Yang Hongan has left. He has more important things to do. Many kings such as Ke Fei were trapped by Hu Hai and insect race by some means, and he must rescue him.

He knows that only when Ke Fei and the others are rescued can they have a chance to compete with Hu Hai. Otherwise, with the strength of Hu Hai and the insect race, the others are not opponents at all. Everyone who enters the West Lake Secret Realm Will perish.

Yang Hongan was also afraid for a while. Fortunately, he chose to pretend to be polite with Hu Hai, and even expressed that he wanted to take refuge in the insect race, otherwise even he would be trapped this time. live!


"Are traitors even appeared in the Yanhuang organization? What benefits did the insect race promise to make so many powerhouses choose to rely on them." Ally was surprised. .

The Yanhuang organization is a giant force in China, which is completely comparable to the Western Holy See.

Such a huge force would actually choose to take refuge in the insect race. If this spreads out, it will definitely shake the entire Earth.

"No, they are not taking refuge, but being controlled!" Mu Qing's face is solemn, he knows how terrifying insect race's methods are.

Mu Qing thought about it for a while, and then a fierce light flashed in his eyes, moving towards the direction Yang Hongan had left.

Now his repercussions have passed, and his burst of strength is comparable to the old king, and there is the Peak King, Cursed Gu, who can retreat even if he is in danger.

After going to the fire star, Mu Qing became more afraid of the insect race. He was afraid that Yang Hongan was not an opponent of the insect race and planned to help him.

Be aware that Ke Fei and the others have several Peak Kings, but they are all trapped. Obviously Hu Hai's methods are unusual.

Even though Yang Hongan is the King of Peak, he may not get any benefits if he goes alone.

"Green Wood!"

At this time, a voice came, and Mu Qing turned his head to look, but found that everyone in Tianyu Palace moved towards him.

Yu Hua took the disciplines of Tianyu Palace and broke through the air, awe-inspiring sword qi soaring into the sky.

Mu Qing noticed that this fatty, Yuhua, has also broken through to the king, apparently getting some other opportunities.

Yuhua strode forward, but found the silhouette of Ai Li, a strange color appeared in her eyes, and she didn't say much.

"I thought you were killed by someone from the insect race!" Wu Xi came to Mu Qing's side, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Qing frowned, I don’t understand the meaning of witch seats.

Wu Xi quickly explained: "We got news that we heard that the silhouette of the insect race appeared in this world. We even encountered a few king-level insects not long ago, which led to the division between us and the Federation. The people in the ministry are gone."

He told Mu Qing that there seemed to be many insect race forces appearing and they wanted to kill all the influences who entered this world.

Tianyu Palace originally acted together with the federal branch, and also encountered insect race. Among them, there were several king-class insects. They were lost, but they got some opportunities in the process of escaping. The overall strength is A huge improvement.

Mu Qing was taken aback, glanced at the witch seat, and found that the aura on his body was very strong, he had reached the Peak level of the ninth-order bloodline, and he was not far from the king.

At the same time, he did not expect that the insect race would shoot so quickly. Just as Yang Hongan told him about the insect race, everyone in Tianyu Palace had already encountered it.

"The strength of the insect race is too terrifying. I heard that the king of the Western Holy See has been wiped out." Yu Hua said, his eyes fell on Ai Li.

He knows that Ali is the Heaven's Chosen of the Western Holy See, and she has also displayed great power before, and the scenery is infinite, but she doesn't know why she is with Mu Qing.

Aili turned a blind eye to Yuhua's gaze. The kings of the Western Holy See are all members of the Cody faction. They have nothing to do with her, and she even hopes that they will all die.

"Insect race's forces are too terrifying, let's move on together." Yu Hua said, a palpitation appeared on his face.

Even if he has breakthrough to the king level, he still feels that he is not an opponent of the insect race. It is a blessing to be able to take the Tianyu Palace people to escape from the hands of the insect race.

Mu Qing hearing this is a face revealed a trace of Diana. He originally wanted to go directly to find Yang Hongan and rescue Ke Fei and the others with him.

even more how, Yang Hongan also said before that Hu Hai arranged for the insect race people to come to him, and to follow him, it must be extremely dangerous.

Just as Mu Qing was hesitating, the expressions of Ai Li and the third mouse changed abruptly, moving towards the sky in the distance.

Mu Qing also reacted, his eyes were dignified, looking towards the distance, where there are many terrifying auras, and he is sprinting at a rapid speed, basically above the king!

"What's the matter?" Yu Hua's face was puzzled, but the next moment also felt something was wrong, and when he turned his head, his face was shocked!

In the distance, in the sky, a huge Flying Insect makes a roar sound. These flying insects have golden carapace, their wings vibrate wildly and emit rumbling sound.

On top of these flying insects, they are standing one after another silhouette with a sneer on their faces.

One after another The powerful breath came surgingly, and finally fell on Mu Qing's body.

"Finally found you!"

A silhouette suddenly spoke, eyes glowing with green light, and the whole body was filled with murderous intention.

Mu Qing was also surprised. The person in front of him was the Elder of the Yanhuang organization at the time!

At first, Mu Elder colluded with the insect race and was issued an arrest warrant by the federal government, but no one was able to find him again. He was suspected to escape through the wormhole of the insect race, but he did not expect to meet again in this place.

Mu Qing glanced away, an unexpected expression appeared on his face, and the silhouettes on the Flying Insect were all human beings.

"Why... why are there so many kings?"

A dísciple from the Sky Feather Palace has soft legs and feet, and his words are trembling.

The witch seat is also heartbeat, pupil shrink.

The insect race forces they encountered before were just a few king-class insects, so they fled.

But now, those king-level insects in the sky are nothing but flying mounts that's all. The human beings standing on top of them have a stronger aura, and some have even surpassed them. The general king.

"There are veteran kings! Are they the same insect race force that killed the Western Holy See?!" Yu Hua was also shocked.

He just broke through to the king, his aura is strong, but under the existence of the group of terrifying in front of him, it is like a candle in the wind, disillusioned.

"Green Junior Brother Mu, you take the other people from Tianyu Palace and run away, I stop them!"

Yu Hua suddenly burst into a shout, his eyes showed a firmness Lulu actually wanted to let Mu Qing and the others escape, and stayed behind.

On his fat body, wisps of terrifying sword qi were permeating, and at the same time, he took out an ancient picture scroll from the space ring, as if he wanted to use some hole cards.

However, at the next moment, Yuhua found something wrong.

He discovered that the king-level insect races in front of him and the silhouettes of the kings superimposed on each other, although terrifying matchless, like stormy sea, they were not aimed at him.

Yu Hua turned his head and looked around, and saw that the dísciple of the Tianyu Palace was shaking and panicked.

When he glanced at Mu Qing, he was taken aback, and he found that Mu Qing was too calm. Facing the existence of a dozen kings in the sky, there was nothing left. Heterochromatic.

Even Ai Li and the third mouse next to Mu Qing are the same, their expressions are calm and composed.

Until now, Yuhua has discovered that the goal of those kings in the sky seems to be Aoki. That one after another chilling murderous intention and terrifying coercion have all turned into a huge ocean. On Mu Qing's body.

If this is replaced by someone else, facing such pressure, I am afraid that the body will burst in a flash.

However, Mu Qing did not change his complexion. In the violent coercion of one after another, he looked directly at those silhouettes in the sky.

After his breakthrough to the king, his fleshy body and spirit strength have been greatly improved, and he naturally does not fear the majesty of these kings.

"Junior Brother Mu..." Yu Hua had some not knowing what to do. He felt that these insect race powerhouses seemed to come specifically for Mu Qing.

"Suffer to death!"

In the sky, a silhouette rushed out. It was the wooden Elder. He was wrapped in the wind, and the green light in his eyes was flourishing, making him The breath is more powerful.

"Not good!" Yu Hua's face was startled, and he could feel the aura on the opponent's body, that he was a relatively powerful king.

He poured the origin power in his body into the scroll in his hand, rushed out between gritted teeth, and wanted to help Mu Qing.

However, a huge rumbling sound came, but Yu Hua's footsteps came to a halt, and her eyes widened.

I saw in the sky, a silhouette flew out, blood swayed, accompanied by screams.

That person is not Mu Qing, but that Mu Elder!

"How is it possible?!"

Wood Elder roar, his eyes are full of unbelievable, he has the power of insect race, and the average king can easily defeat it. .

However, just now, he was knocked into the air by Mu Qing!

Mu Qing is wearing casual clothes. The corners of his mouth are slightly cocked, and one after another thick blue golden thunder and lightning rushes out on his body, like a wild dragon dancing, incomparably ferocious.

"Yin and Yang thunder and lightning?! He repaired Second Palace Lord's Yin and Yang Thunder Tribulation Sword Art?" Yu Hua was surprised, and then found Mu Qing's body in an incomparable imposing manner soaring into the sky, far beyond ordinary King.

"Mu Qing is so powerful!" Wu Xi was also shocked.

"I don't believe it!"

In the sky, Mu Elder flew out again, he waved a condense terrifying storm, and moved towards Mu Qing swept towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing is very calm, he drew out the stone sword behind him, one after another thick blue gold thunderbolt the sky, slammed it away.


The ferocious thunder and lightning flashed across the sky, and a terrifying sword glow pierced through everything, tearing apart the storm.

Wood Elder was sluggish, his body stopped in midair, his head rolled down, and a large amount of blood light splashed out.

The face of Tianyu Palace dísciple was extremely shocked, his mouth opened wide, looked towards Mu Qing's back.

Yu Hua also trembled, he couldn't believe it.

A powerful king-level figure, just died like this? !

Mu Qing shifted his gaze to in the sky, where there are many silhouettes, among them there are even the existence of old-brand kings.

With his strength, only the existence of the veteran king can hurt him, and Shu Gu is lurking in his stone sword, even if it is invincible, he can let Shu Gu take action and kill him. Insect race force!

"Do you have this ability?" Mu Qing moved towards the sky, with sharp eyes, scanning the silhouette of those kings.

Some people were body trembled, and they were also surprised. The news from Hu Hai only asked them to kill a Martial Venerable Level other kid.

They didn't take Mu Qing seriously, thinking that Mu Elder alone could kill everyone in Tianyu Palace and Mu Qing.

But the result was beyond everyone's expectations, Mu Elder was killed by Mu Qing with a single sword!

"hmph! Don't be arrogant, you will die today!" A silhouette lightly drank, and he rushed out.

At the same time, three more silhouettes also rushed out.

Their eyes were full of murderous intention. According to Hu Hai’s plan, they wanted to kill Mu Qing from Take the Thunder Star Core from its body.

This is also the reason why Hu Hai has allowed so many kings to come. The energy contained in the lightning star core is too terrifying, and it is definitely not something one or two kings can resist.

Hu Hai did not expect Mu Qing to have such power in such a short period of time. The reason why he sent so many kings is just to suppress the power of the lightning star core and bring it back.

In Hu Hai's heart, he actually thinks that Mu Qing is just a junior, without much strength.


one after another hot breath rushed out, these four silhouettes circled Mu Qing, and one after another sun appeared behind him, the fire of the billowing sun fell down, burning the void .

Mu Qing is surprised, the sun blood spirit is the inheritance blood spirit of the Wang Family!

In the first battle of the Federal Branch, many traitors who took refuge in the insect race escaped through the wormhole, but they did not expect that the Wang Family would appear again!

One after another sun rays of light rushed out, containing extremely high temperature, that strand of flame formed a light curtain, and Mu Qing would be burned out!

"courting death!"

Mu Qing yelled, a beam of black light rushed out of his body, soaring in an instant, turning into a 100-meter body.


The black fish opened its wings and roared. When its body moved, it lifted a vast ocean from in the sky.

With a bang, a huge wave rises and falls on the body of a king.

The Wang Family king's face was horrified. Before he had time to react, the wave flooded his solar blood spirit, and the hot temperature instantly dissipated.


The rays of light above the blood spirit of the sun dimmed, and the flames were extinguished. Then a water column penetrated through and smashed it into pieces.

Heiyu summon came out of the sky, it turned over in the water and set off a wave of terrifying.

The other three kings retreated quickly, afraid to be touched by the wave.

Heiyu opened his mouth, and he could see a huge black hole, swallowing the blood spirit annihilated king.

"What ominous beast is this?"

In the sky, the complexion of one after another silhouette has changed. Mu Qing's strength is far stronger than they thought. .


And they haven't reacted yet, the black fish's wings shook, driving its huge body, and appearing in front of the three kings in an instant.

One after another crystal clear and near-transparent the transparent crystal fell, hitting the three kings all around.

The three of them were taken aback for a moment, even though they would be wrapped in terrifying matchless energy

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