Mu Family's half-worm shouted, he made a weird Insect Cry sound in his mouth, let the other half-worms charge ahead and help himself to resist the attack.

The kings and half-worms around are irrational, they are like moth flies into the flame, moved towards Mu Qing and killed them.

They are actually worm-like failure products, powerful power endowed the body, gaining power comparable to the king, but destroying the soul.

However, no matter how many half-worms rushed in, it was useless. The bright divine light swept down, and the bodies of each half-worms burst directly into pieces, not even blood, and turned into The debris disappeared in midair.

With a bang, divine lights converged, Mu Qing used the dragon leaping technique, and saw all the divine lights evolve into a True Dragon in midair.

True Dragon is lifelike, full of majestic aura, every scale has divine light shining, and it gives out a roar that shakes the sky and the earth.

Mu Qing didn't learn much martial skill, but the most mysterious one belongs to the dragon leaping technique that he learned from Zhenjun Ning Feng in the Heavenly Master cave.

This dragon leaping technique is to visualize yourself as a True Dragon, able to dominate the power of the wind and clouds.

Mu Qing has obtained this dragon leaping technique for a long time, and now he uses the power of the chaotic divine light in his eyebrows to use it, but it has changed greatly.

I saw the True Dragon from which his condense came, sending out a sound of dragon's roar, all around the wind and clouds changed color, and the wind whistled.

The wind is very strange, and after it blows, it doesn't seem to contain any power.

But the Mu Family half-worm's face became extremely ugly, because he found that the power in his body was sealed by some strange force, and it could even be said to be eliminated.

He couldn't feel the power in his body, as if it had disappeared out of thin air, even the poison insect blood spirit behind him turned bright and dark, and was about to disperse at any time.

After this strong wind blows, Mu Family half-worms have been weakened by at least 30%. This is extremely deadly for king-level battles!

Mu Qing is eyebrows slightly frowned, he sighed and secretly thought that his knowledge in dragon leaping is not enough.

If True Monarch Ning Feng used it, a strong wind would come by waving his hand, and everyone he touched would be a vanity, and he could not use any power.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, and then the temperament of the whole person changed, and the clouds rose, the whole person divine poise and sagelike features.

I saw him extend the hand, and with a single tap, wisps of smoke gathered, and the cloud mist energy actually formed a fairy sword.


The True Dragon coming from the divine light condense roared, it leaped into the sky, wrapped around the fairy sword, and suddenly the divine glow carried through Heaven and Earth.

That is the illusory shadow of a sword, which is condensed by the air of cloud and smoke, wrapped around the True Dragon, which is the power of the fairy sword, cut away in one go!

Mu Family The half-worm man is very powerful, but his strength was weakened by the strong wind, and he was galloped over by the fairy sword, even if he moved extremely fast, he was also cut.

In the light of Heavenly God, Mu Family half-worms splashed blood light on their body, and screamed in their mouths.

The two fingers were stained with green blood and fell on the ground.

Mu Family The half-worm man was battered and exhausted, he gasped, moved towards Mu Qing and looked.

He knew that Mu Qing's sword should be able to kill him just now.

This made him even more angry, the blue veins on his forehead violently, and he felt contemptuous. This feeling has not appeared for a long time, only when he was weak at the beginning.

It was precisely because he didn't want to feel that way, he chose to take refuge in the insect race, to sacrifice his blood spirit to feed the poison insect and gain powerful power.


Mu Family half-worm shouted, the sound turned out to be a weird Insect Cry sound, immediately after his body spurs tore his clothes, the whole The body swelled up.

The green liquid is flowing, his face is distorted, and he becomes more and more ferocious, and the hairs grow out, and the energy fluctuations on his body have directly skyrocketed many times!

There was a buzzing sound, and what appeared in front of Mu Qing again was a terrifying poison insect with a terrifying face, exactly the same as the poison insect in the Mu Family blood spirit before.

Completely wormed!

"I can't live, you don't want to live anymore, I want to sacrifice everything, I want strength!!" Poison insect's face still retains a trace of humanity, and its mouthparts are open. , There was an extremely hoarse voice.


Poison insect turns into a rays of light and directly moved towards Mu Qing and rushes away, the speed is amazing.

Originally, his body had been eroded by the power of the poison insect too much, but he still retained a trace of humanity in his heart, there was resistance, and half of the human body.

But now, his humanity has been completely eroded by the power of the insect race, completely transformed into an insect race, and no longer has the human bloodline.

He roar rushed forward, and a group of poison mist spread out behind him, covering Mu Qing.

hong long long.

The poison mist contained extremely terrifying power, and it evolved into a poisonous Phoenix, and the poisonous fire swept over a radius of kilometers.

Mu Qing's eyes are extremely cold, he sees clearly the vicious means of insect race, which has forcibly turned humans into insects!


A touch of divine light to carry through Heaven and Earth, only to see a True Dragon surrounding the fairy sword, penetrating through it.

pu chi.

Poison mist was smashed by the fairy sword, and the brilliant divine light swept across and wounded the poison insect again.

Poison insect was flowing with blood, but he did not scream, and he still moved towards Mu Qing rushed.

Mu Qing holding a stone sword, cut out the Yin-Yang Grindstone, and the sea of ​​rolling thunder swept out and suppressed it.

The poison insect, suppressed by thunder and lightning, is struggling frantically.


A huge millstone fell and completely landed on his body. The horrible Yin-Yang Twisting Power permeated out. Yin-Yang Grindstone suppressed it to death. The Yin-Yang thunder and lightning turned into a prison. poison insect is fundamentally impossible to move.

"no! !"

Poison insect makes a sound.

However, next moment, a divine light penetrates the sky, and the fairy sword surrounded by Divine Dragon is very sharp. It cuts through the yin and yang and completely kills the poison insect!

all around When the silence fell, Mu Qing released the black fish, let it devour these half-worms, and then turned and left.

This battle made him feel the power of the chaotic rune in the middle of his brows. After fighting for so long, but still not exhausted, the power seemed to be continuously transmitted from the rune in the middle of his brows. Out.

He deeply feels the power of Titan Race. He is just a runes of condense, and he has continuous power.

Mu Qing once heard curse Siyu said that the true adult Titan Race giant, on the skeleton, on the flesh and blood, are all of this kind of rune, so many rune powers converge, how much terror?

After the battle, Mu Qing continued to move towards the depths of the scorched black land.

Unfortunately, the Mu Family half-worm directly sacrificed himself to the poison insect. In the end, even his sanity was about to collapse. Even if Mu Qing captured it alive, he couldn’t know anything. .

In desperation, Mu Qing can only find the place where Ke Fei and the others are trapped.

At this time, in a certain corner of the scorched ground, one after another starlight turned into stars and rolled up all over the sky.

Under the starry sky, a silhouette sat cross-legged, he stood up suddenly, all the starlights fell, surrounding him.

This silhouette is a young man with a handsome face. All around are insects, but they all crawl under his feet.

This person is Mullin, who was once dead. His skin showed a faint silver, and his body seemed to be very heavy. Walking on the road, the ground would collapse.

The surrounding starlight entangled him. Behind him, a star and blood spirit flickered, and a star-stripe scorpion was crawling on top of the star, exuding a deadly breath.

The breath on Mullin's body is amazing, however, the scorpion hidden in his star blood spirit is even more terrifying, and his eyes can even penetrate the terrifying divine light.

He looked towards a certain direction, his eyes terrifying coldly.

"I specially left a trace of Mu Family's bloodline, just to find you!"


Mu Qing's chaos without direction Going away, groping wildly, while also looking at the golden longbow he snatched from the Mu Family.

This golden longbow is a bit extraordinary, it is a good bow, imprinted with a special pattern, and also engraved with the star core of the king-level ominous beast.

Mu Qing perfused the power in the body, but found that it had no effect and could not form an energy arrow.

He frowned, and then he used a thunder and lightning to condense an arrow on his own. After shooting it with this bow, the formidable power was unsatisfactory.

"Is it because I don’t know any arrow technique?"

Mu Qing got stronger, he once again condense an arrow, drew a bow and pulled the arrow, almost gushing out I tried my best, but I hadn't shot it yet, I only heard a ka-cha, and the golden longbow broke in two.

"Eh." Mu Qing touched his nose, a little embarrassed. Although this golden longbow was good, it seemed that his fleshly body strength was better, and he broke the bow directly.

2nd day, Mu Qing came to a ruin. It was strange here. The starlight turned bright and dark, and there were strange patterns on the ground, which could reflect stars in midair.

He looked around, but found the silhouette of a Head Insect child.

Mu Qing naturally won't let the insect race go. He punches it forward and the strength of Thunder blasts it into coke.

"A king-class insect." Mu Qing muttered, and a palm-size blackfish wandered forward excitedly, swallowing the insect killed by Mu Qing.

At this time, beside Mu Qing, dozens of king auras gushing out in an instant, all seem to be insect race.

Mu Qing was surprised, and said: "Is this to come to the insect nest?"

He strode forward, the ruins here are not all destroyed, and Some broken palaces have a brilliant starlight.

There was a sound of tingling scalp, and I saw Mu Qing all around, surrounded by large scorpions. These large scorpions were all silver, and seemed to be able to absorb the surrounding starlight.

He suddenly realized that these insects like to absorb starlight, and this is a strange place, no wonder they all gather here.

"That's good, how many insect races can kill!" Mu Qing is confident of his own strength, looking at dozens of large silver scorpions around him, his eyes are fierce.

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