As a veteran king, Wang Ming's strength is almost the same as that of Centipede. At the same time, Centipede also knows that King Chu Ming's strength after controlling the golden mecha is even above it.

even more how, when Wang Ming shot, Centipede Dragon clearly felt that he had used a certain secret technique. Under such blessing, he was killed by Mu Qing instantly, which made Centipede aware To the terrifying of Mu Qing.

The death of Wang Ming shocked the centipede dragon in the sky, and made him feel jealous, because even if he shot himself, he would be defeated by Wang Ming.

This also means that Mu Qing's strength is absolutely above it.

"What's the matter? Why don't you do it?" Mu Qing finally looked up towards the centipede dragon, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

This makes the centipede body trembled and hesitates even more.

It can clearly feel that after Mu Qing killed Wang Ming, all the power in his body was inexplicably disappeared, as if hidden, the breath of the whole person was extremely weak, as if it was only a Martial Artist can beat him even if he shoots.

The centipede dragon thinks that this is the repercussions after Mu Qing has performed the secret operation. After all, Mu Qing himself is just an ordinary king’s cultivation base person. It is obvious that he can kill Wang Ming, which is very powerful. secret technique to enhance strength.

However, the power in Mu Qing's body disappeared too weirdly, as if being hidden, plus Mu Qing's abusive smile just now made Centipede's heart full of jealousy.

The two sides confronted each other like this. The centipede dragon's huge body hovered in the sky. Although the breath exuding was terrifying, it seemed to be just a bluff.

The people in the big net and the Tianyu Palace people also discovered that the centipede dragon was afraid of coming forward because of the powerful power that Mu Qing had shown before.


After ten minutes, the centipede finally couldn't bear it. It showed fierceness and directly moved towards Mu Qing and attacked.

It was a thick bloody energy, which set off a weird wind, like a ghost howl, the sky was red like blood, and the terrifying bloody energy was surging like an ocean, sweeping towards Mu Qing. Cover all his area.

Mu Qing didn't take any action, still smiling and looking towards Centipede Dragon, this expression made everyone's scalp numb.

"Junior Brother Mu, be careful!" Yu Hua couldn't help shouting, the centipede dragon made a terrifying attack.

At this time, Mu Qing also coughed a few times, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he looked extremely fragile, as if he was left to slaughter.

Aili and the old mouse and the others are on the sidelines. They know where Mu Qing's confidence is, so there is no worry on their faces.

"This guy, obviously can summon the curse ancient general to kill all the powers of the insect race, but he insists on doing it himself!" Ai Li stared at Mu Qing with a pair of beautiful eyes.

She didn't understand Mu Qing's actions.

"He didn't want to expose the existence of Chou Gu, because insect race has so many methods. If the insect race knew about the giant of Chou Gu, the King of Peak, he would definitely find a way to target it."

"Unfortunately, he did not expect that another old-brand king-level insect would appear, which can only expose some curse ancient methods." On the other side, the old Three Purities Chu Mu Qing's thoughts, at the same time he glanced contemptuously at Ai Li, it seems to be saying that you can't understand it?

Allie is anxious and wants to dignify Heaven's Chosen from the Western Holy See, but now she is despised by a mouse.

hong long long.

Everyone was watching the battle area, the strange wind roared, and the blood-colored rays of light became more and more dense, as if there was a giant dragon on the roar, covering everything.

Seeing Mu Qing being covered by bloody energy, at this time Mu Qing held a stone sword and swung a sword weakly.

Everyone was stunned. After feeling carefully, they discovered that there was no energy fluctuation on the stone sword.

The centipede dragon is also extremely surprised. It is very vigilant in its heart and always feels bad foreboding.


The scarlet energy fell and swept across Mu Qing, and the ground was shattered.

Finally at this moment, the stone sword emits rays of light, a huge palm sticks out, and the horrible vigor entangles, like a roar of similar to a young dragon. Scarlet energy tears.

"Cursing Gu, don't do it too hard, there must be many good things on this guy!" Mu Qing yelled quickly, fearing that Cursing Gu would shoot, directly smashed the centipede dragon.


The voice of Cursing Gu came from the stone sword. He just stuck out an arm, but it was not trivial.

The strange wind disappeared, and all the scarlet energy was condensed into the hands of Shugu, and it exploded directly.

Everyone was stunned, and the centipede could not believe that the original heaven-shaking, earth-shattering momentum was actually torn apart by Mu Qing?

"What Sword Art is that?"

Yu Hua looked towards Mu Qing with a weird face.

Mu Qing cut out a sword with extremely weak strength, but cut out a huge arm, terrifying, full of ancient and barbaric aura, there is a peculiar vigor and strength on it, torn apart Scarlet energy.

Everyone thought this was a Sword Art of Mu Qing cultivation, and cut out an arm to help him fight.

Only Phila, who was trapped in the big net, was gnashing teeth over there. Although she didn’t know what was going on with that arm, she could feel the power on that arm, and her The skeleton giant he was controlling is exactly the same!


Zhu Gu's arm shot again, a punch that exploded the blood breeze that the centipede swallowed out, and sent it flying several hundred meters.

"It seems a little difficult, it is too weak." Cursing ancient voice came again, saying that it was a little difficult.

Mu Qing hearing this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he quickly said: "If you can start with a light click, you can leave something as much as possible."

He knew it clearly. The strength of the centipede dragon, you can definitely find a lot of good things in this world, this is definitely not to be missed.

Mu Qing cultivation is the bloodline method of Titan Race. After breakthrough to the king, the resources needed are naturally huge and require a lot of accumulation.

"Not good! Run!"

The centipede dragon whipped up a gust of wind, it yelled, and it turned out to be moved towards the distance and fleeing away, even the big one holding many humans The net is also discarded.


The centipede dragon hit something with one head, and looked at the golden flower. After a closer look, I didn't know when a big hand appeared in front of me, moved towards it and grabbed it.


It opened its mouth, and an object burst out from its mouth. It was a sharp sword, the color of jade green, and after the energy was poured into it, it was Set off the monstrous blue sea.

However, cursing ancient's big hand is like an indestructible Divine Item, tearing the blue sea apart, the jade green sword is broken into two, the rays of light are dim, and he even scratched the centipede dragon body. The dragon scales, squeeze one of its legs.

The centipede dragon screamed. It has a hundred feet and is extremely sharp. It can easily cut the king, but it was squeezed by Curse Gu.

Mu Qing watched from below, a trace of pain appeared on his face, the jade green sword looked like a good treasure, but it broke into two pieces in the battle.

The centipede dragon was in midair with a huge body, blood light filled the sky, screaming constantly, wanting to resist.

But Shugu is too powerful, Peak King’s cultivation base itself is terrifying, plus Shugu, being a Titan, is even more terrifying matchless in strength.


Cursed the ancient arm to shine, and the densely packed azure rune rushed out, the whole arm turned into an Azure Dragon in midair, and the rune evolved into Scales.

hong long!

Azure Dragon roared and hit the centipede dragon's body, only to hear a loud noise that shakes the sky and the earth, most of the centipede dragon's body burst into pieces , It turned into a ball of blood mist in midair.

Azure Dragon is transformed into an arm again and disappears in Mu Qing's stone sword.

And the centipede dragon, the remaining corpse fell to the ground, blood spurted out frantically, and a terrifying insect race was killed!

Mu Qing's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise. The means used by the ancient curse was very powerful. His arm morphed into Azure Dragon, killing the centipede with a single blow. The mighty power made him scared. witless.

Afterwards, he learned from the mouth of Curse Siyu that it turned out to be the martial skill of Curse God's original cultivation, and it is now taught by Curse Siyu to Shugu.

Cursing the ancients has the spirit strength of cursing the gods. It is extremely terrifying in terms of energy control. It is also very helpful for cultivation martial skills. I immediately learned the many martial skills taught by Cursing Siyu and can play More powerful force.

Mu Qing summon came out of the black fish, let it take itself to the centipede dragon corpse body, carefully searched for a long time, finally found a space ring from the centipede dragon corpse body.

He sighed in relief. Fortunately, the space ring was not smashed by the curse, otherwise there would be nothing inside.

However, Mu Qing took a closer look and found that one after another crack appeared in the space ring.

There are many things in the space ring, but due to the damage of the space ring body, a large part of the space has disappeared, and the original things have also entered the void and cannot be retrieved.

Mu Qing feels a little distressed. The centipede dragon body is a veteran king, and he must have a lot of things. Now only some spiritual medicine and energy-containing plants are left in the space ring.

He collects these things, and when the period of weakness is over, he can use the energy in refining these precious materials, which can more or less increase the cultivation base.

After that, Mu Qing's gaze fell on the golden mecha again.

He poured energy into the golden mecha, and the golden light flickered. The original damaged mecha recovered faster, and it was completely restored in less than half an hour.

Mu Qing looks at this golden mecha, the more I look at it, the more I like it.

Perhaps in his period of weakness, he can't control this mecha to exert Wang Ming's strength, but at least the power of an ordinary king can still be exerted.

Especially Golden Mecha also wears a black long knife. I don't know what material it is made of. It is sharp and can easily cut Mu Qing's fleshy body.

"This mecha is indeed a good thing. I remember that there is a Machine Race in the universe, which is particularly good at refining mecha or battleship. Their body is very fragile. After wearing mecha, they also have rival gods. The power of this is a high-level race!" Shu Siyu said.

She told Mu Qing that the material of this golden mecha is very special and can heal automatically, and the material used to make the black long knife is even more amazing.

"If it was made by the people of Machine Race, you might be able to match the power of the king if you put on this mecha!" Shu Siyu spoke highly of golden mecha.

She said that the raw material of this golden mecha is very rare, at least for the current Earth.

Unfortunately, the technique of refining this golden mecha is not good. At most, this golden mecha can only exert the strength of the veteran king.

"You can use it first, and when you meet a great alchemist in the future, you can ask him to help you refining. I want this mecha to play a greater role!" Shu Siyu suggested .

Unfortunately, the memory in her mind comes from the cursed god. Titan Race has never been interested in things like mecha, so it doesn't involve much.

"Take it first!" Mu Qing took away the golden mecha happily.

When he returned to the people of Tianyu Palace, there was silence all around, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

"Junior Brother Mu, you have such a means, it's the blessing of my Heavenly Feather Palace!" Yu Hua's complexion looked towards Mu Qing.

Subsequently, everyone sent out an uproar, and everyone in that big net was also liberated. The dísciples of the Federal Branch, Loulan Ancient City and other forces were all shocked by Mu Qing's strength.

The dísciple of some forces may already have the strength of the king. A powerful Heaven's Chosen like Fira has the power to rival the old kings and can compete with the old kings.

However, to contend is to contend. If you want to defeat or even kill the old king, that is definitely not what the king’s cultivation base can do.

And Mu Qing, at a young age, he killed two veteran kings one after another, and he also possessed a terrifying ominous beast, killing all the other insect race kings. If this is passed out, It can definitely make the entire human race on Earth boil.

Since the news of insect race appeared, humans on Earth were already people were alarmed. The Hangzhou city disaster was just the beginning. News about insect race appeared on the Internet. There are many giants in the West. The city was taken by insect race.

In the eyes of ordinary persons, insect races are already considered to be more terrifying than ominous beast races.

Most ominous beasts are like wild beasts, and they all live in their respective fields.

Insect race, however, has a weird track. It may appear in a house in a certain city at any time and kill people.

People are more afraid of insect race, especially those caught by centipede, even feel that they are going to be eaten.

But at a critical moment, Mu Qing displayed a weird and peculiar Sword Art, cut out an arm, and easily killed the centipede!

People around were talking, and many people moved towards Mu Qing to say thanks, weeping bitter tears, and they were almost eaten by the centipede.

In the crowd, Phila stood among several Blood Race kings. Originally, Blood Race had many kings, and several of them were eaten by centipede dragons.

She has a complex complexion, and her heart is extremely restless. Looking at Mu Qing, her eyes are dim.

Fila Mingming should hate Mu Qing very much, but she hates how she does not raise.

Because she knows that she doesn’t have the strength to hate each other, if she does Trouble with Mu Qing, I am afraid he will be killed like Wang Ming and Centipede!

There is also Yu Hua who is in the same mood. He does not know the true identity of Mu Qing, but only knows that Mu Qing is the Direct Disciple of the Second Palace Lord.

He also knows the grievances between the Second Palace Lord and the Grand Palace Lord. The two parties are divided into two factions in Tianyu Palace. Although friction continues, it also allows Tianyu Palace dísciple to gain more Grind.

He sighed and after contact with Mu Qing, he felt that the other party was not bad, and he could only hope that the other party would not kill to the last one when the time comes.

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