouette came quickly. They were all humans, but like the Mu Family in front of them, they were half-worms.

Mu Qing frowned. This seems to be a certain method of insect race. It insectizes normal humans and makes humans look like human yet not human, ghost yet not a ghost, but their strength will be greatly enhanced. Promote.

"Encircle him! Kill him!" Mu Family half-worms roared, all around half-worms swarmed up. Compared with this Mu Family half-worms, they seem to lack some spiritual wisdom. But the strength is very strong, they are all kings.

Mu Family half-worms took out a bow, and a dazzling green light moved towards Mu Qing directly pierced through, turning into a sinister mad shark.

Mu Qing stared at that green light, it was a mad shark derived from an energy arrow, with an extremely pure Water Attribute origin power.

Especially in the origin power of this Water Attribute, there is still a green arrogance, which corrodes even the space.

The dark green shark roared, staring at Mu Qing, soaring into the sky, to swallow Mu Qing.

Mu Qing frowned, his body receded, and the opponent's arrow technique was amazing. He even blended the arrow from the energy condense into the sky, only seeing the vision but not the body.

There is also the dark green arrogance on the body of the wild shark, which contains terrifying poison. Even the fleshy body of Mu Qing, the cultivated Titan Race bloodline method, dare not let it be contaminated.

"This insectized person is much stronger than those who are simply controlled by the insect race!"

Boom! Only heard a huge roar, that arrow suddenly rushed out from in the sky, the gust of wind roared, tore the space, crushed the ground, and a blue wave hit the sky, in which the shark roared.

The bow in the hands of the Mu Family half-worm is a powerful treasure, which exudes a palpable breath, and the arrow shot is extremely powerful.

Mu Qing's all around, the ruins of the scorched black land were all crushed, and some ominous beasts in the scorched black land rushed out, and were also eroded by the green light. In an instant, only a piece of white bone was left.

Many ominous beasts in the scorched black ground urge the black qi flames, moved towards the distance and begin to flee, while those half-worms form an encirclement and move towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing roared, there seemed to be thunder and lightning rune flickering in his eyes, only to see a fierce lightning power across his eyebrows.

The violent thunder and lightning flew in front of Mu Qing, forming a thunder and lightning barrier with one after another azure scales on it. This is the last time Mu Qing saw the Azure Dragon arm cast by the ancient curse. Texture coming out.


The lightning barrier burst, and Mu Family's half-worm man’s arrow was terrifying, almost as close to the eruption of the Peak King. Mu Qing's arm was shaken, and the whole person flew out.

He was surrounded by wind and clouds, flashed in the sky, reduced his strength, and then loudly shouts, the bright lightning in his eyebrows suddenly burst out.


The rays of light in the eyebrows are extremely dazzling, and the rune entwining Chaos Energy emerges, as if Divine Eyes are opened, and a terrifying light of thunder penetrates through it.

The light of thunder and lightning is blue golden and contains Power of Yin-Yang. In the blink of an eye, it smashes the wild shark vision to pieces and smashes the sky blue waves.

In the distance, the Mu Family half-worm has a solemn face, and his green eyes looked towards Mu Qing. He believes that his strength has completely surpassed the category of ordinary veteran kings after being wormed. , Can be shoulder to shoulder with the Peak King, but didn't expect to be able to hurt Mu Qing with a single blow.

Mu Qing also has a solemn expression. He knows that the person in front of him is a powerful enemy. After being insectized, the power in the body is contaminated with the power of a special insect race, which is highly poisonous and terrifying.

"You are indeed very difficult to deal with, but you are not my opponent yet!" Mu Family husky voice came out.

He tone barely fell, all around the half-worms were crazy and rushed towards Mu Qing, all of them possessed king-level strength and no spiritual wisdom, just like puppets, no Will be afraid of life and death.

"That's not necessarily, maybe you are the one who died!" Mu Qing responded calmly. He looked at the Mu Family half-worm in front of him, but in his heart he was thinking about how to be able to Its alive.

He has been in the depths of this scorched black land for a while, although he has encountered some insect races or people who took refuge in insect races, but he did not see the place that trapped Ke Fei and them.

He felt that the Mu Family half-worm in front of him might know that if he could be captured, it would save a lot of time.

"It doesn't exist."

Mu Family The half-worms probe their hands, and all the half-worms' bodies actually stopped, one after another green glow moved towards Mu Family The half-worms gathered in their hands.

I saw those green glow condensed into an arrow, on which a dark green insect shadow flickered faintly, and the breath was extremely terrifying.

"This arrow that combines the power of dozens of king-level half-worms, the next moment will burst your head!" Mu Family half-worm roar said, pulling the arrow with a bow.

A dark green rays of light penetrated in an instant, setting off countless storms, and billowing green poison qi swept over.

A huge mad shark appeared, but at the next moment, the mad shark wailed for a while. In the body of the mad shark, the sharp claws pierced out and crawled out a poison insect.

This poison insect is attached to on the arrow, making the formidable power of this arrow even more terrifying and terrifying many times than before.

Even Mu Qing is slightly discolored. If this is an ordinary old-brand king, I am afraid it will be killed immediately, then the formidable power is too terrifying.

At the same time, he was also amazed at the Mu Family half-worm. He saw the blood spirit behind the Mu Family half-worm. I don't know when a poison insect appeared.

This is a method of the insect race controller, and Mu Qing has seen it many times.

Using powerful insects as bait, let those who desire power sacrifice their blood spirit to those insects. Then they will naturally gain powerful power, but their blood spirit will also be swallowed. Be wormed.

"break for me!"

Mu Qing shouted, thunder and lightning entangled on his fist, Power of Yin-Yang flowed, and a blue golden grinder appeared suddenly.

This is Yin-Yang Grindstone, the existence that Mu Qing felt from the Yin-Yang Thunder Tribulation Sword Art. After deriving it, it vented the sky full of thunder in an instant, and the Power of Yin-Yang shattered the void.

I saw Yin-Yang Grindstone steadily swelling, and went off in the air, resisting the arrow of the Mu Family half-worm, and then a large area of ​​yin and yang thunder and lightning rushed down like a heavenly river.


The arrow fell in Yin-Yang Grindstone, as if it had lost its direction, and was entangled a little by the terrifying Power of Yin-Yang, and it was directly crushed.

"How is it possible?!"

Mu Family half-worms are on the roar, he can’t believe it, he has integrated the power of dozens of kings and half-worms, go The condensed arrow was actually crushed by a blue golden grinding disc!

"Who the hell are you?" he roared.

Mu Qing chuckled and said: "Didn't Hu Hai let you kill me? Why don't you even know who I am?"

Mu Family Zhen, he finally remembered that Hu Hai once confessed his mission to kill another human being at Martial Venerable Level, and even sent Wang Ming and other veteran kings.

He remembered that those Mu Family who took refuge in the insect race also went.

"Impossible, Hu Hai said that the mission objective is just a Martial Venerable Level other kid, you clearly already have the battle strength of a veteran king!" Mu Family can't believe the difference in strength before and after this. too big.

Mu Qing shook his head. He took out the golden mecha from the space ring and put it on directly. The golden light of the whole person bloomed, like a ten-meter-high Golden War God.

He had retracted the golden mecha into the space ring for tempering fleshy body in the flame cave before, and now he took it out again.

Golden mecha is Wang Ming’s treasure and one of Wang Ming’s biggest cards.

Mu Family The half-worm saw this golden mecha, his pupils suddenly contracted, his body trembled, although he still couldn't believe it in his heart, but reason told him that it was the case.

Hu Hai sent Wang Ming to kill Mu Qing, and gave him a golden mecha in front of many people, which was regarded as a reward.

At that time, everyone in the insect race believed that Mu Qing was not Wang Ming's opponent at all, and Wang Ming's task could almost be completed with no difficulty.

At the same time, another meaning that Hu Hai gave to Wang Ming golden mecha was to use the power of golden mecha to suppress the power of the lightning star core and bring it back completely.

Mu Family The half-worm naturally knew Wang Ming's golden mecha, but he did not expect that this golden mecha would eventually fall into Mu Qing's hands.

This also means that Wang Ming is likely to have encountered an accident!

Mu Qing corner of the mouth slightly raise, the black long knife in his hand suddenly cut out, the chaotic rune in the center of his eyebrows flickered, one after another blue gold blade light rushed out, turning into a sword shadow in the sky , Moved towards Mu Family Half-worm swept away.

Mu Family half-worm's face looked jealous, he kept backing away, and he knew the strength of golden mecha in his heart. The blade light inspired by the black long knife was enough to tear his body!

"What if you have Wang Ming's mecha? You are not my opponent at all!"

Mu Family roars, the poison insect behind him turns into blood spirit, To vent the terrifying green energy, tear that one after another blue gold blade light.

However, at this time, Mu Qing suddenly stepped forward, and a monstrous divine light burst out of his eyebrows.

The dazzling rays of light made the Mu Family half-worm couldn't help closing his eyes. When he reacted, he found that Mu Qing's eyebrows appeared, and a ray of Chaos Energy diffused out.

The space all around seems to be frozen, and that strand of Chaos Energy expands divine might, and even time has been suspended.

"What power is this?!" Mu Family was horrified.


The divine light burst out on Chaos Energy, and Mu Qing’s eyebrows seemed to have a river of divine light rushing out, sweeping towards Mu Family, this space To Heavenly God Flame, that divine light is too bright and dazzling!

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