The monstrous holy light flames are set off to cover Mu Qing and their bodies, and the terrifying pressure makes Mu Qing unable to move.

Mu Qing gritted his teeth, secretly thought was bad, he never thought that Cody was always outside Formation, waiting for them to appear.

Aili was directly restricted by the dark ring in her hand, unable to move, and she was in a period of weakness because of the repercussions of the divine explosion, and she had no strength to resist.

Mu Qing coughed up blood, his body was in severe pain, now he can be injured just by the imposing manner escaping from Cody, not to mention all around and the terrifying holy light flame .

This formation is completely aimed at the Peak King. Mu Qing is not an opponent at all now, even if it is a black fish, it will not help.


Kody is indifferent and ruthless. For him, the humans on Earth are all enemies.

With a bang, a monstrous white fire enveloped Mu Qing, the terrifying temperature, even the existence of the Peak King was burned!


At this time, a crisp voice suddenly came out, which surprised Cody.

He moved towards looking down, and saw the sacred cross that was originally used to imprison Mu Qing and them, but now there is one after another crack.

Boom! boom! boom!

In the raging fire, there is a terrifying force, constantly strikes all around the thirty-three crosses, and every time there is a dull rumbling sound.


There was a loud noise, all the sacred crosses were completely shattered, and then a huge force was vented, a tornado was set off, and moved towards all directions.

"What's that?!"

Kody's face was horrified, he moved towards the white fire sea formed by the flames, and saw that there was a black spot in it. The shadow, the body is huge, can reach the height of kilometers.

His eyes flickered holy light, and a rune appeared. Upon closer inspection, his pupils suddenly shrank, and a thousand-meter-sized giant appeared in the white firelight, his face was solemn and his eyes glowed like electricity.

I saw that giant opened his mouth and sucked vigorously. Suddenly, the wind and thunder roared all around, and a huge suction force swept all around.

The holy light flame, which is enough to threaten the King of Peak, at this time turned into a river of flames and was involved in a huge population.

Kodi stood on top of Fire Dragon's head, his face was stagnant, and he was already staring.

In just one minute, the last white flame disappeared among the huge population.


The kilometer giant hiccuped as if he was full, and then grinned, his voice sounded like nine days of thunder, rumbling constantly.

"This pair of skin bags, finally, the cultivation came out, and I am a real Titan!" The thousand-meter giant laughed heartily, hammering his chest with his fist, like a fairy Drum-like, loud noise.

"It really is the spirit strength of the curse of the god!" Cursing Siyu lying on Mu Qing's head, trying his best to raise his head, looked towards the body that towers into the clouds.

She told Mu Qing that she clearly felt the spirit strength of cursing the gods on the ancient body.

After the curse god fell, his spirit strength was obviously left on his own skeleton, and then a new consciousness was born, which is the curse ancient in front of him.

Zhu Gu only has a little memory of Titan Race, but he contains the spirit strength of the curse god in his body. After a period of time, he finally condense the fleshy body into a real one. Titan.


The Fire Dragon under Cody's feet roared. When it opened, it vomited terrifying dragon's breath, and the scarlet's fire burned the sky.

It can be seen that the pupils of Fire Dragon also showed a white cross, which was obviously controlled by Cody by some means.

Kodi's face is solemn, he feels the power of the thousand-meter giant in front of him.

He holds the Bible and utters profound and long sacred words in his mouth. The sacred words converge in midair to form a holy light giant sword the size of several hundred meters, moved towards the ancient cave. go with.

"Curse the ancient, take the sword!"

Mu Qing coughed for a while, waved a gust of wind, and sent the stone sword behind him to the front of the ancient.

The stone sword skyrocketed, and it was a kilometer in size in the blink of an eye, like a huge mountain.


The stone sword was inserted into the ground, and the entire Heaven and Earth shook violently for several times. The kilometer-sized stone sword was as huge as Shugu, like a mountain, Towering into the clouds.

Chu Gu laughed boldly, pulled up the stone sword, his face changed slightly, the stone sword was too heavy.

He took it seriously, exhausted his whole body strength, his muscles bulged high, and one after another terrifying energy rushed out from his body, flowing on the surface of his body.

A gust of wind whistled past, cursing the ancient to draw out the stone sword, moved towards Cody fiercely!

The speed of this sword is extremely fast, there is no skill to speak of, but Shugu is infused with the power of the Titan, and that strand of energy is like a giant dragon roaring.

The stone sword was cut away, and an abyss-like gully was split on the ground, and the clouds in the sky were also cut off.

pu chi.

A blood light rushed into the sky, followed by wailing sounds.

One of the wings of that Fire Dragon was forcibly cut off by Curse Gu!

Fire Dragon fell to the ground, and the blood flowed out with the power of violent fire, forming a pool of blood like a big lake.

The ancient curse roared, he swung up the stone sword and cut out the second sword. The entire Heaven and Earth was shaken, and a raging sword glow penetrated the void.


The holy light giant sword from Cody’s condom was broken in an instant, turning into a starlight and dissipating.

"Winged Human Race, do you dare to fight against my Divine Race? Overestimate one's capabilities!"

The curse is full of anger, one after another violent vigor wrapped around him, waving The stone sword moved towards Cody again, this might of a single sword, all around, the wind and clouds changed color, and it reached the ultimate power!

Kodi's face is horrified, is this still the power of the king?

He took out the Bible, and the holy words appeared all over the sky to protect himself, but he was cut to pieces by cursing the ancients with a brutal sword.

"How is it possible? Why is there such a terrifying presence on Earth?" Cody was amazed.

In midair, the rays of light in the Bible are dimmed, on the verge of collapse.

Kodi had a retreat in his heart. He extended the hand wanted to take back the Bible, but at this time, a terrifying black shadow fell, it was the thousand-meter stone sword!

hong long!

An abyss-like gully was cut out again on the ground, and Cody was so scared that he turned around and ran.

"Huh! Where to escape!"

Chugu shouted, he raised the stone sword to pursue, but was stopped by the seriously injured Fire Dragon.

Fire Dragon has the words "holy light" popping up all over its body. It has no sense of its own, and is completely controlled by Cody, becoming a puppet-like existence.

"My Divine Race, even True Dragon dared to slaughter the existence, can your lesser dragon resist it?" Cursing the ancient anger, the thousand-meter stone sword in his hand was cut out.


The space burst into pieces, and the void storm gushed out like a vast ocean. Now he used his full strength, the power of the stone sword, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.


A large piece of blood light burst out. The Fire Dragon was cut into two pieces by a sword, and fell on the ground. The blood flowed out and turned into a lava lake. , The body turned into pitch-black coke.

Fire Dragon and Cody are both Peak Kings, but they are helpless in the face of Shugu.

Because the curse is a Titan Race giant, known as the ancient Divine Race. In the same level, it can naturally crush Cody who is just a medium race Winged Human Race!

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