"In fact, finding some medicine should help you offset some of the pain."

"How to remove divine ability?"

"Actually, Your divine ability seems to be much stronger than other Titans. There are a hundred Divine Seals that can be broken."

"How to remove the divine ability?"

"Actually, you It is very likely to become a special existence in Titan Race. After using the divine explosion, your strength will become terrifying!"

"How to remove the divine ability?"

Yu: "..."

Finally, she reluctantly said: "If you really want to remove the Divine Ability from your body, at least you have to achieve a god position."

Divine ability is something that gods can possess. Mu Qing's absorption of divine ability rune can be said to be a trick. This method is very common in various races in the universe.

Of course, Mu Qing is now anxious to get rid of the Divine Ability in his body. This repercussions is too serious.

Besides the period of weakness, I still have to experience the pain of chaotic chain reorganization several times. It feels like a trip to the Eighteen Levels of Hell.

He couldn't imagine how much pain would the repercussions bring to him if all the hundred Divine Seals were torn apart!

However, Mu Qing gave affirmation in his heart for the formidable power of the divine burst of divine ability.

According to his original strength, desperately he is equal to the old king.

When he faced a black insect, he broke five chaotic chains, and he could easily damage it.

Even, in the face of the great power of insect race, he broke ten chaotic chains, and he could resist a move. How terrifying is this?

The divine ability of the explosion of divine nature sealed Mu Qing’s body of Titan, making his usual battle strength drop a bit, but at the moment of true life and death, it became extremely useful, capable of erupting unimaginable power.

Mu Qing heard the words of Zhu Siyu, sighed, the level of God, which is not something he can guess now, it seems that he has to retain this divine ability forever.

"It's been several days since I entered this Formation, and Cody should have already left." Mu Qing moved towards Formation edged.

It's pitch black here, and Mu Qing doesn't know how big the Formation is.

He walked for about half an hour before finally touching the edge of Formation.


A giant shadow rushed out of Mu Qing's body. It was a huge black fish. It set off a huge wave in the sky. It has the power to call for big water. With wings, it can cover the sky and the sun.

As soon as the black fish appeared, it burst into a raging Power of Water, which turned into one after another rays of light, and rushed straight into the Formation.

Under the impact of Heiyu's special Water Attribute origin power, Formation was slowly corroded into a big hole, and the rays of light over there passed.

Mu Qing and the others hurriedly walked out and finally returned to that piece of Heaven and Earth.

They are still in the ruins, the nearby fire is gone, only a piece of scorched black and blue smoke is left.

There is a mess here, and there is obviously a terrifying battle.

"I don't know if Fire Dragon won or Kodi won." Mu Qing was curious.

However, his movements were very quick and he opened his mouth to breathe, and suddenly clouds and smoke were blowing, and a gust of wind blew by, taking him away from here.

It's not safe here. Whether Kodi won or Fire Dragon won, he is not an opponent at all in his current state.

Fortunately, Mu Qing’s dragon leaping technique is very peculiar. It was taught by Zhenjun Ning Feng from the Heavenly Master Cave, giving him the power to control the wind and clouds, even if the power of the Titans in his body disappears, the fleshy body Very weak, it can also consume spirit strength to stimulate, it is amazing.

Mu Qing soar into the clouds and mount the mists, like Divine Immortal, moved towards the distance galloping away, and at the same time there is a true dragon phantom on his body, which is condensed by strong winds, protecting Holding his body.

It is also fortunate that Mu Qing has a lot of means, and is now in a period of weakness, but there are also black fish and dragon leaping techniques that can be used, and he barely has some self-protection power.

"Where shall we go next?" The old mouse asked. He has already broken through to the king, and he is in a good mood.

Mu Qing thought for a while and said: "Go to Jiang Yuanjie and them, and my current identity is also the Second Palace Lord Direct Disciple of Tianyu Palace anyway. It's not easy to be separated for too long."

He is driving the wind and the clouds, and the speed is also very fast, and the third mouse and Ai Li are following closely behind him.

Aili is like a maid now, following Mu Qing, she has nothing to do, she has the curse of the green ghost on her body, she can only ask Mu Qing to lift it.

"Are you leaving so soon?"

Suddenly, a voice came from in the sky. Before Mu Qing could react, a huge scarlet shadow appeared. , Blocking their way.

It was a huge Fire Dragon with a fierce face and full of evil spirits. Opening his mouth was a blazing fire that could burn space.

This Fire Dragon is huge and its aura is very powerful, reaching the level of King Peak.

On top of the Fire Dragon's head, one silhouette stands, with a pair of white wings behind it, blooming with holy light.

That was a handsome man with a arrogant face, looking at Mu Qing and them condescendingly.


He didn't leave, and he tamed the Fire Dragon!

Mu Qing's pupils contracted for a while, and he was a little surprised.

From the previous battle between Cody and Fire Dragon, he could see that the two sides were evenly matched, and even Cody was slightly at a disadvantage.

He couldn't figure out what method Cody had used to tame the Fire Dragon as the King of Peak.

And judging from the expression of Fire Dragon, there does not seem to be any anger or resistance.

Kodi's face was cold, he glanced at Mu Qing, then fell on Ai Li again, a murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

"Slut, as my woman, she mingled with other men. I killed you today!"

Kodi suddenly yelled, and he raised his hand. Suddenly, the endless holy light gathered in the hand, and then burst out suddenly, and they rushed away from all directions moved towards Mu Qing.

The holy light in the sky derives a sacred cross with a holy light rune flashing on it.

A full 33 shots of the sacred cross condensed and surrounded Mu Qing and the others. Mu Qing hadn't reacted yet, and became a sinking body, coughing up blood.

These thirty-three crosses have formed something similar to Formation, capable of suppressing power. Mu Qing is now in a period of weakness, and his body has no power. When he is suppressed casually, he coughs up blood. .

Allie has a solemn face. She knows Cody's methods. She just wanted to make a move, but her expression suddenly changed.

I saw the dark ring in her hand, one after another gorgeous holy light gushing out, forming a sacred text that enveloped her.

Allie was unable to move even a little bit, completely imprisoned by the sacred text.

Mu Qing looked up and found that a bible appeared somewhere in Cody's hands, the whole body was golden, and every page was as thin as cicada wing.

Kodi's pupils showed a sacred cross. He was holding the Bible and uttered an incomprehensible sentence.


Suddenly, the holy light around Mu Qing and them skyrocketed, and white flames rose above the sacred cross, full of majesty and holy light, and turned into a white fire sea.

The holy light blooms behind Cody, making his wings appear more shining, and the bible in his hand has a number of mysterious words appearing.

"Here, after all, will be annihilated in the sacred flame."

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