
Mu Qing's big hand fiercely squeezed, all the demonic energy was crushed, and then he flipped his palm, starlight spread Full of Heaven and Earth, surging.

For the Star God body, Mu Qing has become more and more proficient in using it.


"What is the strength of this guy?"

"Why can he compete with Moro Supreme?!"

A demonic cultivator was shocked, they couldn't believe what they saw.

They all know Mu Qing. After all, the arrest warrant issued by the Three Realms clearly describes Mu Qing's identity.

The Mu Qing described above is just Supreme 2nd Layer!

But look at Mu Qing in front of you, casually crushed Moro Supreme’s attack, this is at least Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer!

"Not good! Run away!"

At this time, this group of demonic cultivators realized that Mu Qing had shot them, and the starlight fell, and might not be them. This group of semi-Supreme, Great Emperor Realm can resist.

"You are courting death!"

Molo Supreme started to help his men withstand these attacks, but in the blink of an eye a flashing starlight silhouette appeared in front of him , A punch came and knocked him back.

"Stop talking nonsense, I've seen you demonic cultivators upset!"

Mu Qing coldly snorted.

He slammed down with a punch, the power is terrifying to the extreme, below is a mountain range, but it collapsed directly, and the earth was shattering.

This time the space in the meta-crack is very solid, and it was blown away by Mu Qing with a punch, which shows how terrifying his power is now.

Even, something seemed to be hidden in the mountain range below, which suffered the aftermath of Mu Qing this fist, exploded, divine light swallowed, and the glow was everywhere, and a True Dragon rushed out.

Swallowing Devil’s Eyes swiftly swallowed them quickly, rushed forward, grabbed the True Dragon, and then opened his mouth wide and swallowed it directly!

This is a top Divine Stone vein!

In the dimensional cracks, chances are everywhere!

Even the top Divine Stone veins!

Mu Qing guessed that this time the meta-crack should be part of the space of a universe, or composed of space fragments, because this universe has suffered catastrophe and happened to be connected to the Demon Realm of the chaotic universe.

As for the group of demonic cultivators, they quickly deployed their demonic energy to defend and spur various divine abilities. However, five or six demonic cultivators were hit by the pouring starlight, and their bodies burst on the spot. Divine Soul Collapsed.

"Don't go too far, don't you be afraid that I, Demon Realm, and Supreme will all take action against you?!"

Molo Supreme yelled.

"hmph! You Demon Realm is not a good thing, you can kill as many as you can, and I think you Demon Realm group of Old Antique, I am afraid that you are still looking for Supreme places everywhere. ?"

Mu Qing said with a sneer.

This time, the inside of the meta-crack is very large, and the space is solid, so the energy after wave is not so easy to pass away.

With a few punches, he actually pushed back Moro Supreme of Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer.

The demonic cultivator all around was shocked again, Moro Supreme was knocked back?

"Your strength is too weak, right?"

Mu Qing frigid irony and scorching satire said.

In fact, he did feel that Moro Supreme's strength was weak. As Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer, he shouldn't be repelled directly by him.

This reminded him of the Mo Xu Supreme that he killed earlier. Although the two of them are realm of Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer and the other is Realm of Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer, why are they weaker than the ordinary ones of the same level? What?

Soon, Mu Qing had a guess, said with a sneer: "I'm afraid, you rely on the portal in the sea of ​​blood to improve your strength. It's just a show, so you're not my opponent?"

Mo Luo Supreme's complexion changed drastically, he didn't expect Mu Qing to even know this!

Soon, his face turned gloomy, shouted: "You really killed my Second Brother."

The main road appeared behind Moro Supreme and moved towards Mu Qing suddenly. Come.

Mu Qing is also punched out, starlight is brilliant, sweeping all around.

But soon he was attracted by the Supreme Avenue behind Moro Supreme.

"This is?!"

Mu Qing found that the Supreme Avenue of Moro Supreme was actually composed of smooth scarlet tentacles, with a very special creature on it, flowing With blood, making a harsh sound.

"Are you parasitized?!"

Mu Qing cried out in surprise, a few dodge to avoid the opponent's attack.

He finally understood the reason for Moro Supreme's weakness. It turned out that most of his power was swallowed by the weird creature on Supreme Avenue.

"Let me see, what kind of monster you are!"

Mu Qing loudly shouts, and then the Star God body rays of light are released, crushing the motorcycle with an absolute attitude Luo Supreme, and fiercely punched the tentacle monster on Supreme Avenue at the same time.

But this tentacle monster opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and swallowed all the starlight in one bite.

And made a sharp laugh, seeming to mock Mu Qing.

Before Mu Qing could react, a starlight flashed across his eyebrows, and the starry sky book reappears!

The second page of the Starry Sky Book opened, there was a door pattern there, and then a horrible pulling force enveloped the monster, and directly swallowed the tentacle monster in one breath.

Now, this tentacle monster kept screaming and wailing, and even controlled Moro Supreme, fell directly on his knees, and pleaded with Mu Qing.

"Please, let me go!"

Molo Supreme banged his head and knelt.

But Mu Qing knew that it was the monster that controlled Moro Supreme to do so. In fact, the consciousness of Moro Supreme's ontology was full of anger.

But Mu Qing can't control the Starry Sky Book now, until the Starry Sky Book completely swallows the monster before returning to Mu Qing's body.

What makes Mu Qing more regretful is that there is no feedback from the Stars Book this time, and the second page still cannot be opened except for the Star God body on the first page of the Stars Book.

Maybe there is another Supreme Divine Ability inside, but even if the Starry Sky Book swallowed Moro Supreme and Mor Xu Supreme, it could not be opened.

At the same time, Moro Supreme in front of Mu Qing was lying on the ground. His body was exhausted, his breath was extremely weak, and he returned to the realm of the Supreme Emperor.

His original Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer does not belong to him at all, but comes from that monster.

Mu Qing didn't even look at him, punched out, Moro Supreme died suddenly on the spot!


The demonic cultivator around fled frantically, but how could it escape from Mu Qing's hands?

After all, these demonic cultivators are only half Supreme and Great Emperor Realm.

With a palm, the starlight poured out, all were killed by Star River, Divine Soul collapsed and fell on the spot!

Mu Qing touched the chin, and then changed back to the Supreme.

The same is true of Devouring Demon, pretending to be King Daluo.

After discussing with the Chaos King for a while, with the help of Mu Qing, the Chaos King disguised himself as Moro Supreme.

Of course, this time they are disguising themselves. If the Demon Ancestor is there, it will be obvious.

However, if other people do not observe carefully, they will naturally not be able to see the disguise of Mu Qing.

"What the hell is going on?"

"What about Killing Supreme? How did you get caught?"

Mu Qing is finally Have a chance to ask.

The King of Chaos complexion sank, replied: "Previously, there was an obvious Supreme aura wandering in the star void world periphery zone, and then I went to check it, including the killing Supreme was also with me, but we were one Out of bounds, they were grabbed by two palms that covered the sky and the sun."

"It should be the Mozu and Youyan Supreme who took the shot, and the killing of Supreme, I am afraid it is on the side of Monster Realm."

Compared to him, the situation of killing Supreme is even more dangerous, and it may even have fallen!

Mu Qing took a deep breath, which was similar to what he had guessed.

The Demon Ancestor and Yaoyan Supreme, unable to target him, came to target the people around him.

And these two dignified Supreme Supreme Ten Heavens, they directly attacked the Chaos King and Killing Supreme, which he didn't expect.

"No matter what, think of a way to escape here."

Mu Qing took a deep breath, and then looked towards the huge portal.

At this moment, many demonic cultivators have gathered there.

It is precisely because of the appearance of that huge portal that it created a huge momentum and attracted most of the people in the dimensional crack, so Mu Qing did not have a demonic cultivator to come to check the situation.

"This time, the meta-crack seems to have a chance. We are going out now, we will definitely be noticed by the demon ancestor in our disguise. Why don't we go and fight together?"


The Devourer didn't say so on the side. It had swallowed a top Divine Stone vein before, and is now frantically refining.

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