"Damn it!"

"If it weren't for the catastrophe, how could we not be able to help here!"

The patriarch old gnashing teeth , They want to help, but there is no cultivation base at all, they are going to die.

They want to stop, but they can't do anything.

And Mu Qing is indifferent, he doesn't care what happened to these guys, he just fights back, it was Jin Sheng who attacked him first.

"No! Help Jinsheng!"

At this time, the patriarch couldn't help it, shouted furiously and burst into the battle.

"Burning lives, anyway, after the catastrophe, our clan has broken the bloodline, and now we must save the Saint Physique, Jinsheng!"

"Besiege him!"


The two Elders drank low, galloped through the air, and jointly shot.

They were originally very powerful, but because of the disaster, there was no cultivation base.

Now, their remaining clansman burned their lives one after another to provide two Elders.

Suddenly, the auras of these two Elders skyrocketed, reaching a very alarming level, their auras soared all the way, and once again possessed Supreme strength.

But if it is up to the sky, it can only reach the level of Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer.

After all, they have too few clansman left. Even if they are willing to burn their lives to supply them, they cannot return to the former Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer and 8 Heavenly Layer realm.

“bang! ”

But even so, the three of them joined forces and burst into an astonishing power.

The two Elders have very rich combat experience. Together with the seriously injured Jin Sheng, they surround Mu Qing and fight each other.

However, Mu Qing the more fights the more brave is, he owns the Avenue of Stars, which can continuously replenish his energy, and the Star God body is fully displayed.


He punched an old patriarch into the air, and the starlight poured down. If it weren't for this Elder to take out a treasure, instead of him to resist Mu Qing I'm afraid this Elder will be hit hard on the spot!

And that treasure was naturally punched to pieces by Mu Qing and turned into scattered bits and pieces.

Jin Sheng found the opportunity. A strike was behind Mu Qing, but it was useless. The Star God body was strong. Mu Qing coughed up blood, but he was even more okay. He punched him with a backhand. The body shattered.

But Jin Sheng still left a golden skeleton, which came from his ancestors, surrounded by golden light, and saved his life very tenaciously.

As for the other two Elders, they were not so lucky. The galaxy exploded on Mu Qing's body, the starlight poured out, and then Dragon Boxing broke out, destroying the giant dragon through the body of an Elder, and forcibly wiped it out !

The Devourer couldn't help exclaiming from a distance, Mu Qing's strength is too abnormal!

One person against three Supremes, and even one of the Supremes was killed. Such a record may be a complete sensation in the outside world.

"It’s not an opponent at all, this guy doesn’t know what it’s coming from, maybe the son of Sovereign!"

"His physique is strong enough to easily kill us, and Our attacks were unable to cause effective damage to his physique."

The remaining Elder looked sad. It was the first time he had encountered such a powerful opponent.

Jin Sheng relied on the golden bone of his ancestors to recover his fleshy body, said solemnly: "He also has a recovery method that can quickly recover his physical injuries."

This is what he just noticed. Arrived.

Not only do they have a perverted physique, but they also have terrifying resilience. How do they fight?

Moreover, after fighting for a long time, I didn't see Mu Qing take a few breaths, indicating that the war of attrition was not enough.


At this time, Mu Qing suddenly sensed some familiar aura from a distance, Power of Primal Chaos!


Immediately afterwards, a battle broke out in the extreme distance. The breath passed over there. Someone fought and even had demonic energy monstrous, chasing and killing someone. people.

At the same time, a huge portal emerged, with the glow of sunlight showing, and the divine glow running through Heaven and Earth. This sudden change attracted the attention of everyone in the dimensional crack.


The huge portal trembles lightly, and the rays of light contain unimaginable rich energy, and the divine glow is dazzling, spreading all around.

Jin Sheng and the Elder's injuries are recovering at an astonishing speed at this moment. They are bathed in the sky, and their strength is recovering.

Mu Qing didn't care about them, complexion sank, immediately turned into a starlight and rushed away, the Devourer followed closely behind.

He sensed the breath of Power of Primal Chaos, which definitely came from the King of Primal Chaos!

The King of Chaos has been discovered!

Moreover, he was chased and killed!

Mu Qing's speed was very fast, and immediately rushed to the huge portal.

At this moment, the King of Chaos is riddled with scars, he himself is in a state of severe damage, and his opponent is a demonic cultivator whose appearance is very similar to that of Mo Xu Supreme, and his strength has reached Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer!

"Second Brother, help me catch him!"

That is Moro Supreme, and there are a group of demonic cultivators by her side. At this moment, Moro Supreme looks happy when she sees Mu Qing , Hurriedly spoke, let him help catch the Chaos King.

The King of Chaos was even more desperate. He was hardly hit by Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer's opponent at all. Now there is another Supreme, and I am afraid that he will die tragically on the spot.

However, Mu Qing took a punch and shattered the demonic path divine ability displayed by Moro Supreme.

Mu Qing shouted: "get lost!"

As soon as these words came out, all the demonic cultivators around were suddenly taken aback, even Moro Supreme was sluggish for a long time.

He didn’t realize that something was wrong, complexion sank, and immediately yelled: "Mo Xu, what the hell is happening!"

Other demonic cultivators are also shocked, this Mo Virtual Supreme What happened today? He was always respectful to his big brother, but today he verbally verbalized each other, and even took action to resist Moro Supreme's attack.

Could it be that the two brothers turned against each other, and Mo Xu Supreme also wanted to grab this Supreme place?

This group of demonic cultivator looked towards Mu Qing and found the Queen of Da Luo disguised as Devourer, and suddenly had some guesses.

is it possible that it is Moxu Supreme who wants to seize the Supreme spot and let the King Luo around him?

"No! You are not Second Brother, what did you do to me Second Brother?!"

At this time, Moro Supreme finally reacted, his face was cold, and his eyes The murderous intention was exposed, and the demonic energy on his body became more violent.

He suddenly realized that the Second Brother in front of him was in disguise, and it is impossible for Mo Xu Supreme to talk to him like this.

Moruo Supreme suddenly raised a terrible anger in his heart.

Be aware that his Third Brother has fallen while testing the black world, and because the opponent is the black world, even Moro Supreme has no way to retaliate. The demon ancestor issued orders himself. It is not allowed to directly attack the people who sheltered in the black world.

Molo Supreme has been holding back his anger for a long time. If there is an accident with his Second Brother, then he will probably be completely mad, desperate to kill his opponent.


Mu Qing sneered, he also knows that the disguise is useless now. After the disguise is cancelled, the real appearance is exposed, but it is to make Moro Supreme and Yi The demonic cultivator was shocked.

Even the King of Chaos was surprised. He didn't expect Mu Qing to come here specially, and his heart was moved suddenly.

At this time, Moro Supreme's eyes almost breathed fire, angrily roared: "Mu Qing! As people in the black world, you dare to break into my Demon Realm site?!"

He realized that his Second Brother was mostly in an accident. Although he didn't know that Mu Qing has several points of ability in front of him, it was definitely not as simple as it seemed. After all, Mu Qing just attacked him Resisted it.

"You are courting death!"

"If you dare to enter my Demon Realm, don't want to get out alive!"

Molo Supreme strode out , The demonic energy is gloomy, coming directly through the air, one after another demonic energy is vertical and horizontal, and the Resentful Soul is wailing and shoots at Mu Qing.

“bang! ”

Mu Qing also shot, his body bloomed into the Milky Way, golden arrogance soaring, one palm leaned out, covering the sky, starlight pouring, his palm It seemed to extend to infinity, grabbing all the demonic energy in one hand.

These demonic energy and Resentful Soul are surging in Mu Qing's palm.

The wisps of demonic energy belonging to Moluo Supreme are tumbling at Mu Qing's fingertips, wanting to break through Mu Qing's palm, but Mu Qing cultivation Star God's body is terrifying, and forcibly caught these demonics能源 .

"What kind of physique is this?!"

Those half Supreme and Great Emperor Realm demonic cultivator brought by Moro Supreme are all shocked. You must know that it is the power of Moro Supreme. But Mu Qing directly grabbed it and played with it.

How strong should Mu Qing be?

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