Heaven and Earth is dim and dull, with a bright sword glow cut across it, carrying one after another yin and yang thunder on it.

Pu chi!

A blood light burst out, and the golden mecha on Wang Ming's body was pierced by the sword glow. A crack appeared and blood flowed wildly.

Wang Ming stepped back again and again. He looked at the 100-meter silhouette in front of him, shocked in his heart.

Mu Qing's body of Titan is like a mountain, exuding an overwhelming Life Aura, and the whole body is divine light entwined and extremely bright.

After tearing a chain of chaos, Mu Qing's strength surpassed the average veteran king. Even Wang Ming, who had mastered the golden mecha, was traumatized.

Wang Ming roared, and he swung away the black long knife in his hand, one after another golden blade light rushed out, the pattern on it exuded blazing rays of light.

Mu Qing shattered all the golden blade light with a sword, raised his hand and blasted a punch, and the entire space was shattered.

The golden mecha controlled by Wang Ming is only ten meters tall. It is like a trivial ant and insignificant in front of Mu Qing, and it is directly blown out by a powerful force.


Wang Ming flew upside down, smashed a hillside, and vomited blood in his mouth.

His eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and shouted, the sun shining on his body, and the sound of Insect Cry was heard from the sun's blood spirit behind him.

Gun Gun Tai Yang Fire, the flame rushed out, holding a black long knife, he cut out the vision, everywhere all is Fire Crow, blade light is like a shadow.

However, the Yang Fire flame fell on Mu Qing's one-hundred-meter body, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea. The flame was extinguished by a touch of divine light and disappeared.

The divine light on Mu Qing's body skyrocketed, punched out, and it shot Wang Ming flying out, the stone sword fiercely in his hand penetrated out, a streak of divine light penetrated his body.

The Fire Crow all over the sky disappeared. Wang Ming coughed up blood again and again. He screamed. The golden mecha was torn by the stone sword and penetrated completely.

Wang Ming's abdomen was also pierced with a blood hole, and he was seriously injured!

He stared wide-eyed and couldn't believe that after he drove the golden mecha, he would actually be injured by Mu Qing.

"How could he be so strong?!" Wang Ming shouted, he couldn't accept it.

Mu Qing has an indifferent expression. He wants to solve Wang Ming as soon as possible and shoots directly. One after another thick yin and yang thunder and lightning entangled his body, punched out.

The thunder and electric strength in his body all surging out, that huge fist burst out with dazzling divine light, and blasted on Wang Ming's body.


The violent force rushed directly into the golden mecha along with Lei Dianjin. A series of rumbling sound came from the mecha, and the terrifying power was exploding.

It can be seen that the golden mecha has begun to twist and has been damaged. The Wang Ming inside it is even more fragmented and its internal organs are injured.

"I want you to die!"

Wang Ming's voice came, like a thunder, shaking all around on the verge of collapse.

He was bathed in the blazing sun with the golden mecha, and the injuries all over his body disappeared at this time, returning to the Peak state again!

Obviously, Wang Ming has performed a certain secret technique. As the veteran king of Wang Family, he has a lot of methods and has various hole cards. In addition, after taking refuge in the insect race, his strength is also better than It was a lot stronger in the past.

Wang Ming was angry. He drove the golden mecha, and the sunlight on his body skyrocketed. Through some means, his strength was greatly improved.

He wants to kill Mu Qing with the most cruel means, and let him experience the feeling of despair.

"What if you use all the means? Even if the patriarch of Wang Family comes, I can cut it!" Mu Qing surrounded by Divine flame, shouted loudly.

He is not just talking about it. Although the patriarch of Wang Family is also the King of Peak, it is obviously far inferior to the black insect of the fire star.

Mu Qing has fully possessed the strength to kill the King of Peak after breaking the ten chains of chaos after using his divine eruption.

This Divine Ability was disliked by everyone in Titan Race. Although Mu Qing's body of Titan was sealed and could not be used at will, it also greatly strengthened his upper limit of strength.

Everyone in the surrounding Tianyu Palace was numb. Yu Hua looked at Mu Qing who was showing divine might in the sky. The unimaginable opponent’s cultivation base was the same as himself, but just broke through to the king level.

Aili also has a complicated expression, Mu Qing's strength is much stronger than her after gaining a divine explosion.

Wang Ming’s eyes are extremely cold. For so many years, he has been cultivating to a veteran king, and the scenery is infinite. He was once one of Wang Family Heaven's Chosen. No one has ever dared to speak to him like this.

The round of sun blood spirit behind him soared rays of light, and the sound of Insect Cry came out. Upon closer inspection, it was not the sun at all, but a ferocious reptile. The whole body was golden, emitting rays of It evolves into a sun after light.

The golden reptile has eight legs and is shaped like a spider, with golden texture all over the body, entwining the fire of the sun.

The worm eyes of the golden reptile looked towards Mu Qing, making a harsh sound, and a sudden killing intent spread out, sweeping the space.

The many dísciples of Tianyu Palace were shocked, their faces were red, and they roared like wild beasts. They had hallucinations, and the origin power in the body was extremely disorganized.

Even the ninth-order bloodline Martial Venerable of Wuxi is violent, sweating, and there have been many hallucinations in front of him, and he is gritting his teeth and persisting.

Fortunately, Yuhua immediately noticed the abnormality. He took out many Flying Swords and formed a sword array. The sound of clanging sword cry came out faintly, shrouded everyone together, and barely suppressed the sound of Insect Cry. Resist.

His face is also shocked. The gap between the kings at all levels is too big. As a veteran king, Wang Ming just let the blood spirit make a sound, and almost made them lose their minds and become a wild who only knows to kill. beast.

"It's no wonder that the entire Wang Family chose to take refuge in the insect race. It turns out that you are basically insect race people!" After Mu Qing saw Wang Ming's blood spirit, he face turned cold.

At the beginning, those forces that fought with the insect race, only a part of them took refuge in the insect race, Wudang, Shaolin, Mu Family, etc., and most of them did not choose to collude with the insect race.

In the past, the Western Holy See also alliance with Wang Family, but Mu Qing only learned from Ai Li later that many forces originally chose to join forces with Wang Family because they were driven by interests. At that time, they didn’t know about Wang Family and insect race. Relationship.

Of course, when the insect race teamed up with Wang Family and all influence, it controlled a lot of powerhouses, and the influence of the insect race grew a lot.


Suddenly, Mu Qing's gaze moved towards a distance, and I saw in the sky over there, a flash of light passing by, and it came in the blink of an eye Here it is.

A terrifying breath swept over, it was a centipede dragon. After absorbing dragon's blood, a centipede with terrifying power in the insect race evolved into such a look, with dragon scales all over the body. There is a powerful force.

"Wang Ming, it's been so long, haven't you even solved this kid?" Centipede said, his voice was hoarse and harsh, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Would you like me to help you, the flesh and blood of the human king, that is really delicious!" It opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and looked at Mu Qing greedily.

Mu Qing cultivation's Titan Race bloodline method focuses on fleshy body, even more how, now his fleshy body has a touch of divinity, which is naturally extremely attractive to centipede dragons.

"Humans, how about we make a deal? You give me a bite, and I will release these humans in my hand."

The centipede can't bear it. A beam of black light rushed out, forming a big net, but in this big net, there are many silhouettes.

Mu Qing saw the cold murderous intention in his eyes, and saw that the big net was full of humans, and there were hundreds of them, all of whom were above the Martial Master.

Among them, he even discovered Jiang Yuanjie's silhouette, as well as people with all influences such as Western Blood Race, Loulan Ancient City and so on.

The centipede dragon is grasping the big net with its claws, and its eyes are full of playful abuse. It is an insect race of the veteran king level. The big net is its latest harvest. After entering this world, it is even more so The gains were substantial, and many king-level humans were captured.

However, in its eyes, everyone in the big net in its hands is not comparable to a piece of meat on Mu Qing.

The divinity of Mu Qing's body is too tempting for centipede dragons, so I can't wait to take it immediately and swallow it.

"Centinel dragon, he is the one I want to kill!" Wang Ming's eyes were extremely cold, he rushed out, and the black long knife in his hand was cut down.

After performing the secret technique, his strength has skyrocketed a lot, and even the injuries on his body have all recovered.

A golden blade light swept Heaven and Earth and moved towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing coldly snorted, when his body moved, a chaotic chain on his body broke at this time.


A strand of Chaos Energy enters the body, and the divine light on Mu Qing's body of the Titan is almost as flaming as the sun.

Mu Qing cut away with a single sword, the yin and yang were reversed, the densely packed thunder in the sky was staggered and complicated, and a blue-gold thunderbolt like a mad dragon fell.

He has deeply comprehended the Profound Truth of Thunder Tribulation Sword Art of Yin and Yang, the sword is together, the Thunder Tribulation moves, and the Power of Yin-Yang floods all around, crushing everything.

Wang Ming’s originally confident face suddenly stagnated, pupil shrink, before he had time to react, the golden blade light that was cut out was already shattered.

A sword glow with yin and yang Thunder Tribulation pierced through his body, and a big blood hole burst directly at the mouth of his heart.

Wang Ming always thought that Mu Qing, like him, used a certain secret technique to make his strength soar.

But he didn't expect that Mu Qing's strength could continue to improve. The terrifying formidable power that burst out suddenly made Wang Ming unable to resist for a while and was completely killed!

Mu Qing returned to the ground, he returned to a human state, and the divine light on his body also disappeared.


He coughed up blood suddenly, body trembled, and barely stood up.

Mu Qing bitterly laughed, the power in the body has been empty, repercussions appeared.

Fortunately, he only broke two chains of chaos, and I believe he will be able to recover soon.

A black light fell from in the sky and got into his dantian. It was a black fish.

Heiyu killed the remaining kings, and after devouring strength condense the new transparent crystal, he returned to Mu Qing's body.

As for the information he got from Heiyu, Mu Qing was also slightly happy in his heart. Now the transparent crystal from Heiyu's condense can kill the king.

"That's the Aoki from Tianyu Palace? Why is he so strong?!"

The people in the big net were shocked. After seeing Mu Qing greatly showing divine might, they appeared in their hearts. A glimmer of hope, perhaps Mu Qing can kill the centipede dragons and rescue them.

Some people who were caught by the centipede dragon did not know the identity of Mu Qing. After inquiring, they learned that the Aoki they were talking about was the Direct Disciple of the Second Palace Lord of Tianyu Palace.

A beautiful figure in the big net has a complicated complexion. The clothes on her body are a bit torn, revealing snow-white skin, and her figure is sexy and sultry.

She is Phila. After she failed to capture the Dragon Ball, she left with the king of Blood Race, but met Centipede and was caught after losing.

If it is the peak state Phila, she will naturally have the strength to compete against the centipede. At any rate, she is also the Blood Race Heaven's Chosen, with a lot of means, and there are a lot of registration cards.

But when she met the centipede dragon, she was already seriously injured. How about her opponent? It was caught in the big net and planned to eat it after a while.

Strongs of horrible aura permeated from the centipede dragon body. It has a huge body of several hundred meters, which is held by the rolling scarlet as blood, hovering in the sky like a head The evil dragon covers the sky and the sun.

The centipede dragon has purple eyes and looked towards Mu Qing. In fact, even it did not expect that Mu Qing could burst out such a powerful force in an instant to kill Wang Ming.

Mu Qing ignores the centipede in the sky, and brings a weak body to the side of Wang Ming's body, fumbles for a while, and finds a lot of precious materials and spiritual medicine from the space ring. .

Thinking of these things should be what Wang Ming got in this world, the other party had not had time to digest them, they were killed by Mu Qing.

Subsequently, Mu Qing took away Wang Ming's golden mecha again. This mecha is not trivial. Like gold casting, the damage previously hit by Mu Qing will slowly heal!

Obviously, this golden mecha is made from a certain precious material. It can heal damage by itself and is a treasure.

Mu Qing's face is slightly happy, this mecha can be used when he is weak, and at least it can be more self-preserving, which is a good harvest.

The faces of the people around are weird, the centipede dragon is already angry, but Mu Qing swaggers to pick up Wang Ming's baby, this is definitely a provocation!

"I know Wang Ming. He used to be a highly prestigious king in the Wang Family. His strength was terrifying. There was once an organization that offended him and was killed in secret. There were several kings in that battle. Fallen!" Someone couldn't believe that Wang Ming was killed by Mu Qing in this way.

"He has such strength, can he help us get out of trouble and kill this centipede dragon too?!"

Some people are overjoyed and feel that they have gotten out of trouble. Hope.

There are many people here who were caught by the centipede long ago and trapped in the big net. When the centipede was hungry, they would eat one or two.


A dash of blood light rushed out, and the person who had just spoken was caught by the centipede and eaten into the stomach. For the centipede dragon’s huge body, the size of human beings is nothing but teeth. Sew.

People in the big net are shiver coldly and dare not say much.

In the sky, the centipede dragon entangles the terrifying power, revealing a fierce aura, and seems to be ready to kill Mu Qing at any time.

But in fact, it has been hovering in the air, showing a look of hesitation in its eyes.

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