"Go, let's go over and take a look."

Mu Qing moved towards the huge portal.


That is a huge portal, and at the same time, endless divine glow and glowing rays are sprayed out of it, which is condensed with rich and incomparable energy.

This portal is covered with mysterious and weird runes everywhere, with rays of light flashing over there, and it is unknown what is inside.

If you look closely, you can find that those runes are imprinted on the portal, as if they have formed something like Formation.

Such a huge portal suddenly appeared in the dimensional crack.

"It's too huge, what's in it?" The Devourer sighed.

"Maybe there is another piece of Secret Realm or Small World inside." Chaos King said.

And Mu Qing came nearby, glanced at the demonic cultivator around, and then glanced far away.

Before, because I was in a hurry to help the King of Primal Chaos, I didn't pay attention to Jin Sheng and the patriarch. Now I look for it again, but it is nowhere to be seen, and I don't know where to go.

Fortunately, Mu Qing didn't care about it anymore, and set his gaze on the huge portal.

Many demonic cultivators have rushed over, and they are all attracted by this huge portal. Each of them has an expression of excitement, thinking it is an opportunity.

"Mazu-sama is very good to us. Not only is there a Supreme place, but there is also such a chance waiting for us!"

There is a demonic cultivator said with a smile.

They flew to in midair and looked forward, wanting to see the divine glow and the glow that bloomed through the portal, to see exactly what was inside the portal, and they could vaguely see Some shadows, place of charm and beauty in this portal.

But I still can’t see exactly how it is.

But from the perspective of the rich energy escaping from this portal, there must be treasures inside. Even the Supreme powerhouse is the heart, even if you get a top Divine Stone mineral vein!

Even more how, there are many top Divine Stone veins in Demon Realm. Even if they cultivation next to the top Divine Stone vein, they are not as good as the cultivation next to this portal.

It shows that there must be a treasure inside this portal!

Once you enter it, you may get a huge opportunity, and Supreme may have a breakthrough!

Mu Qing and the others slowly approach the portal, you can feel some powerful aura nearby, one after another aura of horrible ghosts hanging in the air, next to them are the gathering of demonic cultivators, semi-Supreme demonic The cultivator does not know how much.

And that one after another scary ghost is the Old Antique of the Demon Ancestral Hall. Obviously, they are also attracted by this daoist sect and rushed here.

The portal, the whole body presents a white jade color, it looks like an Immortal Sect, with mysterious rune on it, like an ornament, branded on it.

"This portal alone is probably the Supreme Treasure. If anyone can take this portal away and take it directly to smash people, it is estimated to be more powerful than Supreme Item."

A Supreme demonic cultivator expressed his opinion. The people present are not weak anymore. Sinister vision can see the special features of this portal at a glance.

Everyone showed a greedy look. They wanted to rush in and get a chance.

After all, for this Supreme quota, most people came to accompany the runners, and the ones who are really qualified to infect the Old Antique of the Demon Ancestral Hall.

But now, encountering an unexpected opportunity, this portal appeared, giving everyone an idea.

They can't get the Supreme quota, so the benefits of this portal can always be shared, right?

However, everyone was greedy and jealous, but no one dared to act rashly, because the Old Antique from the Demon Ancestor Palace had not set off yet. If they rushed past without authorization, they would end up miserably. Incomparable.


"hong long long!"

At this time, there was a little movement inside the portal, and the blazing sun bloomed again Coming, accompanied by waves of thunder.

There was a sound on the portal side, the huge white jade door was shining with more dazzling rays of light, and wisps of silver white gas were flowing, making it even more mysterious and weird.

Immediately afterwards, with a bang, a dark cloud appeared above the huge portal, lightning and thunder, and a ka-cha thunder and lightning fell on the huge portal.

The white jade-colored portal tremor, the rays of light gradually fade away, revealing a space channel glowing with fluorescence.

It's on!

The huge portal that could not be approached was opened in a strange way at this moment, revealing a space channel, and you can enter it.

Those mysterious and weird runes also collapsed at this time, disappeared, and this huge portal seems to be officially opened!

What's in it?

What kind of secrets exist?

Everyone was curious, but no one rushed in directly.

Through the space channel, they can see the inside a little bit. Inside the portal, there seems to be a huge city.

Several silhouettes suddenly appeared in the city. They were huge, clothed in white cloth, and exuded one after another terrifying atmosphere.

The pupils of several Old Antique Temples suddenly shrank, and they were frightened.

This breath is even more terrifying than what they felt from the Demon Ancestor.

Is it the legendary Sovereign?

Does it really exist? The creature of Sovereign realm!

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath, no one dared to rush in, because the silhouettes in the portal were so terrifying that they suffocated them.


Several Great Emperor Realm's demonic cultivators failed to hold them, and fell to the ground with a thump, and fainted.

Mu Qing also looked at the silhouette inside the portal.

He knew that this thing came from another universe.

And Tianqing Universe is more powerful than their Chaos Universe. I don’t know how many years it has developed. This portal has not been broken after the cosmic catastrophe. Now it is revealed, and it also reveals the aura of Sovereign.

Is there any Sovereign alive in it?

Those demonic cultivators dare not go forward, Mu Qing is even more afraid, because he knows more than others, knowing that this is something from the Tianqing universe, and maybe there is something in it. Sovereign's powerhouse.

Even if Tianqing Cosmic Scripture has gone through a catastrophe, Sovereign cannot save it, but Mu Qing had seen the existence of creatures in the Tianqing universe before.

Since those guys can survive, doesn't it mean that Sovereign has a better chance of surviving?

When you enter this portal, once you encounter a Sovereign, you will be stared to death if it is a line of sight!

At the same time, they also saw that there were avenues behind the silhouettes of these suspected Sovereigns. The avenues seemed infinite, with no edge in sight.

"These silhouettes don't seem to move, are they dead?"

The Devourer whispered from the side.

In fact, the demonic cultivator around can also be seen. Although these silhouettes are scary, they seem to have not moved.

After waiting for a while, someone finally couldn't help it. A semi-Supreme demonic cultivator came to the portal first, and he stopped in the space channel.

He looked back at the Old Antiques for comments.

Several Old Antiques glanced at each other. Although the first entry may have a chance, it may also encounter a crisis.

They didn't dare to take the risk, and finally decided to let others explore the way first.

"Go ahead."

An Old Antique pretends to be calm.

The semi-Supreme demonic cultivator smiled and rushed directly into the space channel.

Everyone can see through the portal that the semi-Supreme demonic cultivator seemed to be obstructed and walked very slowly after entering it.

But they can also understand. After all, the few silhouettes that have emerged on the giant city, imposing manner too terrifying, it is normal to be affected.

And soon, the semi-Supreme came in front of the giant city, opened the city gate, and walked in!

"I didn't die!"

Everyone was relieved, sighed in relief, and when a few Old Antique saw this, smiles appeared on the old faces.

It doesn’t look dangerous at all!


After several Old Antiques found no danger, they moved faster than anyone else and rushed into the space channel in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, all around hundreds of demonic cultivators rushed into the portal after rushing to grab the first place.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Mu Qing and Chaos King looked at each other and rushed into the door.

After passing through the space channel, I came to another place, Heaven and Earth, and you can see that there are indeed a few silhouettes above the giant city, exuding a frightening atmosphere, but it does not seem to be a living thing.

The terrifying breath enveloped everyone, but it was barely acceptable. After all, the people present were not weak.

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