a loud explosion sound, the bodies of the three kings exploded and were extinguished by the terrifying energy.

"How is it possible?!" Everyone was shocked, how could Mu Qing be so powerful?

As for the people in Tianyu Palace, they are completely sluggish.

Since the appearance of the insect race force, everyone has been avoiding the insect race, no one can reach the Insect Controlling clan, and now, in a short period of time, Mu Qing actually killed the king of the insect race force Five!

"Shoot together!"

Shouted in a low voice From high above, Mu Qing looked up, only to find that one after another hot sun was sweeping over there, very dazzling .

The sun’s rays of light are extremely flaming, containing mysterious runes, pouring down like a Star River, and vaguely you can see a silhouette of terrifying breath coming from the sky.

Is the veteran king!

Mu Qing expression congeals, ordinary kings do not lie in the slightest, for him, ordinary kings come to kill as many as they want!

However, the strength of the veteran kings is by no means comparable to ordinary kings. In the Tianyu Palace, the veteran kings are all very high-status Elders, who are the confidants of the Great Palace Lord or the Second Palace Lord.

"Heaven Formation!"

In midair, there was a violent drink. Mu Qing felt that the space all around had undergone drastic changes. The terrifying pressure came, like a ten The thousand zhang mountain, directly crushed on his body.

The sound of skeleton creak creak came from Mu Qing's body. At the same time, the blood was circling crazily. There was a force pouring into his body to make his blood burn clean!

"The strength of the old kings is really much stronger than the average kings!"

Mu Qing groaned, his body was shaken, his body was wrapped in thunder and lightning, one after another yin and yang thunder rushed out, Turn into a giant dragon to protect yourself.

After that, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the veteran king in front of him immediately showed his full strength and used the Formation martial skill, but he didn't know that he could just restrain the Formation!

Mu Qing jumped and stood on the black fish. When the huge body of one hundred meters moved, it set off a heaven overflowing giant wave and swept all around.

Those terrifying sun rays of light were extinguished one after another, and the black fish roared loudly, urging the extremely thick Water Attribute origin power, moving towards the front.

The thunderous body, Heaven and Earth seemed to shake, the Formation all around was broken directly, and all the sunlight disappeared.

In front of Mu Qing, a middle-aged man showed a look of shock. As a veteran king, even the Formation martial skill was displayed, but he could not cause any threat to Mu Qing. , It's incredible!

The Formation was broken, Mu Qing's pressure was greatly reduced, and the yin and yang thunder and thunder roared around his body, moving towards all around violently.

Hei Yu took Mu Qing, spread his wings high, hit the sky, and rushed directly to in the sky. In front of him, there was a king, and under his feet was a king-level Flying Insect.

"Not good!"

The veteran king was surprised, but Heiyu's speed was so fast that even he could hardly keep up immediately.

pu chi.

Mu Qing waved the stone sword, and there was a vague True Dragon roaring, and the clouds and smoke rushed out with the violent wind, and the condense gave a misty sword glow, bringing the king in front of him to his feet. Flying Insect cut in half together!

The large piece of blood turned into a rain of blood, and Mu Qing controlled the black fish. After he displayed dragon leaping, his speed became faster, and he came to another king in the blink of an eye.

"Get me here!"

The veteran king roared, he mobilized his full strength, and his figure was galloping in midair, and a round of flaming sun appeared behind him, and the fire of the billowing sun lifted. With his body, these flames also contain terrifying runes and lines, which can burst out unimaginable power.

Mu Qing Yu Guang moved towards him and glanced, corner of the mouth slightly raise, the opponent's speed is very fast, but he is faster than him.

Since Heiyu evolved its wings, Heiyu's speed has reached the extreme, and he himself possesses the dragon leaping technique taught by Zhenjun Ning Feng to control the wind and clouds. With the blessing, Heiyu's speed Completely surpassed the veteran king.

Mu Qing knew that when he went to fight with the old-brand king, he was unlikely to be able to tell the victory or defeat in a short time. Even if he wins, it is a miserable victory.

So he chose not to fight the opponent, but to kill other kings.


A mad shark emerged from behind a king, holding a bow and arrow, and shooting towards Mu Qing with condense terrifying formidable power.

This is a king of Mu Family, very strong.

The surrounding kings are surrounded, all are kings, and at the same time, there is the king Flying Insect in the roar, eye shows the ominous light, to tear Mu Qing into pieces.

Mu Qing shouted, the stone sword in his hand was chopped out, and the violent yin and yang thunder and lightning struck, directly killing the Mu Family king.


A King Flying Insect got close, and his sharp fangs gnawed on Mu Qing's body, but it was discovered that Mu Qing's body was as hard as iron and could not cause any injuries. Then he was killed by Mu Qing. Fist collapsed.

Mu Qing jumped, grabbed the Flying Insect, and forcibly tore it in half.

At the same time, he moved towards a king not far away and blasted a punch. The thunder and electricity in his body surged out, and even the space was shattered.


A scream came out, and the body of the king burst into black.

For a while, the surrounding kings and insects stopped moving, and were afraid to step forward, astonished expressions appeared in their eyes.

too terrifying!

The remaining kings of Wang Family and Mu Family looked towards Mu Qing. They have never seen anyone who slaughtered a king-level existence so casually, raising hands and feet You can kill several kings.

"Are the Mu Family members already taking refuge in the insect race?" Mu Qing moved towards the Mu Family kings and let them body trembled.

The king of Mu Family gritted his teeth and said: "The human beings on Earth are too weak. They are basically impossible opponents of the insect race. Only by relying on the insect race can the human race continue!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. The terrifying yin and yang thunder and lightning was wrapped around a stone sword and penetrated his body.

After that, the black fish took a big mouth and swallowed the body of the person in front of him into the black hole.

"You must die today!"

The veteran king was extremely angry. He was surrounded by terrifying sunlight, like the sun War God, moving towards Mu Qing rushed towards him.

The remaining kings saw Mu Qing so powerful, they had already retreated far, and Mu Qing was not given a chance to kill them.

Mu Qing's complexion finally became serious, he asked the black fish to kill the kings, and he jumped, moved towards the old king.

The strength of the veteran king is terrifying, and it cannot be dealt with by ordinary people. Although Mu Qing can easily kill the ordinary king, he still has to spare no effort when facing the veteran king.


Mu Qing's breath skyrocketed, and one after another yin and yang thunder and lightning rushed out of his body. He controlled the situation and cut out a terrifying sword glow.

The Wang Family veteran king sneered, seeing Mu Qing finally no longer avoiding, and directly punched it, like the sun is shining, terrifying temperature swept over.

A burst of Yang Fire light rushed out, crushing Mu Qing's sword glow.

"I am the Wang Family Elder, Wang Ming! Wang Sheng should have killed you personally, but unfortunately your strength has grown too fast, I must kill you in advance!"

Wang Ming roared, his body was full of sunlight, and then he took out something from the space ring.

Mu Qing was taken aback, but found that Wang Ming had taken out a mecha that looked like a golden whole body.

Wang Ming got into the mecha, and immediately there was a wave of terrifying origin power inside, and the ten-meter-high mecha moved in an instant.

Mu Qing's face was surprised, it was the first time he saw someone fight him with mecha.

He has heard of mecha for a long time, but it is the product of the battle refined by the alchemist.

However, even for Peak’s alchemists, refining mecha takes a lot of time and effort, and the cost is extremely high. Even if it is some Great Influence, few people use it.

Wang Ming displays the golden mecha, which means that the mecha is at least at the veteran king level, and its value is terrifying.


Suddenly there was a roar sound in the distance, and I saw a Head Insect flying by, all with king-level strength, it turned out to be another insect race power.

Mu Qing ignored their roars, body flashed, and moved towards Wang Ming rushing faster. His greatest enemy now is Wang Ming in front of him.

Some king-level insects wanted to rush over to attack Mu Qing, but the speed could not keep up with Mu Qing who used dragon leaping, and was subsequently killed by a black fish.

Mu Qing's body entangled with terrifying strength of Thunder, punched out abruptly, violent power burst out, if it were an ordinary king, the body might shatter in an instant.

However, Wang Ming drives the golden mecha, and his right hand pops out a black long knife, entwining one after another mysterious veins, moved towards Mu Qing, tore through the thunder and lightning, and took Mu Qing's palm. breakdown.

Mu Qing backed away quickly, his eyes were dignified, and blood overflowed from his palm, but he recovered within a few breaths.

After the period of weakness, Mu Qing's fleshy body becomes stronger, and his body is more divine.

His eyes fell on the black long knife in Wang Ming's hand, and he felt a slight threat.

After the Mu Qing cultivation Titan Race bloodline method, the fleshy body is terrifying so powerful that even ordinary kings cannot damage his fleshy body.

But such a powerful fleshy body was easily injured by the black long knife, which shows its extraordinaryness.

A round of sun appeared behind Wang Ming, one after another sun light circulated, and a pair of golden wings appeared behind him. At the same time, the sun light poured into the black long knife, making the lines on it bloom dazzling. The sun rays of light.

He was shrouded by golden-bright and dazzling rays of light, like a Sun God holding a long knife. The sun behind him was extremely dazzling, exuding extremely blazing rays of light.

Golden light flashed by, Wang Ming drove mecha and slashed towards Mu Qing with a single knife. The pattern on the black long knife flashed intense sunlight and turned into a terrifying golden blade light.

Mu Qing drank lightly, he was holding a stone sword, one after another yin and yang thunder and lightning intertwined, blocking the golden blade light.


Under the impact of terrifying energy, Mu Qing suddenly felt a terrifying force used to make his body fly backwards 100 meters uncontrollably.


Wang Ming once again cut out a golden blade light and smashed it directly, like the same day, bright and flawless, with rolling firelight entwined, and moved towards Mu Qing.

The powerful force impacted on the stone sword in Mu Qing's hand, causing it to tremble constantly.


Sun God-like Wang Ming repeatedly shot and cut out one after another golden blade light. This space was too shining, and was flooded by the hot sun.

Mu Qing's eyes seemed to flash by thunder, and the violent wind on his body spread in an instant, covering his whole body, a black hair was flying, and a True Dragon roared vaguely. , Guarding his body.

The stone sword in his hand burst out with brilliant light, swept out, and smashed one after another golden blade light.


The blazing sun shattered, the golden rays of light dissipated, and the one after another golden blade light all collapsed, but the rays of light of the stone sword in Mu Qing's hand were also dimmed a lot.


More and more king-level insects, Mu Qing frowned from afar, summoned black fish to guard his back.

Now is the crucial moment of the battle, he cannot be disturbed.

Mu Qing did not call out the curse ancient hidden in the stone sword, this is his hole card, currently only Yang Hongan and Ai Li know.

He knew that it would be difficult for them to rescue Ke Fei. He had to wait for Hu Hai to be unprepared, and suddenly summon cursed the ancients, so that miraculous effects could be achieved.


Wang Ming rushed to urge Golden Mecha. His current strength is much stronger than the average veteran king. With the blessing of Golden Mecha, his power is terrifying to the extreme.

Mu Qing killed Wang Ming, but a murderous intention flashed in Wang Ming's eyes. The black long knife in his hand slashed continuously, and the lines on it flashed with dazzling sunlight, one after another The golden blade light rushed out and slashed towards Mu Qing.

bang bang bang!

Mu Qing bursts out terrifying thunder and lightning, displays Yin and Yang Thunder Tribulation Sword Art, one after another sword glow rushes out, collides with that golden blade light, bursts Open.

Wang Ming controlled the golden mecha, waved and cut out one after another golden blade light in succession. The terrifying golden blade light swept from all directions, giving Mu Qing the feeling of being locked in air.

"This guy is much stronger than the average veteran king!" Mu Qing gritted his teeth. Wang Ming is a veteran king himself. After entering the mecha, the power he exerts is far beyond the average veteran king!

Especially that black long knife, which is made of no known material, can easily damage Mu Qing's body.

If it weren't for the background of the stone sword in Mu Qing's hand is quite extraordinary, it was a Divine Item, I'm afraid it would have been cut in half by the black long knife.


Wang Ming used his full strength to cut out an incomparable gigantic golden blade light. The entire space was almost shrouded by the golden blade light, and all around the space was shattered.

"Divine Seal, open!"

Mu Qing gritted his teeth and roared fiercely, it turned out to be a divine explosion!

hong long!

A terrifying divine might burst out of Mu Qing, his body suddenly soared, reaching a hundred meters, and under the shocking eyes of everyone around him, a touch of brilliance was incomparable The divine light rushes out from the body.

Strongs of Chaos Energy emerged from in the sky, condensed into a hundred chains of chaos on the body of Mu Qing's one-hundred-meter Titan.

Mu Qing directly tore a chaotic chain apart, that strand of Chaos Energy drilled into the body, and the divine light on the body of Titan suddenly skyrocketed, terrifying.

One after another Thick thunder and lightning entangled around the body, and the stone sword in Mu Qing's hand also turned into a hundred meters.

Cut it off with one sword!

The ground is cracked and the space is bursting!

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