The curse Gu Yijian killed the Fire Dragon. He just wanted to go, only to find that Cody had recalled the Bible and chanted an obscure scripture. Bright hand protruded from the void behind, grabbed it inside the Void, disappeared.

"The news that asked you to explore the treasure house, why did you come back so embarrassed?"

After passing through the void channel, Cody came to a deserted island, a while away. A loud voice came suddenly, making him body trembled.

In front of Cody, a majestic middle-aged man looked at him. This man was wrapped in one after another divine light, with four wings on his back, in every move. , It seems to contain the Heaven and Earth Rule, extremely terrifying!

This person is just behind the scenes who borrowed the power of Cody, a great power of Winged Human Race!

His face was a little angry, and the task he was given to Cody was that he had to find some clues to the treasure house, but now he returned directly to him, battered and exhausted.

Kodi knelt to the ground quickly, his voice trembling: "Uncle, it's not my fault! It's just that there were some accidents. A thousand-meter giant suddenly stepped in to deal with me, and I had already taken advantage of it. Uncle’s power, but still defeated!"

He was very nervous and hurriedly explained, because he knew the uncle’s temper in front of him. If he gets angry, he will definitely kill himself directly!

oh?'' Wing human race Supreme suddenly became curious, and said: "Let’s take a look specifically."

Cody told him what happened in West Lake Secret Realm. I also hate in my heart.

With the help of the power of Wing Human Race Supreme, his strength has reached the King of Peak. With the power of the Bible, no one in West Lake Secret Realm will be his opponent.

But he didn't expect that Mu Qing would come out halfway, with a thousand-meter giant beside him, his strength was terrifying to the extreme, and he was also the Peak King, but he and Fire Dragon were easily defeated by the opponent.

"The kilometer giant? Wait! Could it be them?" The winged human race Supreme's face suddenly changed. He seemed to have thought of something, his expression was exaggerated.

Cody didn't understand why his uncle had such a reaction. When he saw it for himself, he found that his god-like uncle had a trace of cold sweat on his forehead!

What is he afraid of? What are you afraid of?

Cody is curious.

Wing human race Supreme's face was gloomy, his eyes were full of doubts, and then suddenly seemed to think of something, his gaze suddenly turned to Cody.

He body flashed and appeared in front of Cody in an instant.

Kodi turned pale with fright, he had a bad feeling. He hadn't reacted yet, but he was shocked to find that he was imprisoned by an invisible force, and he couldn't move at all.

"Uncle, don't..." Cody was terrified, shiver coldly.

Wing human race Supreme took a look at Kodi, expression indifferent, and said: "There is no way, in order to ensure my guess, I can only do something to you."

He extend the hand palm, grabbed Cody, and then wisps of white breath penetrated into Cody's body.

Four white wings spread out behind the wing human race Supreme, the terrifying holy light is blazing like fire, and one after another weird rune appears in the eyes.

Kodi's expression was suddenly sluggish, and then there was a heart-piercing pain in his mouth. He roared, like Stranded Beast's Struggle, struggling frantically over there.

You can see that the cold sweat on his forehead is the size of a bean, and it keeps flowing down, making his entire face twisted.

Wing human race Supreme used a certain method on him, and Cody almost didn't want to live.


A ray of light bursts out of Cody’s top of the head and turns into a light curtain. The picture above is exactly the picture of Cody and Mu Qing and the others fighting!

This is a secret technique that can forcibly read the memories in the minds of others. Wing human race Supreme wanted to confirm his own guesses, so he performed this secret technique on Cody.

Wing human race Supreme's face is solemn, ignoring Cody's life and death, staring at the picture closely.

When he saw the stalwart body of Shuku Na thousand meters appear, his face finally changed suddenly one after another, full of panic.

After a long time, he let go of the hand that grabbed Cody, and his face was distraught.

"Uncle...Uncle, what is the origin of the giant?"

Cody endured the pain, cautiously asked.

Wing human race Supreme's convergent look, heave a long sigh, and said: "Our goal this time, I am afraid it is a bit difficult, we need to ask for help from above!"

No Cody solution.

Wing human race Supreme looked towards him, and asked: "Do you know who belongs to the treasure house we have been looking for?"

Kody was taken aback and said: "I heard from patriarch that the treasure house has a huge backing and belongs to one of the oldest and terrifying races in the universe. As long as we obtain the treasure house, we can definitely raise the race to High Rank!"

"Yes Ah! I originally thought that only my race got the news of the treasure house, but after I came to Earth, I found that some humans here were also aware of it. Now it’s not expecting, and the Lord has appeared!" Wing human race Supreme wry smile.

Cody’s pupils shrank for a while: "You mean..."

"Yes, the treasure trove belongs to the ancient Divine Race of the universe, Titan Race. And that kilometer giant is Titan. Race giant!" Wing human race Supreme drink low.

His eyes are solemn. From Cody’s memory, he can be sure that the kilometer giant is the Titan Race giant!

The appearance of Titan Race touched his nerves. If the goal of Titan Race is also that treasure house, their Winged Human Race will have no chance.

A look of horror appeared in the eyes of Wing Human Race Supreme. He had seen Titan Race’s divine might on a planet when he was young. That scene of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, evolved into Titan. On the back, half a planet was squeezed with one hand.

Titan Race is known as the ancient Divine Race. Every Titan is born, almost accompanied by God's Force, and with no difficulty can cultivation to this realm.

"What you saw should be a young Titan, but its strength is not trivial. If a divine force bursts out, maybe I am not an opponent!" Wing human race Supreme's face is extremely solemn.

He knows the power of Titan Race, God's Force in Titan's body burst out, even if it is the Peak King level, it is enough to threaten his level!

Finally, he sighed and asked Cody to be as low-key as possible and quietly investigate the news of the treasure house.

Kodi was very aggrieved. He originally thought that he could avenge himself by asking his uncle, but he didn't expect the other party to be so jealous of the Titans.

However, the two of them did not know that there was no God's Force on the body of the cursed ancient Titan.

Chugu itself is a skeleton, because the spirit strength of the curse god derives a new consciousness, and it took a while to cultivate the body of the Titan in Mu Qing's stone sword.

The body of the Titan from this cultivation does not contain divinity. Although the formidable power is amazing, it does not threaten the existence of the mighty level.

Of course, Shugu possesses the spirit strength of the cursing god. This is a terrifying killing move. If it is displayed, it can also damage the power!

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