
Mu Qing's body flashes one after another rays of light, and the yin and yang thunder and lightning burst out from the body, forming Divine Beasts such as True Dragon, Qilin, Phoenix, etc.

All of his strength has been condensed into the chaotic rune between the eyebrows. At this moment, the body is empty, like a period of weakness, but he feels strangely powerful, and he seems to have endless strength.

This is the next realm after Titan Race cultivation vents its energies. It condenses the power of Titan’s energies into rune and imprints it on the body. Every time after that, it will be blessed by the power of rune, which is extremely terrifying.

Mu Qing uses the strength of Raging Flames here to condense a Titan rune, but Chaos Energy on the chaotic chain in the body suddenly appears at a critical moment, breaking up the Titan rune, and re-forming a chaotic rune .

After this rune is mixed with Chaos Energy, there is more charm, and there is a peculiar power mixed in it.

One after another divine light emerges from Mu Qing's eyebrows. Among them is Chaos Qi Flow, which is evolving Grand Dao Rule.

Mu Qing's eyes suddenly condensed, he found that the chaotic rune at the center of his eyebrows had not been condensed, it could only be regarded as a rudimentary form.

You can see that the dazzling rays of light on his eyebrows are flickering, flickering, a little illusory, and not solid.

Obviously, it will take some time to fully condense this chaotic rune.

And Mu Qing knows that once he completes the rudiment of this rune, his cultivation base will be improved a lot, equivalent to the veteran King Realm of mankind.

At the same time, at that time, he could barely cultivate some martial skills of Titan Race. There is curse Siyu, which has the memory of cursed god, so he doesn't need to worry about martial skills.

In the flames, Mu Qing began to study the rudiment of this chaotic rune at the center of his eyebrows.

He discovered that there are two energies in the chaos rune, one is his own lightning power, and the other is Chaos Energy’s power, but he does not seem to be able to use it at present.

Mu Qing explored the spirit strength and tried to communicate the power of Chaos Energy. He knew that the formidable power of Chaos Energy could make the divinity in the body of the Titan soar.

In the end, I saw a bright chaotic divine light rushing out of Mu Qing's eyebrows, like a sharp sword, directly tore through the void, and even cut away the flames in front of him.


When a huge rumbling sound sounded, Mu Qing looked astonished. Looking at the big hole in front of him, he couldn't believe that it was his own power.

The entire flame hole is deep in the ground, but just now, a chaotic divine light rushed out of his eyebrows, and he even pierced the flame hole, rushing directly above the ground, and blasted a huge hole.

Even the flames all around are separated at this moment, unable to converge for a long time.

This formidable power can definitely threaten the veteran king!

A smile appeared on Mu Qing’s face, and then continued to run the power of rune, one after another lightning entangled in his hand, the left hand is Yin Han’s blue lightning, and the right hand is the sun’s golden lightning. .

The yin and yang Thunder Tribulation Sword Art of his cultivation allowed the lightning in his body to derive Power of Yin-Yang, but at this time, he recalled the original Wang Sheng's methods.

Wang Sheng has two blood spirits, one sun and one moon.

He merged the supreme strength of yang with the power of the moon and burst into great power, which is also Power of Yin-Yang, but he was able to perfectly match the two powers together and exert A more powerful divine might.

The strength of Thunder of Mu Qing's yin and yang, although the two powers merged, it did not achieve the improvement of formidable power.

He tried to learn from Wang Sheng and perfectly matched the two powers. There is no corresponding cultivation technique to refer to, which is more difficult for him.

Mu Qing tried repeatedly and failed many times. Even his powerful body was scorched to black by the strength of Thunder.

At the end, he finally integrated the Power of Yin-Yang perfectly.

The two kinds of strength of Thunder are mixed to form a blue golden grinding disc, which contains suffocating Twisting Power, extremely solid, just like a divine object.

This is the Yin-Yang Grindstone formed by the strength of Thunder Tribulation. After taking out, the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation is called out. The formidable power is terrifying.

After that, he went to study the chaotic divine force for a period of time, and he found that the chaotic divine force can not only attack, but also defend, and even he can form what he wants to condense.

A few days later, Mu Qing began to condense the chaotic rune, the flame hole has cracks, the strength of Raging Flames here is almost absorbed by Mu Qing, as for the scarlet fruit on the ground, it is mostly Fell into the mouth of Hei Yu.

Mu Qing condensed the huge strength of Raging Flames into blood flames and ignited himself. The whole person was like a god, sitting in the blood flame, the fleshy body became more and more crystal clear and near- Transparent, the chaotic color of the eyebrows is becoming more and more obvious.

It has been a long time since entering the flame hole, Mu Qing finally condensed the chaotic rune between his eyebrows completely, and there was terrifying power flowing on his body, and a wave of air was vented.

Veteran king!

The moment he broke through, and the chaotic rune was completely condensed, a surging power surged out, making him feel unprecedentedly powerful.

Mu Qing jumped and rushed out of the flame cave, but in fact, the flame cave now is just an ordinary cave. There is not a ray of fire left in it, and there are cracks everywhere.


A huge ocean rushed forward. Upon closer inspection, it was an arrow with a faint illusory shadow of a mad shark emerging, venting its terrifying power.

Mu Qing reacted quickly, moved towards the side and dodged, turning his head to look around, and found a man in front of him with a gloomy face and green glow in his eyes.

This is also a Mu Family who took refuge in the insect race. The blood spirit he uses is a wild shark and he is good at arrow techniques.

He holds a long bow in his hand, flashing golden light, just like the person killed by Mu Qing before.

"Mu Family member? He is another veteran king!" Mu Qing whispered.

He saw that after Mu Family took refuge in the insect race, they obviously got a lot of benefits and their strengths have improved a lot. They both have the strength of veteran kings.

"The person who killed my Mu Family, you must die!" The man's eyes flashed with a killing intent, and his voice was sharp.

The aura on his body is very powerful, obviously much stronger than the person in the flame cave, one after another pure Water Attribute origin power surrounds the body.

But a closer look reveals that this man looks a bit weird, with bone spurs on his back, antennae on the top of his head, and his eyes are almost the same as those of worms.

This person already exists as a half-man half-insect!

"You are not from Mu Family, you are just a running dog of insect race!" Mu Qing said indifferently.

These words obviously stimulated the half-worm. He was originally a member of the Mu Family, and his strength was not strong. Even Martial Venerable could not reach it. However, after taking refuge in the insect race, he let Insect yourself and gain a powerful force.

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